And when Tatsuyama fled towards the prison.

Inside the Intelligence Service at the moment.

Qin Feng was arranging the task of capturing him.

And next to him, Hong Jinjun was also standing there, cooperating in the arrest work, and the reason why he kept this guy by his side was to prevent him from sabotaging the plan.

“Group A, Search the Central Street area”

“Group B, go to Beicheng District to take a look.”

“Group C, search all the inns in the mountain city, remember, don’t miss any of them.”


Qin Feng constantly arranged tasks, and groups of personnel were dispatched.

At this time, Hong Jinjun spoke: “Chief Qin, look at other places, people have been arranged to search, but only near the prison, there is no one to search, do you want to send some people over?” ”

“Prison? Hehe, Jin Jun, you think too much. Could it be that you really think that that person in Chenshan will throw himself into the net? Besides, our Operations Section is already short of manpower, and it is not easy to search most of the mountain towns. ”

Qin Feng said, still deliberately making a look of embarrassment.

“This… How about I take someone over to take a look? ”

Hong Jinjun spoke.

And there is still some anxiety on his face, you know, capturing Chenshan is a great achievement, he doesn’t want to miss this credit, after all, the position of the head of the Zhonghong Section can be vacant.

Whoever can make meritorious contributions will naturally be promoted.

“Looks like you don’t believe me anymore? In that case, then you can personally arrange the search and arrest work! I got off work first. Saying that, Qin Feng immediately prepared to leave.

Anyway, pinch the time.

Chenshan must have mixed in at this moment.

In this way.

Even if it is handed over to the command of Hong Jinjun, it does not matter.

In the end, it is also his responsibility not to catch anyone. Therefore, Qin Feng just left directly. Seeing this situation, Hong Jinjun’s face showed a bit of helplessness.

After all, obviously what he said just now offended Qin Feng.

But it’s too late to apologize.

After coming out of the office.

Qin Feng was driving to leave the Intelligence Department, but at this moment, Zhang Li just came over and said, “Chief Qin, go by the way?” Let’s go together! ”

“Get in the car!”

Looking at Zhang Li, who took the initiative, Qin Feng felt a little puzzled.

In his impression.

This person had never taken the initiative so much, but although it was strange, he still planted her, and immediately started the car and headed towards the military club.

“When Hong Jinjun came back just now, I saw you, I went to Xiao Zhenguo’s office, and then when you came out, he fled, don’t tell me, there is nothing about you here.”

As the car was moving, Zhang Li suddenly spoke.

And hearing this, Qin Feng naturally understood why this Zhang Li came to find himself.

“That’s right, I let Xiao Zhenguo escape.”

“Why? Could it be said that Xiao Zhenguo is not a Japanese spy? ”

Zhang Li continued to ask.

“It used to be, but I won it. Now, he is my informant, and the reason why I let him escape is also to bury a line by Yui Araki’s side! That way, if necessary, I can take out Yui Araki. ”

“So it is!”

Hearing this, Zhang Li finally understood.

“What about the real Xiao Zhenguo?”


Qin Feng said lightly.

And hearing this, Zhang Li was no longer speaking.

Over the next few days.

The search and arrest work of the Operations Section has been continuing, but nothing has been found, and Hong Jinjun, who is in charge of the search, has been reprimanded several times by the Guan and Fei Divisions.

This guy is very wronged.

After all, I still thought about making meritorious contributions, but who would have thought that there would still be such an end.

And with a few days without harvest.

In the end, the customs and fees were also ordered to suspend the search, you know, the intelligence department still has a lot of daily work, naturally it can’t be spent on this all the time, and with the end of the search, Qin Feng’s real plan is finally about to begin.


The next morning.

At the entrance of the prison, the person in charge of the prison at this moment is waiting here.

On the latter’s face, there was still some trepidation, just now, Boss Dai personally called him, saying that he would come to the meeting later, no matter what the other party said, all according to what he said.

And about this matter, it still cannot be leaked.

Since receiving this call, the warden has been trembling.

After all, that’s Boss Dai!

It is absolutely inconvenient, and it is naturally needless to say that the person who can use this person to call in person, and it is precisely because of this, so this warden is waiting here early.

About half an hour later.

Finally, a car came from a distance.

Just after arriving at the prison gate, it was time to stop.

Then the door opens.

A young man came out of it, who would it be if it wasn’t Qin Feng? As soon as the latter came out, he looked at the warden and said, “How is it?” Warden, Boss Dai should have called you, right? ”

“That’s right, that’s right, it’s all arranged. I am at your disposal. ”

When the warden heard this, he immediately said respectfully.

“Okay, if that’s the case, let’s go in and talk.”

Saying that, it is to signal him to enter.

And this prison director naturally did not dare to slack, immediately led the way in front, in fact, Boss Dai personally called, making him panic!

Under the direction of the warden.

Soon, Qin Feng came to the interrogation room inside the prison.

Then Fang Cai spoke: “By the way, Warden, you should have a prisoner named Chenshan here, right?” Locked up the other day. ”

“Tatsuyama? It seems that there is one! He beat our prison guards, that’s why he was put in, how? Is this your relative? I immediately arranged for someone to release him. After a little thought, the warden remembered.

After all, this kind of guy beats people at the prison gates.

It’s really rare, so it’s hard to remember it clearly.

“No, you bring him here, I have something I want to ask him.”

Saying that, Qin Feng stopped the warden.

When the latter heard this, he immediately nodded, and then ordered people to go down and arrange it.

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