AI algorithm: I figured out the immortal cultivation technique

Chapter 82 College students who want to try their luck

"Why is it stuck?"

"I'll quit and take another look."

After exiting the live broadcast page, Lou Panpan subconsciously looked at the background and shouted in surprise: "Jiajia, is there a data problem on this Douyin platform? I think we only had 10.52 million fans yesterday."

She remembered clearly that before the broadcast yesterday, she recorded the day's income and the number of fans in her notebook.

It's impossible to increase your followers by tens of millions overnight.

Then, there is only one possibility, and that is that there is a problem with the Douyin platform.

"Yes what's the matter?"

Going over to take a look, Xie Jiaren, who remembered yesterday's data, couldn't help but widen her eyes.

I saw that the number of fans started with the word "2". Counting the numbers after that, it was 20.68 million, which was 10 million more than yesterday.

"It should be related to the martial arts training live broadcast conference of the Martial Arts Administration today."

Next to her, Xiao Lishi opened Douyin on her phone and swiped through the video of Jie Jiaren's previous martial arts performance: "Now, you and several other martial arts disturbing videos have been pushed to the hot search. The number one one is The video of you two practicing swordsmanship at the beach. It’s estimated that hundreds of thousands of people flocked to it as soon as you opened the live broadcast room.”

"What should we do?"

Thinking that there was no way to live broadcast because there were too many people, Xie Jiaren was a little happy and depressed.

"I'll make a call."

After dialing a number, Xiao Lishi said a few words, and then said to the conscientious female anchor: "It's ready. Douyin will open a special channel for you, so it won't get stuck due to the influx of netizens. ”

As for the traffic on the top of the mountain, there is a signal tower halfway up the mountain. No one is using a mobile phone for miles around, so the signal is excellent.


Knowing Xiao Lishi's identity very well, Xie Jia and Lou Panpan made preparations and restarted the live broadcast.

Almost within 10 seconds, the number of people in the live broadcast room exceeded 100,000, and 300,000 in 30 seconds.

The carnival is filled with endless views, not to mention the small gifts from ordinary netizens.

While Jie Jia had a brief chat with the netizens and thanked the big brothers on the list for the carnival, the number of people in the live broadcast room had exceeded one million, which is definitely the peak traffic of today's big Internet celebrities.

‘Da Guagua, are you really good at martial arts? ’

‘Guagua, come and show me. ’

‘Guagua, can you tell me where you learned martial arts? ’

‘*The teacher passed by and said that Guagua was all embroidered with fists and legs. ’

‘Guagua, I want to be your apprentice. ’

‘The people upstairs are driving traffic, and the people doing special effects are as good as Guagua’s live broadcast competition. ’

‘Master Guagua, I am your disciple who has been lost for many years. ’

‘Guagua, can I ask for your apprenticeship number? ’

‘Guagua, how much does it cost to become your disciple? ’

"Today, my best friend Panpan and I just got two divine swords and let's show them to everyone."

Ignoring the strange questions from the netizens, Jie Jiaren held the ‘Qingxin Sword’ and made a sword gesture.

Lou Panpan on the other side also walked out of the field after setting up the live broadcast equipment.

In order to achieve the live broadcast effect, the two performed some difficult moves from the beginning.

"Dang, Dang, Dang."

After a few simple collisions, Xie Jia and Lou Panpan jumped into the air and jumped four to five meters.

‘666666. ’

‘What idiot is talking about special effects? Even Wia doesn’t have them. ’

‘I looked at the ground and the bamboo forest behind, and there were obviously no signs of beauty and slimming down, and there were definitely no special effects turned on. ’

‘**Teachers’ fans, does your face hurt? ’

‘The General Administration of Martial Arts has just announced the martial arts training outline, and Guagua can already fly. It’s unfair. ’

‘I want to find Guagua as my disciple, no one can stop me. ’

‘Where is Guagua’s live broadcast? Can some kind brother show it to me? ’

‘The platform has blocked Guagua’s geographical location, but Guagua’s previous live broadcast location was in Qindao. ’

‘She is no longer in Qindao. In the last two videos, Guagua’s location was in Hangzhou. ’

‘Brothers in Hangcheng, heaven-shaking wealth is waiting for you. ’

‘I have compared it on the satellite map to see where the bamboo forest matches. ’

After Xie Jia and Lou Panpan performed martial arts for nearly ten minutes, the number of people in the live broadcast room exceeded 5 million.

There is no doubt that the Douyin platform, which was confirmed and approved by certain people, immediately diverted traffic.

Just kidding, in the coming period, topics related to martial arts will definitely be the most popular.

The training outline related to martial arts has just been announced above. Douyin has real martial arts masters live broadcasting. It is like pie falling from the sky. If you can't catch it, the person in charge will be fired.

At the same time, the General Administration of Martial Arts announced several sects with martial arts heritage, and they also ushered in an unprecedented peak of traffic.

At this time, it was still during the summer vacation for tens of millions of students. Young people were already fascinated by things like martial arts, and they went to famous schools to try their luck.

If we wait until the General Administration of Martial Arts starts to recruit people, we don’t know when the recruitment standards will be stricter.

Including those mountains that seem to be inhabited by experts, netizens nearby will go and take a look.

In short, all opportunities cannot be missed.

"Shishi, how about you teach netizens a set of basic boxing techniques?"

Jie Jiaren, who had communicated well in advance, looked at the enthusiasm of netizens and said to her friends in a pretentious manner.

In order to treat everyone equally, she directly banned everyone from speaking, but the number of people displayed in the background kept rising without any decrease.

As for the gifts, that carnival has not stopped since it started, and I don’t know how much money I can make today.

She didn't know that although the troll netizens were blocked from commenting, some of them found new ways to comment.

That is, you can watch the live broadcast of ‘I am also a family member’, comment on the latest updates on the Weibo account of ‘Beautiful Lady’, and have conversations with each other.


Xiao Lishi, who had received instructions from the leader, came to the live broadcast room wearing a blue training uniform.

The boxing technique she practiced was the 'Simplified Zhao Family Boxing' newly announced by the General Administration of Martial Arts. The moves are simple and easy to learn.

‘Wow, this beauty is so beautiful. ’

‘Disregarding the big conscience, this beauty is slightly better. ’

‘Yes, yes, this beauty has a good conscience. ’

‘Brothers, I have already started practicing boxing with that poetic beauty. ’

‘Together together. ’

‘The online live broadcast explains the Zhaojia Quan of the General Administration of Martial Arts and makes a lot of money. ’

"Jiajia, Shishi, Ronger, guess how much money we made from our live broadcast today?"

After the live broadcast ended, Lou Panpan checked the background data and asked everyone in surprise.

"How much? Is it more than 2 million?"

Knowing that the popularity of today's live broadcast was exaggerated and netizens never stopped giving gifts, Xie Jiaren gave a reasonable figure.

Before this, their most profitable live broadcast only earned more than 200,000 yuan.

"Take a bold guess."


"It's smaller, the layout is smaller. You see, we received 12 million yuan in rewards for this live broadcast. According to the 82% share with Douyin, the pre-tax income is already 9.6 million yuan."

After showing the background data on the live broadcast phone, Lou Panpan said with surprise on his face.

"We just broadcast live for an hour and a half, and we already have an income of 9.6 million? After tax is deducted, it's enough to buy a small flat in Hangzhou."

Covering her mouth, Xie Jiaren said with surprise on her face.

This live broadcast is worth the income of an ordinary person for most of his lifetime.

"Hahaha, if we come here a few more times, we can buy a villa in downtown Hangzhou."

"Hmm, Shishi, how about we add some dishes to lunch today? Some blue lobster and big crab?"


"Old Xu, are you sure there are experts on this tea mountain?"

At noon on the 25th, several college students on summer vacation came to the foot of Feihe Mountain.

"Of course, when I passed by here last month, there was no fog at all on this mountain. But I heard from nearby villagers that the fog on this mountain has been lingering for a long time since a few days ago. There must be expert people living there."

Lao Xu, a nearby resident, said with certainty.

These classmates, after watching the live video broadcast by the General Administration of Martial Arts, discussed in the WeChat group that they would take advantage of the end of summer vacation to try their luck at famous schools.

While chatting, Lao Xu remembered Feihe Mountain a few kilometers away. That originally ordinary mountain was said to have been bought by a wealthy man to build a villa.

In the hot weather in August, there is rarely fog in low-altitude mountains, but Feihe Mountain had a long-lasting thick fog some time ago, which is obviously a special situation.

As a result, several people not far from Hangzhou rushed over overnight, and Lao Xu, who lived nearby, led the team up the mountain.

"Look at this tea mountain. This mountain must have an owner, right?!"

One of the female classmates said worriedly.

It's always a bit bad to rush into other people's mountains rashly.

"It's okay, we're just here to become apprentices. If the other party doesn't welcome us, we'll just leave."

"We are all students of Jiang University, so we shouldn't just kick people out."

"That's right."

"Let's go."

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