Ai o Ataeru Kemono-tachi
CH 57
TL Notes: Hello, I am the new translator of this series. I noticed that this series hasn’t been updated for months so I decided to continue it. Since this is my first time translating jp novel, please forgive me if there are mistakes in my translation .
I had doubts about raising Licht and Hikaru.
What do these children eat as infants?
I thought the basics were breast milk for both wild animals and human children, but unfortunately, I’m a man.
…Unsurprisingly, it was breast milk.
And to think that my body could also produce breast milk…
It is also said to be highly nutritious, but if anything, it’s more like the mother’s body is giving the magic power through breast milk.
As soon as I found out that my breast had produced milk, Douglas-san and Gail-san asked me to taste it. Then they were on the bed together, sucking on my breasts.
The sight of their excited face while desperately sucking my breasts made me feel slightly dizzy, and I squirmed from the tickling and embarrassment.
Is this the so-called baby play… no, let’s forget about it.
I never thought it would be so embarrassing…
Meanwhile, I really loved seeing Licht and Hikaru trying their best to swallow the milk from my slightly swollen nipples.
Both of them have been sleeping almost all day long.
It seems that Hikaru basically grows at the same speed as humans like me.
He wore diapers, started eating baby food at five months old, started crawling at eight months old, and finally walked on his own at one year old. He would also be able to speak a few words by then.
Of course, there might be differences between individuals, but it’s not too different from the growth process that I know of.
On the other hand, as a lion tribe, Licht doesn’t wear diapers so he would need help with excretion for a while. He would switch to weaning food around the first month, and by the second month, he could eat food that an adult beast would eat.
Kyril-sama said he would be able to walk on all fours in about a month, so I should pay more attention when Licht plays around with Hikaru.
Surprisingly, children can understand simple words and conversations after they turn two months old. Although their speaking skills improved slowly, they would have developed a noticeable personality by the time they turned one year old.
From then on, the growth rate slows down and reaches a rate similar to that of humans around three years old.
Indeed, given the difference in the amount of effort required for infancy, it is easy to understand why the beastmen who forced the human tribe to give birth could not, or rather did not, raise the human children.
Also, beastmen children usually change from their beast form to human form around their first birthday.
At this point, most beastmen have learned how to use magic, and by creating a guild tag, they are able to identify their abilities and whether they are anima or animus.
Although I understand the human growth process, I don’t have any experience with it. I also have less specialized knowledge about child rearing than a public health nurse or midwife.
Moreover, the knowledge about beastmen children is an unknown area for me.
I’m sure Kyril-sama and Rickham-sama will help me there.
Yet, I had a feeling that I would be unable to do anything if I too relied on others, unlike that person who made me immediately think of Superman, who could do everything by himself.
Considering the future, I would like to raise my children properly on our own.
Fortunately, Douglas-san has taken good care of Theo-sama. ‘Leave the things about raising a lion tribe child to me!’ he said, fully motivated.
Gail-san’s eagerness could also be seen in his expression when he looks at the children.
I was worried that my work at the guild and spreading medical knowledge would be delayed due to the birth of my children, but the guild has a childcare facility and it was very helpful.
However, since the facility is aimed more at beast children who develop abnormally fast, I decided to show up frequently to pay attention at Hikaru.
My two spouses and the people around me recommended that I concentrate on raising my child first, but even though I am aware that I was being selfish, I didn’t want to stop doing things1His work at guild and the plan of spreading medical knowledge. that were finally taking shape.
Besides, there are still many things to do and I don’t want to waste any time.
Of course, I promised my spouses that my utmost priority would be our children, and I feel the same way.
After a month, Licht really started walking on his own.
It was wonderful, considering that Hikaru was sleeping peacefully in Gail-san’s arms.
Douglas-san who picked up Licht from his back, stretched his2Licht legs out in front of him, and moving it up and down looked very funny.
In particular, Licht likes to walk around and rub his face into Douglas-san, who was lying in his beast form, then snuggle into his chest and sleep while being groomed with Douglas-san’s big tongue. It makes me happy just to watch them.
Sometimes, I got involved with them as well.
At first, Licht was placed in the same small crib as Hikaru, but Licht who was able to walk, noticed Hikaru, licked him, and then curiously patted him with his front paws. Thus, we immediately decided to separate their cribs.
My life is very fulfilling, watching my children grow every day and being loved by my two spouses. However, an unexpected incident(?) happened.
A baby gift from Hector-sama has arrived.
Well, the word ‘arrived’ might not be accurate.
A baby gift has been erected.
We were called to receive a baby gift in a residential area near Gail-san’s parents’ house. There was a house that was twice the size we were currently living in… or perhaps even larger.
In addition to Hector-sama and Theo-sama, Gail-san’s parents were also waiting with their gift, and they asked us to please accept it.
Of course, my two spouses and I couldn’t hide our confusion.
Come to think of it, Mintz-san’s family was also there for some reason.
[Douglas] “I’ve never heard of giving a house as a baby gift. Is this also Dad’s idea?”
[Hector] “Well, I was the one who proposed it, but Virgil agreed with this, you know?”
[Gail] “Father, is it true?”
[Virgil] “Yes, that’s what I thought after hearing your intentions. Considering your and Douglas-sama’s personalities, you both would never agree right? That’s why I’m sorry, but I had to take tough measures.”
[Rickham] “Gail, don’t feel bad about this. Can you think of this as a loving gesture from us? It’s not that we don’t trust you or Douglas-sama’s power. However, not only does your family have Chika-dono with his special power, but there are also the ‘black-haired human’ Hikaru-kun and the ‘legendary black lion’ Licht-kun. I don’t think it’s bad to be careful.”
[Hector] “Also, Chika-chan is planning to give birth to Gail’s children as well, is it not? If Hikaru and Licht grow up and you’re going to raise another one, your current house will probably be too narrow no matter how we look at it.”
Indeed, what everyone said is correct.
Hector-sama and Johan-san won’t tell us the specific story, but there seems to be some suspicious activity since the children were born.
Moreover, there certainly aren’t enough rooms or space to raise a child in our current home.
Of course, I’m planning to have Gail-san’s child, but umm… I also would like to give birth to as many children as Douglas-san and Gail-san want.
“Gail-san, Douglas-san, I think it is okay to accept their kindness. What do you think?”
[Douglas] “I had thought for a moment if my father did it on his own and forced it on us, but I can understand how masters feel, so I think it’s fine as long as Chika is fine with it.”
[Gail] “Even without this offer from Hector-sama, father, and mother, I was thinking about the house. It’s true that if we were to raise not only Hikaru but also Licht, that house would be too small. So, let’s accept this with gratitude.”
It seemed like the two of them were thinking about a lot of things together.
“Then I will take your word for it. Thank you so much, Hector-sama, Virgil-sama, and Rickham-sama.”
Both my spouses also expressed their gratitude.
[Chika] “By the way, what happened to you, Mintz-san?”
Glanz-kun looked so cute when he rested on Glenn’s shoulder.
However, Mintz’s expression seemed a little complicated.
“No, actually, we too… We were given a house right next door by Hector-sama and Gail-san’s parents, and they said it was a baby gift and appreciation for taking care of Chika-san. However, I’m unsure if this is something I could accept.”
[Douglas] “Oh, just accept it. Buying a house or two like this is like a small purchase for my father.”
[Gail] “I think my father and mother are truly grateful to you, Mintz. I hope you will accept that feeling without hesitation.”
In response to their words, Mintz-san’s family started discussing something.
Meanwhile, Glanz-kun stared at our direction from above Glenn’s shoulder with an innocent look on his face.
Just when you thought he was moving his nose and sniffing the surroundings, he made a big yawn with his small mouth.
I want to hug him right now, then turn him over and bury my face in his belly.
Reason and instinct inside me were engaged in a fierce battle.
“To be honest, I don’t think we have done anything worthy of receiving a house, but I would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude. Thank you very much for your generous consideration.”
Shortly after Mintz-san bowed gracefully, Paris-san and Glenn-san followed suit.
[Hector] “There’s nothing to worry about. It’s reassuring that you guys live close to Chika-chan. Feel free to use it without hesitation.”
[Virgil] “Mintz, Glenn, and Paris have all worked hard under Gail. Think of this as our way of thanking you.”
After receiving the words from Hector-sama and Virgil-sama, they bowed deeply once again.
At the same time, Licht walked around and rubbed against each person’s feet.
[Hector] “Licht is really cute, my two sons were never this cute.”
[Virgil] “Hector, the words said by the same person who called the biggest bridge in Leonidas ‘Albert Bridge’ when Albert-sama was born and renamed the National Theater to ‘Douglas Theatre’ when Douglas-sama was born are not convincing at all.”
Oh, that was really not a joke.
That’s probably why Douglas-san’s reaction was so quick before.
It’s scary to imagine public facilities and natural objects to be named after our children.
Come to think of it, I was wondering what happened to Hikaru in Douglas-san’s arms. When I looked over, Theo-sama was holding him with trembling hands.
His expression was neither smiling nor angry, but rather, a serious look.
“Um, Theo-sama, are you okay?”
“Ah, yes, I’m okay. I should have known after Alex was born, but human babies are so weak… No, my word choices are bad… I think it should be ‘they are to be protected’.”
“I agree with you, I’m also amazed by the difference in the growth of Licht and Hikaru. In our world, it’s normal for children to be raised under the protection of their parents for a long time.”
“That’s right, when I look at Hikaru, I feel like I want to protect this child.”
When Theo-sama extended his finger to Hikaru, Hikaru weakly but firmly grasped it, and his gaze landed on Theo-sama’s face. Theo-sama then relaxed his facial muscles and smiled.
Oh my, the reactions of these two might be different than usual.
Although relationships between cousins that are somewhat related in blood might be accepted in my world, I should ask about how this world perceived it later.
However, if that’s the case, I feel like Theo-sama will have to suffer quite a bit since there are Douglas-san and Gail-san. Well, that’s just my own opinion.
But if that’s really the case, I want to be their3Theo and Hikaru ally.
Nevertheless, any further scrutiny would be unwise at this point.
[Chika] “Um, if you don’t mind, can you tell us more about the layout of the house?”
[Hector] “Oh, of course I can.”
[Mintz] “We would also like to take a look at the house we received, so please excuse us for a moment.”
Mintz-san and his husbands seemed to be accompanied by Gail-san’s parents, so they headed in a different direction.
I was guided around the house by Hector-sama and Theo-sama. The house wasn’t flashy, but it had a solid structure… I believe that it must have cost a lot of money.
Although it is a two-story house, each floor has very high ceilings. The first floor is equipped with a living area for the family, including a kitchen, a living room, and bathroom, just like the original house.
The bathroom is not a simple one with a bathtub like before, but it is built similar to a large bath, though it is not a large one. I was very happy that I would be able to enter together with Douglas-san and Gail-san.
[Hector] “I heard that Chika-chan likes baths, so I had it custom-made.”
I was a bit concerned about where he got the information from, but I’m very grateful.
After that, there are about six bedrooms on the second floor.
I want to have a room where Douglas-san, and Gail-san, and I can sleep together. I also want Licht and Hikaru to have their own rooms for when they grow up.
However, as if seeing through us thinking that this would not be enough if we had more children in the future, a tsukkomi came from Hector-sama.
“Don’t worry about the children’s room. Look, there is a separate space on the first floor connected by a hallway, you can use the whole space for the children’s room. It would be a good idea to move the grown-up child there. That way, you guys won’t have to worry about your ‘night activities’.”
Hector-sama grins and looks at me with a meaningful gaze.
I realized what that meant and felt my face suddenly turn red.
“Mind your own business. But I think it might be a good idea to separate the children’s rooms. Chika’s voice at that time was definitely…”
“Ah, sorry, my bad.”
Even though he said sorry, he didn’t look at all embarrassed, but rather had a smile on his face.
“By the way, Hector-sama, I understand that the separate area over there is the children’s room. Still, there is also a well-built building on the other side that seems to be connected to the first floor. What is that building for?”
As Gail-san asked, there was indeed a well-built building in front of us.
“Oh! I forgot to explain that! That’s the residence for me and Theo. I’m also considering having Johan and other guards live there.”
[Douglas] “Wait, Dad. Why is there a place for you to live in our new house?”
[Hector] “Is it because we will live here, too?”
“No, why has it become a two-family house without our permission?”
“Because I knew you wouldn’t give me permission even if I asked for it.”
“You understand this already… Demolish that building immediately.”
“You’re such a horrible person to say such terrible things… Do you know how many craftsmen worked hard with sweat dripping on their foreheads to make that!? To think you want to destroy it. Chika-chan, it looks like I made a mistake in raising my son…”
Hector-sama sat there, exaggeratedly moving so it was clear that he was acting.
“You know that’s not what I meant. I asked you, W.H.Y do you have to live there!”
“That’s because I want to be as close as possible to Chika-chan, Hikaru, and Licht! Also, it would be easier for the guards to protect us if they were live-in.”
“I agree about the security, and I really appreciate it, but Dad, I don’t think you need to live here, too…”
I understand Douglas-san’s feelings, but I also understand Hector-sama’s feelings.
Because of my job, I knew how much grandparents love their grandchildren.
I have often seen such scenes.
After all, I was unable to have an heir in my original world, and not only was I unable to show my grandchild to my mother, but I myself disappeared as well.
Is there anything more unfilial than this?
I don’t think something like this will make up for it, but I want to be as filial as my mother to Hector and Gail’s parents. This is how I feel.
“Douglas-san, I can’t help but understand that Hector-sama wants to be close to his grandchildren. Children learn not only from their parents but also from their grandparents. I’m sure there are many things that they could receive. What do you think, Gail-san?”
“I’m okay as long as I can live quietly and peacefully with Chika and the children. Hector-sama is a wonderful person whom I also respect, and I’m sure Hikaru and Licht will greatly benefit from being by his side.”
“You two are too kind… Dad, thank Chika and Gail, and please don’t get in our way.”
“I know. Chika-chan, Gail, and my son, too. I promise I won’t bother you.”
Hector-sama patted his chest and declared.
“Hector-sama, would you mind me asking one more thing? Um… until now, Gail-san and Douglas-san have given me so much love, and I want to do the same to them from now on. Therefore, I would like to prioritize the two of them and start a new life with our children. Will you allow me to do so?”
“Of course, Chika-chan, you don’t have to worry. You can lock the door from the main house and have perfect privacy! We can live our lives over there. However, if possible, I’d be happy if you let me eat Chika-chan’s cooking once in a while or let me play with my grandchildren.’”
“Please come over anytime. I think Licht and Hikaru would be happy to have Hector-sama and Theo-sama playing with them.”
When I took Hector-sama’s hand and smiled, Hector-sama whispered in my ear, “Thank you, Chika-chan.”
When I had taken a quick look at the house’s floor plan, Mintz-san and his companions had returned.
Mintz-san’s house seems to be built almost the same way as ours, but without the two-family house part where Hector-sama and others will live.
Mintz-san seemed to be confused by the extravagance that was more than he expected, and he also came to the conclusion that they should give something in return.
In the end, they decided to prepare the food and held a party that also served as the formal introduction of Glanz-kun, Licht, and Hikaru.
I had doubts about raising Licht and Hikaru.
What do these children eat as infants?
I thought the basics were breast milk for both wild animals and human children, but unfortunately, I’m a man.
…Unsurprisingly, it was breast milk.
And to think that my body could also produce breast milk…
It is also said to be highly nutritious, but if anything, it’s more like the mother’s body is giving the magic power through breast milk.
As soon as I found out that my breast had produced milk, Douglas-san and Gail-san asked me to taste it. Then they were on the bed together, sucking on my breasts.
The sight of their excited face while desperately sucking my breasts made me feel slightly dizzy, and I squirmed from the tickling and embarrassment.
Is this the so-called baby play… no, let’s forget about it.
I never thought it would be so embarrassing…
Meanwhile, I really loved seeing Licht and Hikaru trying their best to swallow the milk from my slightly swollen nipples.
Both of them have been sleeping almost all day long.
It seems that Hikaru basically grows at the same speed as humans like me.
He wore diapers, started eating baby food at five months old, started crawling at eight months old, and finally walked on his own at one year old. He would also be able to speak a few words by then.
Of course, there might be differences between individuals, but it’s not too different from the growth process that I know of.
On the other hand, as a lion tribe, Licht doesn’t wear diapers so he would need help with excretion for a while. He would switch to weaning food around the first month, and by the second month, he could eat food that an adult beast would eat.
Kyril-sama said he would be able to walk on all fours in about a month, so I should pay more attention when Licht plays around with Hikaru.
Surprisingly, children can understand simple words and conversations after they turn two months old. Although their speaking skills improved slowly, they would have developed a noticeable personality by the time they turned one year old.
From then on, the growth rate slows down and reaches a rate similar to that of humans around three years old.
Indeed, given the difference in the amount of effort required for infancy, it is easy to understand why the beastmen who forced the human tribe to give birth could not, or rather did not, raise the human children.
Also, beastmen children usually change from their beast form to human form around their first birthday.
At this point, most beastmen have learned how to use magic, and by creating a guild tag, they are able to identify their abilities and whether they are anima or animus.
Although I understand the human growth process, I don’t have any experience with it. I also have less specialized knowledge about child rearing than a public health nurse or midwife.
Moreover, the knowledge about beastmen children is an unknown area for me.
I’m sure Kyril-sama and Rickham-sama will help me there.
Yet, I had a feeling that I would be unable to do anything if I too relied on others, unlike that person who made me immediately think of Superman, who could do everything by himself.
Considering the future, I would like to raise my children properly on our own.
Fortunately, Douglas-san has taken good care of Theo-sama. ‘Leave the things about raising a lion tribe child to me!’ he said, fully motivated.
Gail-san’s eagerness could also be seen in his expression when he looks at the children.
I was worried that my work at the guild and spreading medical knowledge would be delayed due to the birth of my children, but the guild has a childcare facility and it was very helpful.
However, since the facility is aimed more at beast children who develop abnormally fast, I decided to show up frequently to pay attention at Hikaru.
My two spouses and the people around me recommended that I concentrate on raising my child first, but even though I am aware that I was being selfish, I didn’t want to stop doing things1His work at guild and the plan of spreading medical knowledge. that were finally taking shape.
Besides, there are still many things to do and I don’t want to waste any time.
Of course, I promised my spouses that my utmost priority would be our children, and I feel the same way.
After a month, Licht really started walking on his own.
It was wonderful, considering that Hikaru was sleeping peacefully in Gail-san’s arms.
Douglas-san who picked up Licht from his back, stretched his2Licht legs out in front of him, and moving it up and down looked very funny.
In particular, Licht likes to walk around and rub his face into Douglas-san, who was lying in his beast form, then snuggle into his chest and sleep while being groomed with Douglas-san’s big tongue. It makes me happy just to watch them.
Sometimes, I got involved with them as well.
At first, Licht was placed in the same small crib as Hikaru, but Licht who was able to walk, noticed Hikaru, licked him, and then curiously patted him with his front paws. Thus, we immediately decided to separate their cribs.
My life is very fulfilling, watching my children grow every day and being loved by my two spouses. However, an unexpected incident(?) happened.
A baby gift from Hector-sama has arrived.
Well, the word ‘arrived’ might not be accurate.
A baby gift has been erected.
We were called to receive a baby gift in a residential area near Gail-san’s parents’ house. There was a house that was twice the size we were currently living in… or perhaps even larger.
In addition to Hector-sama and Theo-sama, Gail-san’s parents were also waiting with their gift, and they asked us to please accept it.
Of course, my two spouses and I couldn’t hide our confusion.
Come to think of it, Mintz-san’s family was also there for some reason.
[Douglas] “I’ve never heard of giving a house as a baby gift. Is this also Dad’s idea?”
[Hector] “Well, I was the one who proposed it, but Virgil agreed with this, you know?”
[Gail] “Father, is it true?”
[Virgil] “Yes, that’s what I thought after hearing your intentions. Considering your and Douglas-sama’s personalities, you both would never agree right? That’s why I’m sorry, but I had to take tough measures.”
[Rickham] “Gail, don’t feel bad about this. Can you think of this as a loving gesture from us? It’s not that we don’t trust you or Douglas-sama’s power. However, not only does your family have Chika-dono with his special power, but there are also the ‘black-haired human’ Hikaru-kun and the ‘legendary black lion’ Licht-kun. I don’t think it’s bad to be careful.”
[Hector] “Also, Chika-chan is planning to give birth to Gail’s children as well, is it not? If Hikaru and Licht grow up and you’re going to raise another one, your current house will probably be too narrow no matter how we look at it.”
Indeed, what everyone said is correct.
Hector-sama and Johan-san won’t tell us the specific story, but there seems to be some suspicious activity since the children were born.
Moreover, there certainly aren’t enough rooms or space to raise a child in our current home.
Of course, I’m planning to have Gail-san’s child, but umm… I also would like to give birth to as many children as Douglas-san and Gail-san want.
“Gail-san, Douglas-san, I think it is okay to accept their kindness. What do you think?”
[Douglas] “I had thought for a moment if my father did it on his own and forced it on us, but I can understand how masters feel, so I think it’s fine as long as Chika is fine with it.”
[Gail] “Even without this offer from Hector-sama, father, and mother, I was thinking about the house. It’s true that if we were to raise not only Hikaru but also Licht, that house would be too small. So, let’s accept this with gratitude.”
It seemed like the two of them were thinking about a lot of things together.
“Then I will take your word for it. Thank you so much, Hector-sama, Virgil-sama, and Rickham-sama.”
Both my spouses also expressed their gratitude.
[Chika] “By the way, what happened to you, Mintz-san?”
Glanz-kun looked so cute when he rested on Glenn’s shoulder.
However, Mintz’s expression seemed a little complicated.
“No, actually, we too… We were given a house right next door by Hector-sama and Gail-san’s parents, and they said it was a baby gift and appreciation for taking care of Chika-san. However, I’m unsure if this is something I could accept.”
[Douglas] “Oh, just accept it. Buying a house or two like this is like a small purchase for my father.”
[Gail] “I think my father and mother are truly grateful to you, Mintz. I hope you will accept that feeling without hesitation.”
In response to their words, Mintz-san’s family started discussing something.
Meanwhile, Glanz-kun stared at our direction from above Glenn’s shoulder with an innocent look on his face.
Just when you thought he was moving his nose and sniffing the surroundings, he made a big yawn with his small mouth.
I want to hug him right now, then turn him over and bury my face in his belly.
Reason and instinct inside me were engaged in a fierce battle.
“To be honest, I don’t think we have done anything worthy of receiving a house, but I would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude. Thank you very much for your generous consideration.”
Shortly after Mintz-san bowed gracefully, Paris-san and Glenn-san followed suit.
[Hector] “There’s nothing to worry about. It’s reassuring that you guys live close to Chika-chan. Feel free to use it without hesitation.”
[Virgil] “Mintz, Glenn, and Paris have all worked hard under Gail. Think of this as our way of thanking you.”
After receiving the words from Hector-sama and Virgil-sama, they bowed deeply once again.
At the same time, Licht walked around and rubbed against each person’s feet.
[Hector] “Licht is really cute, my two sons were never this cute.”
[Virgil] “Hector, the words said by the same person who called the biggest bridge in Leonidas ‘Albert Bridge’ when Albert-sama was born and renamed the National Theater to ‘Douglas Theatre’ when Douglas-sama was born are not convincing at all.”
Oh, that was really not a joke.
That’s probably why Douglas-san’s reaction was so quick before.
It’s scary to imagine public facilities and natural objects to be named after our children.
Come to think of it, I was wondering what happened to Hikaru in Douglas-san’s arms. When I looked over, Theo-sama was holding him with trembling hands.
His expression was neither smiling nor angry, but rather, a serious look.
“Um, Theo-sama, are you okay?”
“Ah, yes, I’m okay. I should have known after Alex was born, but human babies are so weak… No, my word choices are bad… I think it should be ‘they are to be protected’.”
“I agree with you, I’m also amazed by the difference in the growth of Licht and Hikaru. In our world, it’s normal for children to be raised under the protection of their parents for a long time.”
“That’s right, when I look at Hikaru, I feel like I want to protect this child.”
When Theo-sama extended his finger to Hikaru, Hikaru weakly but firmly grasped it, and his gaze landed on Theo-sama’s face. Theo-sama then relaxed his facial muscles and smiled.
Oh my, the reactions of these two might be different than usual.
Although relationships between cousins that are somewhat related in blood might be accepted in my world, I should ask about how this world perceived it later.
However, if that’s the case, I feel like Theo-sama will have to suffer quite a bit since there are Douglas-san and Gail-san. Well, that’s just my own opinion.
But if that’s really the case, I want to be their3Theo and Hikaru ally.
Nevertheless, any further scrutiny would be unwise at this point.
[Chika] “Um, if you don’t mind, can you tell us more about the layout of the house?”
[Hector] “Oh, of course I can.”
[Mintz] “We would also like to take a look at the house we received, so please excuse us for a moment.”
Mintz-san and his husbands seemed to be accompanied by Gail-san’s parents, so they headed in a different direction.
I was guided around the house by Hector-sama and Theo-sama. The house wasn’t flashy, but it had a solid structure… I believe that it must have cost a lot of money.
Although it is a two-story house, each floor has very high ceilings. The first floor is equipped with a living area for the family, including a kitchen, a living room, and bathroom, just like the original house.
The bathroom is not a simple one with a bathtub like before, but it is built similar to a large bath, though it is not a large one. I was very happy that I would be able to enter together with Douglas-san and Gail-san.
[Hector] “I heard that Chika-chan likes baths, so I had it custom-made.”
I was a bit concerned about where he got the information from, but I’m very grateful.
After that, there are about six bedrooms on the second floor.
I want to have a room where Douglas-san, and Gail-san, and I can sleep together. I also want Licht and Hikaru to have their own rooms for when they grow up.
However, as if seeing through us thinking that this would not be enough if we had more children in the future, a tsukkomi came from Hector-sama.
“Don’t worry about the children’s room. Look, there is a separate space on the first floor connected by a hallway, you can use the whole space for the children’s room. It would be a good idea to move the grown-up child there. That way, you guys won’t have to worry about your ‘night activities’.”
Hector-sama grins and looks at me with a meaningful gaze.
I realized what that meant and felt my face suddenly turn red.
“Mind your own business. But I think it might be a good idea to separate the children’s rooms. Chika’s voice at that time was definitely…”
“Ah, sorry, my bad.”
Even though he said sorry, he didn’t look at all embarrassed, but rather had a smile on his face.
“By the way, Hector-sama, I understand that the separate area over there is the children’s room. Still, there is also a well-built building on the other side that seems to be connected to the first floor. What is that building for?”
As Gail-san asked, there was indeed a well-built building in front of us.
“Oh! I forgot to explain that! That’s the residence for me and Theo. I’m also considering having Johan and other guards live there.”
[Douglas] “Wait, Dad. Why is there a place for you to live in our new house?”
[Hector] “Is it because we will live here, too?”
“No, why has it become a two-family house without our permission?”
“Because I knew you wouldn’t give me permission even if I asked for it.”
“You understand this already… Demolish that building immediately.”
“You’re such a horrible person to say such terrible things… Do you know how many craftsmen worked hard with sweat dripping on their foreheads to make that!? To think you want to destroy it. Chika-chan, it looks like I made a mistake in raising my son…”
Hector-sama sat there, exaggeratedly moving so it was clear that he was acting.
“You know that’s not what I meant. I asked you, W.H.Y do you have to live there!”
“That’s because I want to be as close as possible to Chika-chan, Hikaru, and Licht! Also, it would be easier for the guards to protect us if they were live-in.”
“I agree about the security, and I really appreciate it, but Dad, I don’t think you need to live here, too…”
I understand Douglas-san’s feelings, but I also understand Hector-sama’s feelings.
Because of my job, I knew how much grandparents love their grandchildren.
I have often seen such scenes.
After all, I was unable to have an heir in my original world, and not only was I unable to show my grandchild to my mother, but I myself disappeared as well.
Is there anything more unfilial than this?
I don’t think something like this will make up for it, but I want to be as filial as my mother to Hector and Gail’s parents. This is how I feel.
“Douglas-san, I can’t help but understand that Hector-sama wants to be close to his grandchildren. Children learn not only from their parents but also from their grandparents. I’m sure there are many things that they could receive. What do you think, Gail-san?”
“I’m okay as long as I can live quietly and peacefully with Chika and the children. Hector-sama is a wonderful person whom I also respect, and I’m sure Hikaru and Licht will greatly benefit from being by his side.”
“You two are too kind… Dad, thank Chika and Gail, and please don’t get in our way.”
“I know. Chika-chan, Gail, and my son, too. I promise I won’t bother you.”
Hector-sama patted his chest and declared.
“Hector-sama, would you mind me asking one more thing? Um… until now, Gail-san and Douglas-san have given me so much love, and I want to do the same to them from now on. Therefore, I would like to prioritize the two of them and start a new life with our children. Will you allow me to do so?”
“Of course, Chika-chan, you don’t have to worry. You can lock the door from the main house and have perfect privacy! We can live our lives over there. However, if possible, I’d be happy if you let me eat Chika-chan’s cooking once in a while or let me play with my grandchildren.’”
“Please come over anytime. I think Licht and Hikaru would be happy to have Hector-sama and Theo-sama playing with them.”
When I took Hector-sama’s hand and smiled, Hector-sama whispered in my ear, “Thank you, Chika-chan.”
When I had taken a quick look at the house’s floor plan, Mintz-san and his companions had returned.
Mintz-san’s house seems to be built almost the same way as ours, but without the two-family house part where Hector-sama and others will live.
Mintz-san seemed to be confused by the extravagance that was more than he expected, and he also came to the conclusion that they should give something in return.
In the end, they decided to prepare the food and held a party that also served as the formal introduction of Glanz-kun, Licht, and Hikaru.
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