Air Force: Rise from Fake Ace Pilots

Chapter 105 The 1 round of simulated confrontation ended in a fiasco (1010 for subscription)

Chapter 105 The first round of simulated confrontation ended in a fiasco

Lift off, lift off.

The fighter roared and climbed to an altitude of 2,000 meters.

Jiang Chen immediately turned on the airborne radar system to search and scan for enemy planes.

This simulated air combat system assumes that the two airports are separated by 500 kilometers, and the intermediate airspace is the main battlefield of this air battle.

No matter what method you use, as long as you destroy the enemy plane, you win.

Moreover, this system is very real, not only the boundless sky, the ground still has mountains, rivers, oceans, cities...

If you are brave, you can fly at ultra-low altitude and avoid the search of enemy aircraft radar, thus blowing up the enemy aircraft airport.

In this way, the airfield of the enemy aircraft is destroyed, and the air battle is automatically determined to have failed.

Your old nest has been taken over, what else do you want?

This is what Jiang Chen came up with.

The fighters circled at an altitude of 2,000 meters and cruised at a speed of 800km/h. Like a beast that loves home, he has been guarding the door of the house.

"283" He hovered carelessly over his airport, his idea was very simple, he deliberately exposed himself to attract enemy planes to attack.

After about a few minutes, Jiang Chen still did not find any trace of the enemy plane on the airborne radar.

"Never mind, he should be on his way."

Jiang Chen murmured, suddenly raising the flight height.

When the plane reaches an altitude of 10,000 meters, it immediately enters the supersonic cruise mode, so that the enemy plane cannot be tracked and locked.

However, the j-10c fighter is not a fourth-generation aircraft (there are two generational standards for fighters, here we uniformly adopt the Western standard), and cannot carry out supersonic cruise for a long time.

Therefore, after the fighter plane flew in the air for more than a minute, Jiang Chen entered the subsonic cruise mode again, climbed to the altitude, and waited for the altitude of the fighter plane to be close to 15,000 kilometers.

Jiang Chen suddenly pressed the lever, and the aircraft maneuvered in a beautiful bell-like manner, instantly reducing the flight altitude.

"Wow! 55

In the hall, there was a burst of exclamations.

This bell maneuver is so cool.

The so-called bell maneuver means that when the fighter plane climbs to a certain height, the vertical speed of the fighter plane is zero at the top of the vertical climb, and then the fighter plane takes the fighter jet's tail nozzle as the rotation axis under the control of the pilot. The nose turns quickly, and the nose turns like the hands of a clock.

It's not just a show, it's a way to get out of the enemy's tracks.

The flying altitude of the fighter plane fluctuates high and low, which will affect the accurate judgment of the enemy plane on the position of the fighter plane.

But it is undeniable that, seeing a fighter playing such a tricky job on the big screen, no matter who it is, they can't help but say: awesome.

At this time, Jiang Chen's fighter plane lowered its flight altitude to 500 meters.

This is a very dangerous height.

If it's not good, it's easy to hit the mountain.

in the hall.

Wang Yiming frowned and asked, "What is Jiang Chen doing, he is flying at supersonic speed, and he is playing tricks. What is he doing now by reducing the flying height to below 500 meters?"

Lan Dong was also confused and said: "How do I know? This kid is full of bad water, I guess he is holding back. Why is Teacher Wang still flying slowly to the air combat area? Where do you think the two of them will break out? Air combat?"

"I don't know." Wang Yiming shook his head.

The big screen is divided into two, allowing the audience to watch the situation of the two fighters at the same time.

On the side, Yi Shuiqing also looked worried and said, "Jiang Chen should have wanted to fly at an ultra-low altitude to avoid the tracking of Mr. Wang's airborne radar, and then go to take away Mr. Wang's airport, but Mr. Wang is not so easy to be fooled. Man, if he despised Teacher Wang so much, he would suffer.

Lan Dong and Wang Yiming looked at each other and asked, "Jiang Chen's plan is very good."

"What's good?" Yi Shuiqing said in disbelief, "Mr. Wang seems to be approaching the air combat area, but haven't you noticed that his flying altitude is getting lower and lower? In one or two minutes at most, the distance between the two will shrink. Within 100 kilometers, with the performance of the j-10c fighter airborne radar, it can completely lock the enemy aircraft. At that time, Mr. Wang is condescending, and a medium-range air-to-air missile can solve the battle.


"So this time, Jiang Chen underestimated the enemy. How could he think that Teacher Wang is so easy to deal with? He actually thought of going to Duanren's airport?"

The faces of Lan Dong and Wang Yiming gradually became ugly.

They seem to be fooled.


Is it fun to play this trick before you even start playing?

Lan Dong said angrily: "What's the matter, Laozi almost lost his body, and what he got was false information, that senior is too ruthless.

Yi Shuiqing asked curiously, "What information?"

Wang Yiming's face was gloomy: "This time, we killed Chengzi."


getting closer.

According to the navigation system, the distance from the enemy airport is only 150km. This distance is nothing to the j-10c fighter.


He let out a long breath, not expecting Wang Kai to be so easy to deal with.


Thanks to Lan Dong, Pharaoh's Achilles heel was known.

So, his loss this time is worth it.

A smile gradually appeared on his face.

Jiang Chen seems to have seen the scene where he passed the enemy aircraft airport at a low altitude, and the cannon smashed the entire airport into a sieve..0

But right now.

"Beep, beep, beep..." A harsh siren sounded from the cockpit.

It was the fighter radar alerter that warned.

This shows that he has been locked by the enemy's fire control radar.


what happened?

Jiang Chen screamed, where did the enemy plane come from?

Quickly glanced at the airborne radar screen, he was stunned to find that the enemy plane had unknowingly occupied the commanding heights, and at this moment, it was diving towards him at an extremely fast speed.

"Fuck! You've been fooled." Jiang Chen scolded, immediately raised the stick and added force, trying to avoid the enemy's fire control radar.

But it was too late.

"Beep beep beep..." The alarm sound in the cockpit was particularly harsh, which was the alarm sound from the missile approaching warning device.

The other party has locked on him and launched a medium-range air-to-air missile.

Jiang Chen no longer hesitated, and immediately performed the "defensive barrel roll" maneuver. At the same time, he released all the jamming bombs in an attempt to detonate the approaching missiles.

In the hall, when Jiang Chen made another 'bucket roll' maneuver, many people couldn't help but applaud.

So handsome.

These maneuvers are really cool.

Only Yi Shuiqing was worried.

Especially when she saw Jiang Chen release the jamming bomb, she knew that the first round of confrontation drills was over.

After all, being locked by air-to-air missiles, trying to get rid of the missiles is as difficult as going to the sky.

as predicted.

Jiang Chen made several "defensive barrel roll" maneuvers in a row, releasing all the jamming bombs, but still did not get rid of the air-to-air missile attack.

Active air-to-air missiles are too fast, reaching speeds above Mach 4. The J-10c fighter is equipped with a 4.7 medium-range air-to-air missile, which is the Thunderbolt-12/13 type, and the speed also exceeds Mach 4.

Therefore, it is not too easy to catch up with Jiang Chen.

A few seconds later, when Jiang Chen was about to make his next defensive maneuver, the incoming medium-range air-to-air missile had already caught up with him.


Only a loud explosion was heard.

The fighter jet, which had been maneuvering a second ago, instantly turned into a big fireball.

When he heard the sound from the cockpit: 'You have been destroyed, you have been destroyed', Jiang Chen's face was full of annoyance.

Because this means that his first round of simulated confrontation ended in a fiasco.

ps: Today's first chapter, yesterday's 10 updates are guaranteed to be completed, and 5 updates are guaranteed every day in the future, and the updates will be added from time to time. Today is also guaranteed to be 5 updates, but the day before yesterday, the 15 changes were worse by 10 changes, and there are 5 changes today. Thank you very much for the big reward of VIP 10,000 points from 'Starry Sky Ripple Universe', thank you for your great support.

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