Air Force: Rise from Fake Ace Pilots

Chapter 123 Master, are you peeing? (35 for subscription)

Chapter 123 Master, are you peeing?

Unbuckle the safety buckle and stand up from the ejection seat.

Although my head is a little dizzy, I can barely walk.

Although this time is short, it is more thrilling and exciting than last year's 3u8633.

However, Jiang Chen is no longer a new kid.

This time to deal with the danger, he gave himself 90 points. The reason why it is not a full score, he has to leave 10 points for the future.

After moving his muscles and bones to make sure that no part was injured, he dragged his weak body towards the lake.

He has no way to contact the station now.

The JJ-7 is an old-fashioned JJ aircraft. The pilots are not equipped with communication equipment independent of the fighter aircraft. Once they are separated from the aircraft, they will lose contact.

So, what he has to do now is two things.

The first thing is to find someone.

The second is to find a plane.

I don't know where Zhang Yang ejected from the warehouse and floated to.

Walking along the lakeshore for about 500 meters, Jiang Chen saw a person hanging from a tree not far away.

Hurry up and take a look.


Really flamboyant.

I saw Zhang Yang hanging on a willow tree, neither up nor down, his flight suit was scratched, very embarrassed.

Jiang Chen walked under the tree, looked at Zhang Yang nervously, and shouted, "Master, are you all right?' Nian

"Fuck, yes, is that your kid? Hurry up to 297, help get me down." Zhang Yang's voice was a little weak.

Jiang Chen was in a hurry, so he hurried up the tree and helped untie the safety buckle.

The liberated Zhang Yang then climbed down the tree.

With his feet on the solid ground, he let out a long sigh of turbid air: " scared Laozi to death, boy, you, your master has driven more than 200 hours of planes, barely I'm an old bird, but today is the first time. When I was in the cabin, I thought the two of us were going to explain." He rambled.

He sat softly on the ground as if he was exhausted.

"Are you all right? Are you not hurt?" Jiang Chen asked.

Zhang Yang moved his muscles and bones.

Except for a few small cuts on the face by the branches, there is nothing serious about it.

He waved his hand and said, "I can't die."

"Okay, just rest here. I'll go to the plane. Damn, after you jumped out of the cabin, I found out that the plane's direction was wrong. I quickly corrected the direction and made the plane fly in the direction of this lake. However, I When I jumped into the cabin, I vaguely saw someone on the edge of the lake, I pulled the lever temporarily and raised the nose of the plane, and I didn't know whether to avoid those people or not." Jiang Chen said.

Most likely avoided.

However, everything is a matter of accident.

Hearing Jiang Chen (caeh) say so, Zhang Yang was also a little nervous.

Although this time, there was no problem with their disposal.

In the case of a sudden danger and a failed forced landing, it is already a great achievement to successfully avoid the residential area.

As for the plane flying into the no-man’s land, it still caused the loss of life and property of the people, and the army will compensate it, but Jiang Chen and the others have done nothing wrong.

However, if it does cause casualties to the common people, even if the troops do not punish them, their conscience will not be able to live.

If there is a choice, I would rather sacrifice myself than hurt the masses.

Pilots are not afraid of death, but they cannot become pilots if they are afraid of death.

Soldiers have a natural sense of responsibility and do not need to be deliberately educated. This is the dedication spirit that has been continued in the history of this army. If you integrate into it, you will do it.

"Help me up, I'll go with you." Zhang Yang said.

Jiang Chen looked at him suspiciously and asked, "How do you move?"

"You're gone, why can't I go? Hurry up, don't talk nonsense. 35

"Oh." Jiang Chen heard the words, stretched out his hand, grabbed Zhang Yang's arm, and helped him up.

Sniffed with the nose.


Why is there a smell of urine?

"Master, did you pee?" Jiang Chen wondered.

Zhang Yang blushed.

The experience just now was really too thrilling and exciting. After hesitating for a second or two, the little life had to be finished, and it was normal to urinate.

He asked angrily, "Don't you have any urine?"

Jiang Chen shook his head and said, "No.


This is embarrassing.

The apprentice was not scared to urinate, but the master urinated.

If this is spread out, how can they still be in the 334 regiment in the future?

Mahler Gobi, this time, I lost my face and lost a lot of money.

However, this kid is really awesome. He suffered such a big accident, not only was it successfully dealt with, but he is still alive and kicking.

This mental quality is rude.

He doesn't look like a rookie, he's clearly a veteran pilot.

Moreover, one second before the ejection, because there was someone on the ground in the direction of the fall, an operating lever was pulled.

It is estimated that it was also a lot of effort to suckle, and the hydraulic system at that time must be close to failure.

Based on this alone, Zhang Yang felt that his master was going to give in.

Put himself in the situation, he would never be so perfect.

"Really no urine?" Zhang Yang was still a little unwilling.

"Would you like to hear it?" Jiang Chen joked.

Zhang Yang said with a dark face, "Go away."

The two walked around the lake.

Zhang Yang suddenly said: "Apprentice, how does the master treat you? 99


"What do you mean by 'okay'? Laozi taught you all the money, and almost didn't give it to your heart. It's not so good to your sister-in-law."

"Well, you've been really nice to me.""

"The master asks you one thing.

"You say.

"How about this thing rot in the stomach?"

"Which thing?"

"You kid did it on purpose."

"I heard that you have a j-8 fighter model with a crystal interior carving ornament?"" Jiang Chen said suddenly.

Zhang Yang's face changed, "You kid took advantage of the fire? 39

Jiang Chen shrugged, "It's not that you don't know that I have a big mouth.

Zhang Yang gritted his teeth, "Okay, I'll give you this, you bullshit your teacher and destroy your ancestors. 39

"Hey, don't worry, I'm a person who speaks well, and I will never tell you about your peeing."

"Go away, I don't have your apprentice. 35

The two bickered as they walked along the shore of the lake.

After walking a few hundred meters, they saw several people standing on the bank.

Jiang Chen pointed to them and said, "It's those people."

On the left side of the lake, there are trolleys and a few people on the large grass, and they seem to be stretching their necks to look into the lake.

The two immediately quickened their pace.

If nothing else, the plane should have fallen in this area.

Sure enough, when they walked over to take a look, the lake surface about 50 meters away from the shore was still bubbling a little bit.

Under the water, the outline of a fighter plane could be vaguely seen.

"Are you all right?" Jiang Chen asked quickly when he saw the crowd watching.

The crowd shook their heads.

Then, a young man pointed to the place where the plane fell into the water and asked, "You are driving this plane?

Jiang Chen nodded, with a hint of apology on his face, and said, "I scared you all just now.

Zhang Yang pointed to Jiang Chen who was standing beside him, exhaled heavily, and said to them, "The plane hit the bird out of control, you have to thank him, if he hadn't pulled the last one, the plane would have fallen to you. already."

"Haha." The young man who spoke just now suddenly sneered a few times, and then continued: "That's not your problem. The plane crashed and flew to a place where no one was there. It's better for you, a few big living people are here. Fly this way."


What does this guy mean?

Is it because I didn't kill you?

Jiang Chen's face turned cold in an instant.

ps: Today's 6th update, there is another update around 12 o'clock, so I only have 5 updates left.

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