Air Force: Rise from Fake Ace Pilots

Chapter 139 Shame on you? (415 for subscription)

Chapter 139 Shame on you, right?

An electronic reconnaissance plane painted with the White Elephant National Air Force was flying from south to north along the border at this time.

This large electronic reconnaissance aircraft is a high-end cargo, converted from a c-17 Hercules transport aircraft, equipped with the most advanced electronic reconnaissance equipment.

Although it is a universal brand.

The plane is imported from Laomei, and the electronic surveillance equipment is imported from Mao~xiong.

Even the assembly is done by Jewish state designers.

However, it does not affect the 'trench' of this electronic reconnaissance aircraft.

The fuselage plus equipment, at least one hundred million dollars.

Therefore, this time the White Elephant Kingdom sent such an electronic reconnaissance plane, it seems that it is eyeing the radar station in our country, and it is bound to find out the data of the radar station before giving up.

Inside the cabin of a c-17 Hercules transport aircraft.

A bearded officer frowned as he looked at the data link collected on the electronic screen.

In the White Elephant Country, whether it is civilian or military, there are strict racial system divisions.

Officers, especially senior officers, must be filled by members of the upper caste.

Although the bearded officer Major General Singh is not yet qualified, but he was born in the Kshatriya race, and since he entered the army, he has been on the rise.

At the age of 35, he became a major general in the Air Force.


Although it looks like 50 years old.

But they also belonged to the young warriors and hawks in the air force of Baixiangguo, who advocated taking a tough attitude towards Xiaguo.

This cross-border investigation was planned by him.

Because according to intelligence, Xia Guo built a large radar station in the disputed area.

If the construction of this large radar station is successful, then the eastern part of the White Elephant Kingdom will have no secrets.

Any fighter jets and missiles taking off will be detected by Xia Guo at the first time.

This made Singer a little bit stuck in his throat.

Therefore, it is necessary to obtain all the information of the large radar station.

But the electronic reconnaissance plane had been flying along the border for nearly an hour, and still found nothing.

Want to go a mile or two deeper?

He hesitated.

Over the years, they have not taken any advantage of fighting against the Xia Guo Air Force.

Especially in recent years, the 3rd, 3.5th, and even the 4th generation fighters of the Xia Guo Air Force have exploded like a blowout. In addition, the lightning system is more advanced, and the pilots have more superb driving skills. It is more difficult for them to fight against them.

The air force equipment of the White Elephant Country is naturally not bad, and it also has the support of the two major military camps of Blue Star.

Moreover, he is also willing to spend money, waving banknotes everywhere to buy and buy.

In the international military market, the image of the White Elephant Kingdom is that people are stupid and rich.

However, even if equipped with IWC fighter jets, their own pilots are really unsatisfactory.

There's a crash almost every month.

Even with the combat effectiveness of the Air Force alone, even Xia Guo's younger brother couldn't win.

If the Xiaguo radar station is successfully built this time, wouldn't Baixiangguo have no advantages at all?


Suddenly, a second lieutenant spoke up.

"What's wrong?"

Singer turned to look at the second lieutenant.

"An enemy plane is rapidly approaching us from east to west.""

"Fighter? How many?" Character quickly asked.

How did the Xia Guo Air Force come so quickly?

They haven't done anything for more than a year, they take off from Zhilin Airport, it will take at least an hour to arrive, right?

"Two, there are still 15 kilometers away from my plane.""

"Find out the model of the enemy plane immediately. 99 Singh did not dare to be careless.


But at this moment, the second lieutenant suddenly said again: "One fighter plane has already returned, but another fighter plane is coming fast towards my plane."5

A fighter jet returns?

Is the enemy plane malfunctioning?

Singh was overjoyed.

Really God help me too.

The enemy only has one enemy plane, so am I still afraid of an egg?

"Immediately notify the command post and request the two Mirage-2000 fighter jets on standby at the border patrol to be ready to support at any time, and we fly according to the established route."

Before coming, he had already made adequate preparations.

Two Mirage-2000 fighter jets have been on standby at our own borders, ready to support.

He heard that there were two enemy planes just now, and he was still a little scared.

But now I hear that an enemy plane has returned.

Are you afraid of a ball?

2 against 1, still can't beat it?

Even if the enemy plane is a j-10 series fighter.


If it is a j-10 series fighter, it seems to be a little difficult.

Hopefully it's not j-10, but a 'fin whale' (Baye).

"Yes." The second lieutenant immediately took the order.

But as soon as his voice fell, a fighter plane suddenly appeared and flew with his own electronic reconnaissance plane.

··0 Flowers·

At the same time, an unfamiliar voice came from the public channel, "This is the Air Force of the Xia Kingdom, you have invaded the airspace of the Xia Kingdom, immediately indicate your nationality, identity and purpose of flight, and immediately change the route, otherwise, all consequences will be determined by yourself. undertake."5

Jiang Chen repeated it twice in Mandarin and English.

Singh was taken aback.

The enemy planes are coming too fast.

I was still more than ten kilometers away from me just now, why did I arrive in such a short time?

He immediately leaned on the machine window and looked out.

I saw a silver-gray fighter jet flying with one's own fighter jet.

This fighter is agile in shape and looks very beautiful.

However, Singh was instantly relieved.


Because he knows that although this fighter is called a 'Beautiful Man', it is actually a 2.5-generation fighter from the Xia Kingdom, which is exactly 0.5 generations away from the Mirage-2000, and he has two Mirage-2000s. Can it be done? Overwhelm the enemy plane?

So he showed a happy expression, and said: "Xia Guo sent this time the fin whale (j-8) junk plane, hum, I really want to give him some color."

After speaking, he patted the pilot of the plane on the shoulder and said, "Gandhi, tell this boy that this is the disputed border, we have not crossed the border, and then continue to sail according to the route, this garbage plane, by our illusion- 2000 to deal with it." 5

C-17 Hercules pilot Gandhi immediately smiled and said: "ok, obey."

Then, Singh's words were passed on through the public channel intact.

at this time.

Jiang Chen has already reduced the speed of the fighter to 500km/h to maintain balance with the Hercules transport aircraft.

When he heard the White Elephant Man's arrogant response in the public channel, his heart suddenly became angry.


Shame on you, right?

Then, don't blame the young master for being ruthless.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen immediately slammed the accelerator lever, and the afterburner of the fighter was satisfied.

The handsome fighter then roared past the enemy and flew past the electronic reconnaissance plane.

The closest distance between the two planes was less than 20 meters.

ps: Today's 5th update, right? Anyway, my fingers are sore, and there are still more than 20,000 words away from 40,000 words. Come on.

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