Air Force: Rise from Fake Ace Pilots

Chapter 150 In this air confrontation, the white elephant is completely defeated! (1515 for subscrip

Chapter 150 In this air confrontation, the white elephant is completely defeated!!!

"Nice job..."

In the cabin of the Air Police-200 early warning aircraft, Lin Hu couldn't help but exclaimed loudly.

Jiang Chen used the c-17 Hercules transport plane as a bait to lure the enemy Mirage-2000 fighter into the ambush circle, then dived at high speed, and quickly locked on the enemy by taking advantage of his own speed.

If Jiang Chen wants to, just press the missile launch button and the Mirage-2000 fighter jet will turn into a big fireball.


This kid is still relatively stable.

Although he had given him priority to fire before, he still maintained restraint at the end and did not let the situation escalate.


Have a big picture.


Lin Hu suddenly remembered something.

How did his j-8 fighter jet suddenly become so nimble?

Is it?

Lin Hu suddenly had a bad feeling.

Seeing that his companion fled the No. 10 airspace "Three-One-Three" in despair, another Mirage-2000 fighter jet rushed towards Jiang Chen like a tiger.

At the same time, the fire control radar aimed in the air, trying to lock on Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen quickly added afterburner, a beautiful cobra maneuvered, and instantly climbed to the flying height to avoid the opponent's pursuit.

The pilot of the White Elephant Kingdom was instantly dumbfounded.


Am I blind or am I blind?

The fin whale, this broken plane, can also play the flower work of cobra maneuvering?

tmd, am I being insulted by a 2.5 gen plane?

The uncle can bear it, the aunt can't bear it.

The Mirage-2000 fighter pilot also immediately played a nondescript Cobra maneuver and chased Jiang Chen.

"There are still 3 kilometers, soon, soon."

Singh's forehead was covered in sweat.

The others couldn't care about anything else now, and they all stared at the radar, fearing that the lunatic would come to follow their bad luck again.

2 km...

The last two kilometers.

As long as you leave this disputed border, you are safe.

Xia Guo generally abides by the rules, and their fighter planes generally do not easily cross the border.

And the last 1 kilometer.

Singh couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, the last mile should be safe!

This distance, for an airplane, is as simple as a human step.

For fighter jets, the last kilometer is almost instantaneous, and, if you are not careful, it is easy to break into the airspace of other countries.

A distance of 1 km is really too short.

"He, he, he again, again..."

The co-pilot was terrified.

No, he's numb.

Suffering from the same attack one after another will make the individual become numb.


Sure enough, before he finished speaking, a sonic boom resembling a bomb exploded in the cabin again.


All the windshields of the c-17 Hercules transport plane finally couldn't support it, and all burst.

At the same time, black smoke billowed from the engine.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

On the dashboard, a piercing alarm sounded.

The c-17 Hercules transport plane hovered and fell in mid-air as if drunk.

"General, I can't hold it anymore, please give an order!

Gandhi yelled.

Singer, who was in a dazed state, reacted.


He roared in horror, holding onto the back of the bench and not letting go.

"General, please give the order to abandon the plane, otherwise, we will all die."

Gandhi pulled him up.

"Abandon, abandon.

Singh screamed and finally gave the order to abandon the plane.

Jiang Chen held the rudder in his right hand and pulled it hard to raise the nose of the aircraft, then spun and flew backwards.

Looking sideways at the c-17 Hercules transport plane below, circling and falling with black smoke, the corners of his mouth couldn't help hooking up.

After playing cat and mouse for so long, I finally played this big mouse with a dead ball.


However, he didn't take long.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

The cockpit radar alarm suddenly sounded a shrill siren.

He was locked by the opponent's fire control radar.

Jiang Chen no longer hesitated.

Immediately flip, release the jamming bomb, increase the afterburner, and quickly leave this airspace.

But the other party watched helplessly as the c-17 Hercules transport plane was crashed by Jiang Chen play, how could he spare him so easily?

This time, no matter how Jiang Chen got rid of, the other party still followed behind, and he was almost locked by the other party's fire control radar several times.


Jiang Chen pulled the plane to an altitude of 10,000 meters. Seeing that the other party was chasing after him, he couldn't help cursing, and hurriedly got into the sea of ​​clouds.

But the other party was chasing after him, and he followed.

"No, you can't be beaten passively."

he secretly said.

Moreover, the fuel volume of the plane is running out, the auxiliary fuel tank has long been thrown away, and after being chased by the other party for a while, he can only abandon the plane.

But what is the way now?

The bait has been crashed by him, and this time the bait will not be easily hooked.

At this time, another Mirage-2000 fighter slanted in.

It was the Mirage-2000 that was locked and humiliated by Jiang Chen's fire control radar just now, and it's back.

"Fuck your uncle, you have no shame."

Jiang Chen cursed, immediately pressed the lever, lowered the flying height, and avoided the opponent's front and rear attacks..0

"Dong Sanguai, report your current situation?"

The anxious voice of the forefinger sounded in the earphone.

"Two Mirage-2000 enemy planes attacked back and forth and needed support.

Jiang Chen answered truthfully, this is not the time to be brave.

Moreover, he just drove a 2.5-generation aircraft, completely defeated a third-generation aircraft, and also killed the electronic reconnaissance aircraft escorted by the opponent under the nose of the opponent. Now he has been entangled with these two third-generation aircraft for so long. Amazing achievement.

"Our four j-10 fighter jets have arrived in the airspace on the 10th, turned holes three times, got rid of the enemy's pursuit, and returned immediately.


Jiang Chen felt relieved when he heard that there were 4 j-10 fighter jets supporting him.

Taking the advantage of Baye's high speed to the extreme, he quickly got rid of the pursuit of the two Mirage-2000 fighter jets and returned to our airspace.

At this time, the formation of four j-10 fighter jets, like four sharp swords, rushed towards the enemy Mirage-2000 with great might.

The two Mirage-2000 fighter jets, who were about to attack Jiang Chen from front to back, immediately turned their noses around and fled with their tails between their tails.

They can't even handle a 2.5 generation fighter, how can they have the courage to fight against 4 j-10 fighters?

Seeing that the enemy plane disappeared from the airborne radar, Jiang Chen's heart that had been hanging all the time finally fell back into his chest.

"Huh..." He let out a long breath.

This scramble to deal with the air situation seems to be a long time, but in fact, only more than an hour has passed.

But this more than an hour, in his opinion, is longer than the past century in the virtual space.

First 4.7 target training, then expel the enemy aircraft, and then fight and chase with the enemy aircraft.

It was as if every minute and every second was dancing on the tip of a knife.

That kind of adrenaline rush is really addicting.

This is real combat, this is real combat!

Jiang Chen has already felt faintly that he seems to be addicted to this feeling.

Every time I think of my fighter jets rushing towards enemy planes, the feeling of adrenaline soaring is as refreshing as eating watermelon in dog days.

"Cool! 35

He gave a loud drink.

Today's deportation mission was completed beautifully.

If you let him rate himself, he will definitely give 99 points.

The reason why it is not 100 points is because he wants to leave 1 point for the future.

ps: This wave of plots has finally been written, and the overall feeling is okay, but there are still many flaws. I will gradually improve this point. This time, due to the rush of the manuscript, many things have not been written, and the ones that have been written are not written. There are some dissatisfaction. Alas, please correct it slowly, sorry.

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