Air Force: Rise from Fake Ace Pilots

Chapter 171 Boys are outside, be sure to protect themselves (15 for subscription)

Chapter 171 Boys are outside, they must protect themselves

Capital Time: April 20


The opening ceremony of the annual National Drone Competition has kicked off on the main campus of Modu University.

The entire sky above the Magic City University seems to have been surrounded by drone formations.

Countless drone formations took off one after another.

Sometimes it forms various colorful patterns, and sometimes performs various stunt performances, which is breathtaking and irresistible.

It's like the release of a sci-fi blockbuster with drones as the theme, which is shocking.

Xia Guo's drone business has reached a blowout stage.

Whether it is in the military field or in the civilian field, Xia Guo's drones occupy half of the international market.

Especially in the civilian field, 7 out of every 10 drones in the world were invented and manufactured by Xia Guo.

How good is the performance of this small civilian drone?

It is even purchased by the military of some countries as a military item.

Therefore, although this drone competition is a domestic competition, it still attracts the attention of the world.

More than a dozen well-known foreign universities even sent delegations to exchange and participate in the competition by inviting guests.

20 Therefore, the drone competition held by Xia Guo every year is also called by the industry insiders - the Drone World Cup!

dozens of kilometers away.

Jiang Chen stood on the tarmac, doing all the preparations before boarding.

Yesterday afternoon, he rehearsed with the UAV Academy for an afternoon, and finally the rehearsal was successful.

He piloted an ea-200 light aircraft as the leader, leading a formation of UAVs to perform flying stunts in the air.

Judging from the results of yesterday's rehearsal, it's really interesting.

At this time, he was lying on the belly of the plane, checking every part of the plane before boarding.

"What time does your opening ceremony start? Are you still checking the plane, is it too late?" At this time, a pleasant voice sounded.

Jiang Chen stuck his head out from under the belly of the machine.

Just saw a pair of big white legs.

The eyes then looked up.


It's a floral dress.

The gaze continued upward.

Immediately, his face turned red, he quickly retracted his head, and said quickly, "Coach Cai, I didn't peek at it on purpose, why do you wear a skirt to work today?

Only then did Coach Cai, who was standing beside the plane, react.

Immediately pressing the skirt and taking a few steps back, his face has turned red.

He quickly explained: "I'm not going to work today, so I came to say hello when I saw you at the airport to pick up something.

"Oh. 39

Seeing her take a few steps back, Jiang Chen stuck his head out again and explained, "The opening ceremony has already started, but my show is the finale, and it won't start until around 12 o'clock. There is still time, so I'll check first. Say it again on the plane.""

Coach Cai asked curiously, "Didn't the club's mechanics already check it?"

"Before our Air Force boarded a plane, we must check the planes we fly. This is responsible for ourselves and others."

"Are you really a fighter pilot?"

"How can there be a fake? 35

"But how old are you.

"It's almost 20, and it's not too small."

"It's almost 20? Coach Cai rolled his eyes and said with a full smile, "What is it about 20, age, or centimeters?"

Jiang Chen blurted out, "Of course it's age, what a mess....

Halfway through his words, he realized that he had been molested.


Are all women so aggressive these days?

Sure enough, when boys go out, they must take good care of themselves.

The old face flushed, and he got under the belly again.

Coach Cai didn't want to continue to tease, he pressed his skirt slightly with both hands, and squatted down and said, "If you need my help, just ask."

"Then hand me a wrench." Jiang Chen was also polite, and called him directly.

Coach Cai said, and handed in a wrench.

About ten minutes later, Jiang Chen climbed out from under the belly again.

This time, there was a badly damaged part in his hand, and his expression at this time became very ugly.


It's really special that someone moved his hands and feet on this plane!

Fortunately, Laozi carefully checked it again, otherwise, he would not know how he died.

Magic University.

At this point, the drone show is coming to an end.

A large number of drone performances completely shocked all the audience.

These drones are like obedient birds, at the mercy of people.

In the audience, many blond and blue-eyed foreigners also sincerely admired it.

Witnessing these drone performances with their own eyes today gave them a new level of understanding of Xia Guo's drone business.

"Wang, Xia Guo drone is this..." In the audience, a white girl with freckles sat side by side with Wang Peng, she gave a thumbs up and continued in unfluent Chinese: "But , in the field of aviation, compared with manned aircraft, it will always be this..." The girl raised her pinky again.

Although it was stumbling, Wang Peng still understood.

This white girl admits that Xia Guo's drones are awesome, but stubbornly believes that in the field of aviation, some planes will always be in front of drones.

Wang Peng nodded sincerely and said, "Ruth, I agree with your statement.

The white girl named Ruth suddenly smiled knowingly and continued to gesture towards him, saying: "You are a person who knows the current affairs and is much better than others."

Wang Peng showed a reserved face, "Hehe, I'm just telling the truth, Xia Guo is really not satisfactory in the aerospace field."

At this time, the roar of the plane's engine sounded from far to near.

There are a few dark spots on the horizon.

Ruth immediately became excited and pointed to the plane in the sky: "Look, Wang, that's our plane.

Wang Peng also immediately stood up and Ruth waved vigorously in the air.

These seven planes are the aerobatics team of the Rouye University Flying Delegation.

When the plane just flew over the square.


A loud bang suddenly sounded.

Opposite the auditorium, a red wall of smoke suddenly ignited.

The smoke wall is more than one thousand meters long and more than one hundred meters high, and the thick smoke rises with red flames.

But these 7 planes passed through the flames when the flames were the most intense, causing bursts of exclamations from the audience.

The shock brought by this kind of performance is like witnessing the air raid on Pearl Harbor by the devils in World War II.

Or watching a live-action version of an aerial combat blockbuster in a movie theater.

Hit the heart!

Eagle sauce is indeed a veteran aviation empire.

The aerobatic team has just appeared, and it has already won the first place.

Wang Peng blushed, his fists clenched tightly, and he raised his arms and shouted from time to time.

I don't know, I thought he was an international friend on the other side of the ocean.

After a while.

The aerobatic performance of the Ruyer University delegation is finally over.

The 7 planes left one after another and turned into 7 small black dots in the air, gradually disappearing from sight.

Wang Peng and Ruth sat down this time in a sullen mood.

"Hey, that's right." Ruth suddenly remembered something, and asked, "You Xia Guo, do you also have..." She pointed to the air, and continued: "Airplane stunt performance?

When Wang Peng heard her words, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and a trace of hatred gradually appeared on his face.


After a cold snort, he sneered: "Hehe, there is a performance, but I don't know if he is so lucky to be able to fly the plane to the opening ceremony.

"What do you mean?" Ruth was a little confused.

"Although the aerobatic performance is wonderful, it is extremely dangerous, right." Wang Peng explained patiently, and said, "Perhaps, that person's luck was particularly bad. He drove the plane halfway through the flight, or when the performance was halfway through, the plane If it suddenly falls out of the sky, it might even kill you.""

Ruth's Chinese is very general.

So she only heard about this sentence.

After a while, she finally realized something.

His mouth immediately turned into an 'O' shape, and he looked at Wang Peng in astonishment, as if he had seen a poisonous insect covered in poisonous thorns.

ps: Today's first chapter, the old rules, guarantees 5 chapters, as for the additional chapters, I don't know for the time being. I recommend it. If you want to continue to maintain good results, you can only continue to explode. Thank you very much for your support for this book, thank you.

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