Air Force: Rise from Fake Ace Pilots

Chapter 175 How big is the other party's background, far beyond your imagination (55 for subscr

Chapter 175 How big is the other party's background, far beyond your imagination

The opening ceremony scene.

All the talents have just come out of the shock just now.

"Dear viewers, I'm currently at the opening ceremony of the National Drone Competition.

Cntv reporter Wang Bing holds a microphone and stands in front of the camera.

As the lens continued to stretch, the audience in front of the TV once again cast their eyes on the blue sky.

At this time, there are still drones flying in the sky.

The camera was pulled back again, and Wang Bing continued to introduce: "I think everyone has just seen an unparalleled aerobatic performance through our camera, and there is a 'collision' between a plane and a drone. For the first time in the history of spaceflight..."

"This wonderful flying stunt performance not only shows the pilot's superb driving skills, but also fits perfectly with the theme of the competition. Moreover, does this performance herald the future development of unmanned aerial vehicles and manned aircraft?" Four-Three" mode? We'll see..."

Li Dazhi stood aside, watching the beautiful reporter with a baby face not far away broadcasting the news, and his heart was indescribably happy.

The aerobatic performance just now was really outstanding.

Whether it is Jiang Chen or his own students, their performance is impeccable.

Just like the beautiful reporter said, this performance is the first time in Blue Star, and it must be included in Blue Star's aerospace history.

And, is this the future of drones?

Although no one knows yet, it is very likely.


At this time, a white man with a full beard came over.

When Li Dazhi saw him, he immediately smiled and said, "Ivan, my friend, are you satisfied with the performance just now?"

Ivan is the leader of Mao Ziguo's delegation, and Li Dazhi is an old acquaintance.

I saw him give a thumbs up, and said in proficient Chinese: "I am convinced that I lost, I didn't expect you to have such a good idea.

"Good ideas are not enough. Without the pilot's superb driving skills, without my students' superb ability to control drones, and without the superior performance of our drones, today's performance will not go on anyway. .

Ivan nodded and said sincerely: "Your drones are already several positions ahead of us.

"You will always be our big brother." Li Dazhi smiled.

However, no matter how I listen to this sentence, I feel insincere.

"My team members and I want to meet him, is it convenient for introduction? 35 Ivan suddenly said.

"Who?" Li Dazhi was a little confused.

"That pilot, his flying skills are really good, even in Maozi country, it is hard to find such a bold and skilled pilot.

Li Dazhi reacted at this time and smiled bitterly: "You will see him, but not now."

"Well, why?" Ivan was puzzled.

"Because, he is a little troublesome right now!!!" Li Dazhi said with a smile.

Jiang Chen did have a little trouble.

At this time, he was already on his way to the magic capital.

Just now, he received a call from Dean Zhang Dongping.

Zhang Dongping asked him to take care of everything in the magic capital tonight, and he must appear at the door of his office before 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.

Also, it's better to take a shower.

Because starting from tomorrow, he will have no chance to take a bath for 5 days.

What does it mean?

The meaning is simple.


Jiang Chen

After returning to school

5 days of confinement.

An aviation student, who has nothing to say all day, actually flew a plane to pick up his little girlfriend from school?

Is the school ban really just a decoration?

In Zhang Dongping's words: If you don't kill Jiang Chen's spirit this time, I don't know what will happen to him in the future.


Close the confinement, close the confinement.

Jiang Chen had expected it.

As long as this incident gets into the ears of the school leaders, his confinement will not escape.

Just don't remember.

At this time, the military vehicle had already entered the urban area of ​​Magic City.

After a while, the car stopped in front of the police station.

Just as Jiang Chen got off the bus, a major officer greeted him.

"It's Jiang Chen, isn't it? Hello, I'm from the Legal Department of the Modu Military Division. My name is Liu Yiyang. I'll handle your case today.

Jiang Chen hurriedly saluted the other party and said, "Sir, please trouble you. Luo

Liu Yiyang hurriedly returned the salute, and then said: "Don't call me the chief, if you don't dislike it, call me Brother Liu. Let's go first, the comrades at the police station need to make a record for you, no problem?"

Jiang Chen nodded and said, "This is what I should do, and no matter what, I will do my best to cooperate."

"Okay." Liu Yiyang continued: "Then let's go first. 35

As he walked, he continued: "This case is relatively simple, the testimony of witnesses, relevant material evidence, and the confession of the suspect are all there, and now we need your transcript and the confession of another suspect, but you can rest assured that you will not Let the murderer go unpunished.

Jiang Chen hurriedly said, "Then I will trouble Brother Liu.

Liu Yiyang quickly waved his hand and said, "It's okay, this is what I should do.

The two were talking and had already entered the police station..0

At this time, two middle-aged police officers came up.

Jiang Chen followed the two policemen into the interrogation room.

When Jiang Chen entered, a policeman on the side came up and asked Liu Yiyang, "Director Liu, is this the young man?

Liu Yiyang nodded and said, "Yes, it's him."

"Tsk tsk, I can't see it. At such a young age, he is actually a pilot."

"Hehe, Bureau Wang, don't underestimate this young man. Do you know how many people have called our leaders today? In addition to the Air University, there are also the leaders of the Air Division, Dongkong and Xikong, requesting the investigation of this case. Deal with it strictly and quickly, anyway, the Air Force is very angry.""

The middle-aged policeman clicked his tongue.

He could never have imagined that this young man could have such a big background.

Weak Q&A: "You said Kongsi, yes?"

"The Air Division is the abbreviation of the Air Force Command. The East Air Force is the Air Force of the Eastern Theater Command, and the Western Air Force is the Air Force of the Western Theater Command. With the addition of an aviation university, it can be said that this case has alarmed most of the Xia State Air Force. I know Someone said hello to Wang Ju, but Wang Ju, some of the water is too muddy and difficult to flow.

Wang Ju was embarrassed, and said helplessly: "People are in the rivers and lakes, and they can't help themselves. Come on, as you said, some of the water is too muddy, let's not drain it, let's go and have a cup of tea in my office?

Liu Yiyang waved his hand and said, "No need, I'll just wait here, it won't take long to make a transcript. 35

"Then I'll leave you alone?"

"You are busy with yours. 99

After a few words of greeting, Wang Ju returned to his office with his hands behind his back.

Just after entering the door of the office, a few people stood up from the sofa at once, and 5.3 looked at Wang Ju with a hopeful expression.

Although the middle-aged man at the head has a big belly, his expression is full of businessman's shrewdness.

However, now shrewdness has been replaced by fear.

"Wang Ju, Qing, how is the situation?" the middle-aged man stammered and asked

Others also cast inquiring glances.

These people are the behind-the-scenes shareholders of the Soaring Aviation Club.

As for the middle-aged man at the head, he is not only the president of the Soaring Aviation Club, but also the person in charge of Wang's enterprise.

Wang Ju glanced at the other party, and then said with a cold snort: "Hmph, how is the situation? Don't you know what a horrible existence you have provoked? Don't have any illusions about this case. Now, how big the other party's background is, far beyond your imagination."

ps: Today's chapter 5, because I drove back to Zunyi from my hometown, I have only updated chapter 5 until now. Before 12 o'clock, there should be 2 more updates, and the plot of the magic capital is completely over.

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