Air Force: Rise from Fake Ace Pilots

Chapter 184: The 1 time in my life to open a 3 generation machine (45 for subscription)

Chapter 184: The first time in my life to open a third-generation machine

Under the envious and jealous eyes of everyone, Jiang Chen left the queue and ran towards the flight briefing room not far away.

"Ma Jiaxu, your second..." Ma Weiwen continued.

"Yes." Ma Jiaxu replied loudly with a look of joy on his face.

"The content of today's training is your familiarity with this aircraft. Although you have all flown the simulator of this aircraft, there is a big difference between the simulator and the real aircraft. Therefore, today is a single-plane training flight, however, due to We have a sufficient number of fighter jets, so there is no need to queue up one by one to board the plane. After Jiang Chen takes off, you can board the plane, Ma Jiaxu.

"It's 55


"Go to the flight briefing room to change clothes." Ma Weiwen waved his hand and continued.

Ma Jiaxu immediately ran to the flight briefing room.

A few minutes later, at this time, Jiang Chen was already dressed and walked out of the flight briefing room.

I saw him wearing a light blue anti-G suit and holding a flying helmet in his hand. This outfit is very handsome.

"Huang Yilin, you are the third." Ma Weiwen said when Jiang Chen came out.

Then, the oval face was overjoyed and immediately left the queue.

At this time, Jiang Chen had come to the tarmac.

At this moment, next to the black and silver eagle, a pilot who was also well dressed was already standing here.

"Jiang Chen, right? My name is Lin Mo. I'm your flight instructor. I'll fly today." The pilot looked at Jiang Chen and said.

Jiang Chen hurriedly saluted, "Mr. Lin."

Lin Mo waved his hand and said, "You don't need to be so polite, let's start.

"it is good.

Jiang Chen agreed.

But instead of getting on the plane immediately, he circled around the fighter plane and checked it very seriously and meticulously.

Unless it is a sudden emergency, the pilots will check the fighter they are about to fly before they get on the plane. After the signature is approved, the aircraft will be boarded.

However, many rookie pilots tend to forget this crucial step.

So Lin Mo saw that Jiang Chen was not in a hurry to board the plane, but started to check the fighter plane, and nodded with satisfaction.

Sure enough, he was the master of the Eighth Master in the army.

If nothing else, just rushing into this seriousness is worthy of praise.

At this time, Jiang Chen has finished checking.

Take the checklist handed over by the ground crew.

Signature approval.

Then climbed the boarding ladder, climbed into the cockpit with the help of the ground crew, fastened the seat belt, put on the flight helmet, and pulled down the goggles.

Lin Mo also entered the cockpit at this time, but he was sitting in the back seat.

For the first flight, just let the students follow the pilot's operation method, sit in the front seat and follow the operation.

Although the front seat and the rear seat also have the same console, the trainer is different from other two-seat fighter jets. The rear seat is not auxiliary, but can limit the operation of the front seat.

If the front seat wants to fly the plane, the back seat release permission is required.

This is a mode of operation that all trainers have, for the simple reason that, just like learning to drive, the trainer is in control at all times.

Of course, if you perform well in practice, the instructors in the back seat will also release authority in the air, allowing students to warm up their hands during the flight.

"Are you ready?" Lin Mo's voice came from the earphone.

"Ready." Jiang Chen replied immediately.

"Today is the first time for you to fly a third-generation aircraft, so I will operate it, you will observe it, and when it is in the air, I will release the authority and let you try to take over the aircraft in the air.

As Lin Mo said that, he powered up the fighter jet.

The avionics system of the fighter has been powered on successfully.

Start the engine.

Then, a huge roar resounded throughout the airport.

I saw this black-and-silver fighter plane slowly slide out of the apron at this time, and slowly drove towards the take-off position.

Arrive at the runway.

Lin Mo immediately asked the tower for instructions.

After getting the takeoff clearance from the tower, he immediately turned on the afterburner, put the flapper, and released the brakes.

The fighter jets roared down the runway.

After the speed reached 200km/h, he immediately pulled the lever, raised his head, and the fighter lifted off the ground and stabbed straight into the sky.

Even with the protection of the flight helmet, Jiang Chen could still feel the noise and vibration of the I-15 Falcon's twin engines when they burst into great propulsion.

The strong pressure when taxiing and taking off on the runway is a long-lost suffocation feeling, and the whole person is firmly pressed on the seat.

At this time, the fighter had already flown to an altitude of 1,000 meters.

As the fighter plane calmed down, that suffocation disappeared instantly.

Jiang Chen is all too familiar with this feeling of suffocation. Whether it is JJ-7 or Ba Ye, it will always feel this way when taking off, it's just more or less different.

But the physical quality of pilots is far stronger than others, and this suffocation has no effect on them at all.

"Is this the take-off mode of the third-generation aircraft? It doesn't feel as strong as in the flight simulation cabin." Jiang Chen murmured.

He has flown the j-10 series for hundreds of hours in the flight simulation warehouse, so although today is the first time to fly a third-generation aircraft in reality, he is not a rookie.

After all, in the flight simulation cabin, all the feel and operation modes are exactly the same as in reality.

··0 Seeking flowers.....

"How is it, do you feel okay?" At this time, Lin Mo's voice sounded in the earphones again.

"Very good!" Jiang Chen enjoyed the thrill of this fast speed.

"Okay, I want to break through the sound barrier once, you are optimistic about the change in power, I will transfer the control to you later, you can test it. Lin Mo said again.

He was amazed at Jiang Chen's adaptability and physical fitness.

As expected of a genius pilot who started the Eighth Master before the age of 20, it was the first time to fly a third-generation aircraft, but his tone did not change, as if he was not affected at all.

The sound of the engine is obviously intensified, and the roar and vibration are getting louder and louder, almost giving people the feeling that the plane will fall apart at any time.

All Jiang Chen's attention was on the console, and his eyes were fixed on the speedometer.


At this time, the speed of the fighter is gradually approaching Mach.

The voice of Lin Mo's explanation kept ringing in the earphones.

Jiang Chen listened very carefully, and while listening, he also observed the flight status of the plane.

He never misses any opportunity to learn, even if he can learn a lot in the flight simulation warehouse, but whether it is when the troops followed Zhang Yangfei JJ-7, or now, as long as there are instructors teaching, he will not will be distracted.

The reason is very simple, in the flight simulation warehouse, he can only explore by himself.

In the real world, the explanations and experience of these instructors will also be of great benefit to his driving skills.

Some flying experience, not the system can make up.

By this time, the plane had broken the sound barrier.

Like a shooting star galloping across the sky.

"I am now gradually reducing the speed to below the speed of sound, and I will give you five minutes to release the control restrictions. You are ready to take over the operation and feel the feeling of driving the fighter to break the sound barrier." Lin Mo in the back seat suddenly said.

"Okay." Jiang Chen agreed immediately.

Since boarding the plane, his hand has never left the joystick.

Although he knew the function and operation of every switch in the cockpit, his palms were slightly sweaty.

Not nervous, but excited.

It was the first time in my life that I drove a third-generation machine, and no matter who it was, I couldn't be indifferent.

So, please allow him a little excitement.

ps: Today's second chapter, the bottom five is guaranteed, 5 are added, and there are 8 more changes today. Thank you very much for the big rewards such as '159*****'Da Luo* Yeyu', 'cychin95', thank you for your support, will you add more tomorrow.

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