Air Force: Rise from Fake Ace Pilots

Chapter 195 Forced Landing on the Highway (55 for subscription)

Chapter 195 forced landing on the highway

The execution of the military is terrifying.

Although Air University is a university, it is also a large military camp.

In just a few minutes, the station staff had already found a highway suitable for fighter landings on the traffic map around the airport.

Because Jinling is located in the Yangtze River Delta region, it is also one of the most developed areas in the Xia Kingdom.

The transportation is convenient, and the expressways are crisscrossed.

It's not easy to find a straight highway.

But the takeoff and landing of fighter jets is not something that ordinary highways can afford.


As a mega city, Jinling is also the seat of the Eastern Theater Command, and its infrastructure is particularly complete. Moreover, many combat-ready highways have also been built around Jinling, just in case of emergencies.

What is a combat-ready highway?

It is a highway that can provide fighter jets to take off and land in wartime.

Specially designed and modified.

If war breaks out and airports are destroyed, these combat-ready highways are new runways for fighter jets.

After finding a highway suitable for the 20th forced landing, Zhang Dongping immediately reported to the emergency duty room of the Air Force Command of the Eastern Theater Command.

5 minutes later.

This section of the road is closed.

Countless police cars roared onto the highway, guiding all vehicles to get off the highway at the nearest exit.

Fire trucks and ambulances are all in place.

All this took only ten minutes.

Zhang Dongping glanced at the time, just 15 minutes passed.

Immediately picked up the intercom and asked: "Jiang Chen, the runway data link has been sent to you, but you still have to hold on for 10 minutes, and it will take at least 10 minutes for the Dongkong side to send two radio signals to your heading. and glide path for guidance.""

Jiang Chen glanced at the dashboard.

Now that the fuel level of the fighter plane has almost bottomed out, God knows if it can last for 10 minutes.

However, he had to hold on for those 10 minutes.

Because the fighter jets forced to land on the highway, they must be guided by the ground, which is commonly known as blind landing, also known as the instrument landing system.

It refers to the two beams of radio signals emitted by the ground to realize the guidance of the aircraft's localizer and glide path, and to establish a virtual path from the runway to the air.

The aircraft determines the relative position of itself and the path through the on-board receiving equipment, so that the aircraft flies to the runway in the correct direction and descends smoothly, and finally achieves a safe landing.

Because the highway is not an airport runway, there is no control tower for guidance.

Pilots forced to land on the highway can only rely on their superb driving experience and skills, and then continuously adjust and correct the angle according to the surrounding environment, so as to land successfully.

But it's night now!

Where are the references for reference?

Even during the day, forced landing on the highway is very dangerous, let alone at night.

When the pilot looked in the sky, it was pitch black everywhere.

Without ground guidance, how does he know where the runway is and where is the cliff?

There was no way out, I could only grit my teeth and persist for the last 10 minutes.

So, he said solemnly: "Okay, but I can only last for 10 minutes at most."

As he spoke, he accepted the data link from the tower.

The site of the forced landing was selected in the suburbs of Jinling, 50 kilometers away from the school. The terrain here is flat, and there is a section of the combat-ready expressway that is built very straight. The length can be almost 10 kilometers.

More importantly, it is not far from an airport in Dongkong.

There is usually less traffic.

Moreover, Dongkongchang Station can quickly rush to support.

Jiang Chen's hand is always on the putter, and now, he is still at an altitude of 3,000 meters.

According to the guidance of the navigation system, the plane drew a circle in the air, then turned around and flew towards the forced landing site.

The speed is kept at cruising speed, so that the fuel consumption can be kept to a minimum.

But the plane only flew 40 kilometers.

beep, beep, beep

Inside the cockpit, an alarm sounded abruptly.

It's the alarm that the tank is about to run out of fuel.

Jiang Chen glanced at the dashboard.


Only 2 percent of fuel consumption remains.

But now it's 10 minutes away, and there are still 3 minutes left!


Gotta get through the last 3 minutes.

Thinking of this, he immediately turned off all power and attempted to fly toward the target airspace in a gliding flight posture.

The lost power was like an angel with broken wings, and its altitude dropped rapidly.

In just a few tens of seconds, the height of the fighter plane dropped from 3,000 meters to 1,000 meters, but fortunately, it has now flown over the target airspace, and now it is time to wait for the ground to transmit signals and establish a virtual runway.

"Jiang Chen, what's going on?"

In the air, Lin Mo, who was flying with him, saw Jiang Chen's speed dropped from 3,000 meters to 1,000 meters in an instant. He was taken aback and asked quickly.

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly and said, "I'm out of gas.

As he spoke, he gently pulled the throttle lever to increase the power of the fighter a little bit.

This method worked, and the powered fighter roared again, stopping the downward trend.

However, there was still 2% of the oil, and it instantly became 1%.

Jiang Chen's sweat was all down.

1% of the oil, it is estimated that even 1 minute can not support.

There is no way out.

He had to make a forced landing before running out of fuel, otherwise, the powerless plane would give him no chance to make a forced landing, and would just plunge into the sky.

Pull the stick to the right, and the left wing of the aircraft will be raised at 060 in an instant.

Jiang Chen looked down sideways, and just saw a jade belt appearing on the ground.

This is a street light on the side of the highway.


This is Jinling.

The highways here have street lights.

Otherwise, unless you have a keen eye for cultivation, you can find a highway suitable for emergency landing from the darkness.

But lack of ground guidance, can you see that the street lights on the highway are useless?

At most, the approximate location of the expressway that is about to be forced to land is determined.

When you make a forced landing, you can only hope that your sixth sense is accurate enough!

beep, beep, beep...

The siren blared loudly in the cockpit, and the lights flashed constantly.

No time to hesitate.

Jiang Chen determined the forced landing position and immediately corrected the angle of the fighter.

Press the lever to lower the height of the fighter by gliding.

He couldn't wait for the ground to guide.

Now that the fuel has been used up, an emergency landing must be carried out immediately.

"Breathe... breathe." He took a deep breath, throwing all the distracting thoughts out of his mind,

dead or alive.

Just look at this one!

ps: In the third chapter today, I am very grateful to the two big rewards of ‘152*****‘159*****, thank you for your support.

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