Air Force: Rise from Fake Ace Pilots

Chapter 198 Are sand sculptures contagious? (35 for subscription)

Chapter 198 Are sand sculptures contagious?

Another lengthy check.

Jiang Chen had forgotten how many times this was the first time.

In less than a year anyway, he has been admitted to the hospital several times.

Although nothing happened, the principal asked him to return to school after completing all the inspections.

Anyway, the commander of the Eastern Air Force had to go to the Air University for inspection in the afternoon.

The leader's orders must be obeyed, and it should be another medical examination!


Jiang Chen returned to the ward and woke He Jing, who was still soundly asleep.

"I'm going back to school, do you continue to sleep, or go back to school with me?" Jiang Chen said.

He Jing's eyes were hazy, as if he hadn't woken up yet.

Lazy and confused.

Just like a sleeping beauty image.

It makes people look at it, and the blood vessels are swollen.

Therefore, Jiang Chen quickly put his head away.

He Jing is twenty-six years old this year, but she has reached the perfect age for a woman.

When she is cute, she has the youthfulness of a girl, and the maturity of Onee-san in black silk.

Most captivating.

No matter what age men are, they will definitely fall into it and cannot extricate themselves!

It is said that men are distracted.

In fact, men are here to scare people to death.

No matter how old you are, you only like young and beautiful girls in their twenties.

At this time, He Jing reacted and asked, "What time is it?"

The voice was extremely lazy.

It makes people feel the urge to commit a crime just by listening to the sound.

"Cough cough." Jiang Chen coughed twice, and quickly pulled back the idea of ​​​​deviation before saying: "It's almost 12 o'clock.

"I'm full, too. Let's go back together after I wash my face. In other words, how can you go back to school without me?" He Jing lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

"How do I get back? Walk back." Jiang Chen said angrily.

"That's fine, you walk back, I'll drive back, you don't have to wait for me, hurry up!

"Didn't I give you a chance to be courteous?

"Cut, I don't need it, whoever loves to give will give. 99

One p.m.

An army green off-road vehicle slowly drove into the school airport.

Jiang Chen got off the bus.

Glancing at He Jing in the car, he asked, "Would you like to go in and sit for a while?"

"Forget it, when you come back from the competition, you can treat me to a meal." He Jing put her hand on the car window and looked at Jiang Chen.

"Okay!" Jiang Chen agreed immediately.

After all, this time, He Jing guarded him all night. This favor must be repaid.

"Well then, I will go to Jinling to eat seafood, the most expensive kind, so don't worry about money.

Jiang Chen patted his pocket and said with pride: "Don't worry, brother has money.

He Jing rolled his eyes at him, and said angrily, "Look at you, and leave."

After speaking, restart the car and walk away.

Jiang Chen is really rich.

During the summer vacation, he successfully drove 3u8633 back to Rongcheng. In order to express his gratitude, Sichuan Airlines directly gave him a big red envelope of hundreds of thousands.

Received two second-class merits, and the bonuses given by the army added up to hundreds of thousands.

This time the I-15 Falcon trainer succeeded in the forced landing. Listening to the principal's tone, it should be a contribution.

Saving a plane worth tens of millions of dollars for the country and the school, and not rewarding 108,000, is some unreasonable, right?

Therefore, although Jiang Chen is not a rich man, it is still within his tolerance to invite He Jing to a feast.

This is also the reason why He Jing can eat big households with peace of mind.

Seeing He Jing's car leaving the airport, Jiang Chen walked towards the airport gate.

After showing the documents to the sentry and being allowed to enter, he walked towards the cafeteria with confidence.

Although an hour ago, he and He Jing had already had a meal in the hospital cafeteria.

But the hospital canteen, even the military hospital canteen, the taste of the food is almost meaningless.

Jiang Chen wasn't full at all, so he wanted to go to the cafeteria to find something to eat and put his stomach up.

But as soon as he walked into the cafeteria, he bumped into someone with a full heart.

Looking down, it was Huang Yilin who crashed into his arms.

Huang Yilin just looked up.

Seeing that it was Jiang Chen, a surprise appeared on her face: "Ah, you are all back? How are you, no injuries?

Although Jiang Chen made a successful forced landing last night, but after hearing that he fell into a coma after getting off the plane, Huang Yilin was worried all night.

It wasn't until this morning that Ma Weiwen told them that Jiang Chen was fine before the morning run, and she felt a little relieved.


She thought that Jiang Chen would stay in the hospital for a few days before coming back, but she didn't expect to meet Jiang Chen in the cafeteria at noon, how could she be unhappy?

"I checked my whole body and there was no problem, so I was discharged from the hospital. Why are you still in the cafeteria at this point? Didn't you go back to the dormitory to rest?" Jiang Chen asked.

"No, the flight was grounded this morning, and it was a theory class, and everyone was not tired, so I watched the documentary in the conference room, and I had a meeting to get everyone something to eat.

"Why is it grounded?"

"Didn't you have an accident last night? So the academy maintains and inspects all the fighter planes, and it is estimated that the maintenance will not be completed until tomorrow. What are you doing in the cafeteria?

"Of course I came to the cafeteria to find something to eat. Could it be that I'm here for a walk? You wait for a while, I'll get some buns, and then go to the conference room with you."

"Good. 35

A few minutes later, the two walked into the conference room one after the other.

The other students were also delighted when they saw Jiang Chen.

The danger in the air last night was really frightening, that is, Jiang Chen, if it was one of the people who was sitting, it would be cold by now.

"I'm leaving the hospital so soon, are you alright?" Ma Jiaxu asked.

Others also cast concerned glances.

"The whole body check has been done, nothing happened." Jiang Chen replied with a smile.

"It's fine. You don't know. We were scared to death last night. Especially Yilin, after learning that your forced landing was successful, she cried like something."

After hearing this, Jiang Chen looked at Huang Yilin.

Huang Yilin's face instantly turned red, like two apples, making people want to take a bite.

··0 Seeking flowers·

Others also teased: "The one who cried is called a sad person, it's almost sad for those who hear it, and when she listens to tears, she doesn't know, and she thinks that something happened to her beloved.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but touched his nose and asked, "Is it really that exaggerated?"

"What is exaggeration? It's the truth."

"It's fortunate that I'm fine, otherwise, Sister Yilin won't have to learn from Meng Jiangnu, and the Great Wall will collapse?"

"You don't look very good, but you think you're pretty." Huang Yilin gave him a white look.

Jiang Chen smiled and asked, "You cry so sad, you don't like me, do you?"

"Yeah, I don't just like you, I'm in love with you." Huang Yilin kept staring at Jiang Chen with her big eyes, half-truth.

Jiang Chen looked serious: "Hmph, don't think I don't know, do you like me? You are greedy for my body."

After a pause, he continued: "Okay, I depend on you, but you have to give me money."

meeting room.


Everyone was stunned.

Several seconds passed.


Jiang Shanshan burst out laughing directly.

Her laughter seemed to be the fuse, and everyone burst into laughter in an instant.

Huang Yilin was so angry that her teeth were itchy, and she rushed towards Jiang Chen with her teeth and claws open.

Jiang Chen had no choice but to beg for mercy.

He had no choice but to resolve the embarrassment in this way.

Ma Jiaxu is also really, what is it that Huang Yilin is crying for me so well?

Do you have to make the atmosphere so high?

Fortunately, the young master is witty and uses this kind of low-level joke to resolve the embarrassment.

Otherwise, today's white, whether I watch or not.

No, the atmosphere has been set off to this point.

Watch it, I have childhood sweethearts.

So, let's take it with a joke, so that everyone is not embarrassed.


Jiang Shanshan looked at Jiang Chen and Huang Yilin who were fighting, she couldn't help shaking her head, and said, "He's handsome and has super-high flying talent, who can refuse Jiang Chen who doesn't speak?"5

When Zhang Weidong heard this, he instantly became nervous.

However, Jiang Shanshan's next words made him put his heart back in his stomach.

"But as soon as he opened his mouth, it was full of sand sculptures, and he was instantly indifferent to him."

After listening to her words, Ma Jiaxu spoke earnestly and said: "Sister, there are some things you can't say nonsense, there are taboos in them, you are still young, and you don't understand the routines in them. If you say something, your life will change in the dark. Change the trajectory. A seemingly simple sentence will affect your life. You have no ability to grasp it, so listen to my brother's advice, take this sentence back, and let me tell it."

Jiang Shanshan gave her monitor a blank look.

So good, how can you be stupid?

Are sand sculptures contagious?

It seems that I have to stay away from a group of people in the future!

ps: Today's first chapter is another 3000-word chapter. It's an old rule. The minimum 5 chapters are updated with more than 10,000 words. As for the update, it depends on the situation. Are there more updates every day?

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