Let him take care of the little one?

That also means he has to take him to work!

He wants to live with him!

He wants to bathe him and coax him to sleep

It's OK to play with this little one at ordinary times. Lu Jingyu never thought about living with him.

He has never taken care of children.

Celina can't come back without ten or eight days.

That also means that he will stay with little one for so long.

Let him live with such a little girl is definitely the biggest challenge in his life.

Maybe it will make his life fly.

For a moment, Lu Jingyu was stunned and hesitated.


Mr. Lu didn't say anything, and the nanny was worried. The louder the cry, the more tears on his face.

"Woo woo... Woo woo... Mr. Lu, I can only ask you for help. I don't know what to do? I called Miss Celina and she turned it off."

This is a hot potato. It's neither lost nor taken.

Lu Jingyu frowned and looked a little dignified: "let me think about it. Aunt, don't panic, don't worry. We can discuss this matter."

The nanny's cry startled Mike and he came over.

"Nanny aunt, why are you crying?"

"Mike, why don't I take you to the police station? Aunt has something urgent and can't take care of you."

Lu Jingyu was displeased and stared at the crying nanny: "you shouldn't say such words to your child. You can't solve the problem now."

"Don't you want me?" suddenly, Cheng Qingyu's eyes were red and wanted to cry.

He wants Mommy too!

"I don't want to go to the police station, I want mommy!"

Cheng Qingyu's reaction was great. Holding Xiaobao, he immediately ran out.

Seeing this, the nanny had to chase it.


Lu Jingyu has mixed feelings.

"Don't you want me?" this sentence hit his heart.

He loves Mike.

Without brushing his teeth, Lu Jingyu went to Celina's house.

The nanny has packed her things in a hurry. It seems that she is determined to leave Mike and go back to her hometown by herself.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lu. I have to go. You don't take care of Mike, so I have to take him to the housekeeping center."

Lu Jingyu stares at the nanny coldly. He doesn't agree with her.

Even, he was a little angry.

During the execution of the contract, how can you treat a child whose mother is not around like this.

If he wasn't there, I really don't know what would happen.

"I understand your feelings very well, but who has no urgent matter? Do you think I am very idle? Celina, this will still be on the plane. You certainly can't get through her phone. Anyway, you should consult with her first. You should not leave without authorization. You have a contractual relationship, and now it is your breach of contract."

"I know I'm wrong, but I can't care so much. Here's the key. Mike's laundry is in his room. Celina gave the money to the family. Buy Mike something to eat."

Put down the key, put down the money, and the nanny hurried away with her luggage.


"Mommy, itis, Mike!"


Cheng Qingyu squatted on the balcony, looked into the distance through the railing and shouted.

He cried, and several tears ran down his small face.

Xiao Bao sat next to him and accompanied him.

It's good. It's not noisy.

Lu Jingyu stood behind Mike. Unconsciously, his heart hurt.

He took pity on the child.

Suddenly, he also thought of his childhood.

When he was a child, he was very similar to Mike.


Lu Jingyu also squatted down and held Mike in his arms.

"And uncle, I won't leave you. If you're hungry, I'll take you to breakfast."

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