Fang Zhiyuan asked the driver to go back first. He walked slowly through the night market alone.

The night market is very lively. Many people are having snacks, but he feels very lonely.

Suddenly, Fang Zhiyuan's cell phone rang.

Without looking at the caller ID, Fang Zhiyuan knew that the call was from Cheng Tianwei.

He also knew what she wanted to say to him.

"Are you leaving like this? Will it be difficult for you to stay a little longer?" Cheng Tianwei was very angry. She still restrained herself or lowered her voice.

Even if her relationship with Fang Zhiyuan is unbearable, she still needs to maintain the brightness and love of her appearance. She doesn't want outsiders to have all kinds of bad guesses.

"Give you enough face, what else do you want? The most dazzling person in the audience is you, so I won't rob you of your glory."

"I don't expect anything. I need you to accompany me. Your side is very noisy. Where have you been?"

"I'm shopping. I'm going to have a snack. I won't hinder your entertainment. Hang up."

Put aside his words, Fang Zhiyuan really hung up and didn't talk to Cheng Tianwei again.

Cheng Tianwei is so angry that she wants to smash her mobile phone. She hates her teeth!


Cheng Qingyu hasn't eaten barbecue. He's drooling.

Like this special small stall, he also felt curious and looked around.

"Mommy, are you almost ready? I want to eat!"

"Wait a minute, you can't eat until it's cooked." Cheng Xiao poured some Wang Laoji for his son and asked him to drink some to satisfy his cravings first.

After drinking two mouthfuls of Wang Laoji, the little guy continued, "let's call Daddy and invite him to eat."

"He can't be hungry. He has a party tonight."

"Will daddy miss us?"

Cheng Xiao frowned gently, and she pinched her son's nose.

"He'll miss you."

"Won't Daddy miss you?"

What does Lu Jingyu want from her?

She's not his who?

"Sit down and don't talk, or I won't give you food."

"No, I want to eat!" the voice fell, and Cheng Qingyu hurriedly covered his mouth with his hands.

He's hungry. He can't help eating.


The delicious kebab was on the table, and Cheng Qingyu ate it with relish.

There are delicious food, and the little guy doesn't think about it anymore.

Eating kebabs, Cheng Xiao always felt like something was missing. She asked the waiter to serve two cans of beer.

The cool beer seemed to relieve the summer heat. She felt very comfortable.

Maybe tonight is very interesting, or maybe the kebabs are too delicious. Before you know it, Cheng Xiao has finished drinking two cans of beer.

"Waiter, bring me two more cans of beer."

"OK, come right away!"

Cheng Xiao's cell phone was on the table. She only drank beer and ate kebabs. She didn't notice that her son took it to make a phone call.

When she found out, it was too late. The little guy had called Lu Jingyu.

"Daddy, where are you? My mommy drank."

"Look back."

Whew, Cheng Qingyu turned back.

He saw Daddy!

The little guy was so excited that he left mommy's cell phone on the table. He immediately ran to Daddy.

Lu Jingyu immediately picked him up and kissed his tender face.

"I knew you would come. We invited you to a barbecue."

Cheng Xiao didn't get up. She was still eating kebabs and drinking beer. She looked at Lu Jingyu.

"Why are you here? Leave so many people behind, okay? You're too incompetent as president!"

"What's good about false flattery? I haven't eaten kebabs for a long time. I want to eat tonight." Lu Jingyu took the can of beer Cheng Xiao was drinking and drank it.

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