Just as Bobby understood Cheng Qingyu's words, he called twice in the room.

Cheng Qingyu couldn't wait. He patted the door again.

"Daddy, it's me, Mike. Come and open the door. I miss you so much!"

Cheng Qingyu heard some sounds. Maybe Xiaobao was grasping the door.

They should miss him too. They can't wait to meet.

"Daddy, open the door to Mike!"

The little guy was very happy. He patted the door several times and shouted several times. He didn't see daddy come out to open the door for him. Suddenly, he was in a little mood.

The little mouth pursed up, and the pretty little handsome eyebrow wrinkled up.


I'm tired after driving back from Kyoto. Today is Sunday. Lu Jingyu just wants to have a good sleep!

Suddenly Bobby ran into his room and shouted a lot.

Bobby also took a frisbee and hit him in the face.

Even if Lu Jingyu didn't want to wake up, he was disturbed by Bobby.

"What are you doing?"

"Woof, woof..."

Vaguely, Lu Jingyu heard a little milk sound.

Seems to be calling Daddy!

Cheng Xiao's mother and son are back?

Blinking his bleary eyes, Lu Jingyu got up and opened the door.


Seeing daddy, Cheng Qingyu smiled.

The sweet little milk sound is called daddy, which sounds good!

The little guy also hugged Lu Jingyu on one leg.

Seeing this, Lu Jingyu was stunned, but he didn't immediately pick up the little thing.

However, as soon as the child's hands touched him, he had an unspeakable feeling.

I haven't seen this little one all day. He even misses him a little.

"Did your mommy know that you came to my house?"

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Jingyu saw Cheng Xiao coming up.

They looked at each other.


Hearing Mommy calling him, Cheng Qingyu instinctively stood behind Lu Jingyu.

He doesn't want to go home. He wants to be with Daddy.

"You promised me that I could go to daddy's house."

"You should tell Mommy when you come up."

"Oh, I see."

How could Cheng Xiao not see his son's mind.

No matter how she stops him, he still likes Lu Jingyu and he still likes to stick to him.

Maybe Lu Jingyu is the one destined to protect him!

Cheng Xiao's attitude was much softer, and she no longer opposed her son's adherence to Lu Jingyu.

"Lu Jingyu, excuse me! Let him play."

"You have no problem, of course I have no problem."

"Thank you!"

Mommy allowed him to go to daddy's house. The next second, Cheng Qingyu pulled daddy into the house.

Lu Jingyu didn't make a sound, but Xiaobu sent an invitation to Mommy, "Mommy, you come in too!"

"Mommy has to pack up. It's a mess at home, so I won't go in."

"Call me if you need me to take him down."

Cheng Xiao nodded. Then she left.


After sitting on the high-speed railway for several hours, he had a good time with Bobby and Xiaobao. When Cheng Qingyu was sleepy, he climbed into Lu Jingyu's bed and slept.

Lu Jingyu didn't sleep enough. Finally, when the little guy calmed down, he also slept with him.

Cheng Xiao packed her bags and packed her house. She went shopping.

When the meal was ready, Cheng Xiao went up and rang the doorbell.

Lu Jingyu and Cheng Qingyu woke up when the doorbell rang. Moreover, before they knew it, Lu Jingyu even hugged the little one in his arms.

The little guy is also close to him.

"It should be your mommy. I'll open the door."



Seeing Lu Jingyu, Cheng Xiao raised a smile.

"I've prepared the meal. If you don't mind it's a home-made dish, I'd be happy to invite you to my house for dinner."

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