Akuyaku Reijo Ni Koi Wo Shite

The beginning of the final act

A true betrayal of a soldier. Arnold heads the front line with the Knights of the Guard to help manage the situation. When it was just a little further away, a thunder rang in front.

Intense lightning suddenly hit the battlefield. A soldier in chaos has also begun to see Arnold.

"... What's going on?"

In a shock, Arnold involuntarily slowed down the horse.

"I don't know. Let's hurry to the front anyway."

Details cannot be grasped from a distance. Anyway, you should head to the front as soon as possible. Lambert thought, but there are those who block it.

Troops were standing in front of the Guard Knights, who were heading to the front. Not the Grand Flam Army. This is the Mobile Infantry of the Wonderland Mercenary Corps, called the Guard Knights led by Sol.

"... Isn't it going to the front?"

Why is this unit staying in this place in the current situation? Arnold does not understand. There are about two thousand infantry units here. A number that might break the siege surrounding Lion's squad if you hit the back of the enemy.

"... I don't have any orders for Lion yet."

Aeriel answers without turning his eyes on Arnold. Looking straight ahead, it's no wonder I'm not worried.

"Shouldn't it work in the current situation without instructions?"

"What if you get in the way of Rion?"

"It's in the way, but what is the current situation?"

"It's a shape created by Rion."


With only 2,000 troops, it is isolated on the front line surrounded by tens of thousands of troops. Here is what Arnold is aware of right now. I can't figure out why I want this shape in a difficult situation.

"I want to hit that woman's thoughts on the cotten bread."

Arnold knows that she is Mary. After all, Maria doesn't try to change her beliefs. Arnold understands how frustrating it is.

But even so, it's ridiculous to create an adverse situation.

"I'm just telling you that the way your Majesty is heading for the front line is the form of the Empire."

Arnold tried to open his mouth, and Sol came in from the side.

"What did you say?"

Sol's story surprised Arnold. Arnold doesn't know why it seems like this.

"The troops are betrayed and the front position is empty. It is not in a position to prevent the imperial assault. Even so, the empire's left wing is not about to move forward. What? "

"... Do you say you invited?"

As Sol says, no fighting takes place on the right wing. Now, only the army surrounding the Wonderland Mercenaries is fighting with the Imperial Army.

"I don't affirm, but does Mary think Lancelot is still stuck with Leon so much that he can stop another battle? I think Lancelot's consciousness is more toward His Majesty than Rion I will. "

"... I see."

Arnold also has a commitment to Lancelot. Lancelot has the same thoughts. Regardless of the truth, Arnold wanted to think:

"Is it possible to win? I've looked at this and found that the Empire's Central Army was Lynlot's direct 10,000 Imperial Knights and 10,000 Imperial Corps, a total of 20,000. , More than three times the number led by His Majesty. "

"I can win"

Arnold cannot say that he cannot win. I don't mean to lose on feelings.

"Lancelot would have thought the same way, using as many as 60,000 troops to stop Rion's movement and fight the decisive battle against His Majesty with the remaining 20,000 troops. I think we can win Lancelot. "

It is calculated that Lancelot can win with the same number of soldiers. Where does this confidence come from? Think of this, Sol says. And this is a long way off, telling Arnold that he will lose if he goes to the front as it is.

"Is she kind?"

Aeriel calls out to the Sol. It sounds a bit ironic.

"I'm grateful that I grew up as a Guard Knight. I wanted to give it back on this occasion."

In fact, Sol thought it was a warning, not an irony. The words returned are true, but they are also an excuse to solve misunderstandings.

"That's right."

Eriel agrees to explain Sol. It's good to get your debt back. If you think that will lead to a break with the Grand Flam Kingdom.

"... Lambert, a messenger for each base. Retreat the fronts and regroup."


Listening to the conversation between Aeriel and Sol, Arnold decided. You should not be on the front. He decided not to get on the front line and regroup the army in preparation for the battle against Lancelot.


There are over 50,000 besieged Imperial troops. It is natural to enclose with such a number, but only a part can participate in the battle. But the purpose of the Imperial Army is not to fight Rion, but to contain it. He had built a thick siege that could not be breached with some sacrifice.

As Sol said, he did not disturb the top battle against Arnold.

But Maria doesn't know about Lancelot's speculation. She was trying hard to defeat Rion. Even if you do, you will still have the same priority as your own.

"Why don't you get stuck!"

The secret of the Bandhu party. When you use it, it temporarily exerts superhuman power, but eventually loses its power and dies. That should be it, but the momentum of the soldiers of the Wonderland Mercenary Corps does not seem to decline at all.

The two thousand troops were split in half and alternated, and continued to exert amazing power.

"Don't rest! If you keep fighting, you'll die on your own!"

Even if you are told not to rest, Imperial soldiers have no way to do it. Even if you point your sword, you will only be overrun unilaterally. After fighting to some extent, the Wonderland Mercenary Corps goes down gently, but it cannot be prevented.

"It's a waste of time! I'm not going to make a fight that presupposes giving up my life!"

Rion's words are hateful. Maria has been forcing soldiers in battles that have to be forsaken.

"Lie! I saw him die before my eyes!"

"Effort evolves people and skills! The mystery of Bandu is not a skill that burns life!"

Bandou's mystery is the use of magical power to improve physical abilities. The commander of the Knight Guards of the Grande Flam Kingdom was also a master, but he never died after a single use.

The point is magic control. When it comes to magical control, Rion has an extraordinary effort and is more capable than ordinary people. The same discipline is imposed on the Wonderland Mercenary Corps, and there are some tricks and techniques now available.

"Easy to rely on tools, forgotten effort, degenerate, do not be with you!"

"What's that!?"

Maria also has blood on her head after Leon's abuse. But Leon is not speaking to anger Mary. I want to convey my words to the surrounding Imperial soldiers. Rion wants to deny Mary everything she did.

"Don't hide behind forever, go forward!"

Degrades Maria. Not only this, but also the purpose of Rion is to deny gunpowder and science that people in the world knew. This world is made up of spirits and magic. Leon thought that science would disrupt world harmony.

"Don't get sick! There's still a trump card here!"

Maria is a big deal when it comes to not giving up, or evil. Finally, even if the belief that you always win is supporting that feeling.

"Put a special unit in front of you!

Putting a squadron on forces means trying to force those who have been soldiers to fight. After all, Maria is doing the same thing.

The only difference is that the soldiers know Rion.

"... in a favela?"

Looking at the faces of the soldiers that appeared earlier, Rion immediately noticed it. The soldiers are residents of the favela. Soldiers who noticed Leon and fell down unconsciously. He immediately wanted to know that he was not a soldier.

"Kill Rion! Otherwise you'll kill all of your family!"

Take hostages and force them to fight. This is the same technique as before.

"... in a sense, it's amazing"

Rion was a little impressed by Maria, who spoke the villain's sneaky words in front of his allies.

"Let's do Leon! Favela is the place where you grew up! They are your companion!

Maria, a villain who is completely absorbed, is not aware of her misunderstanding. It is justice for the villain. I have an illusion of Leon as a person of justice.

However, Leon who plays a hero, sometimes hiding himself as a villain, can be called a villain more than Maria in a sense. It's no use trying to expect justice from villains.

Rion came out slowly in front of the squatters.

"... I will give you a choice! Die as my ally or die as my enemy. Choose between!"

The choice Leon has made for the sparsely populated populations is the content of the data. Whichever you choose, you are saying you will die.

Of course, when Mary heard this, the people of the Empire believed that those who were told would be angry, as did Lyon's shameful play.

But in fact, it didn't end up with such obvious results.

"Wow, wow wow! Wow wow!

A crazy shout screams, and one of the residents of the favela attacks an Imperial soldier. This triggered other people to do the same.

The favela residents chose to die as Lion's ally.

"... what's going on, what's wrong?"

Maria does not understand their actions at all. Their choice can result in the death of a family that is both dead and hostage.

About thirty residents of the favela were brought. Even if you fight with that number, you can't win. In the first place, behind them is a squadron. If you oppose it, it just fires a bullet.

"... Why !? Why follow Rion !? I'm so scared of Rion!"

Maria has ruled a soldier in fear of death. Those who came from the favela obeyed the fears of Leon rather than those feared by Mary. This is what Maria thought.

And Rion thinks the same way. The betrayal is the Kamirou party, all death. He fears the rules of the organization.


A man shouting at Rion's name and assaulting the Imperial army.

"Change the world! Change the world!"


The words shouted at death pierce Rion's chest.

"A dream! We hope!"

Another man is screaming. All words at their death were directed to Rion. Others are the same. He thanked him for improving his life in favela and died shouting for a change in the world.

"... Why ?? ... Huh?"

A gust of wind pierces Ron's stunned body. Rion has once felt this sense of wind before. It is when the genie penetrates the body and loses its life. It was the same feeling as the wide recovery magic win heel.


Looking back and looking back, Rion looked at Aariel, standing on the back of Nightmare and waving her arm like a conductor. It was Alice, not Aeriel, who used the healing magic.

Alice suddenly collapses from the back of Nightmare, like a broken puppet.


Rion rushes to Alice who falls to the ground. Alice raised her face, but she was conscious.

"……Are you okay?"

"... No!"

"Are you hurt somewhere? Is it painful? Or is it ..."

Rion does not know what Alice's end will be like. Will they die like a person or will they disappear? I'm asking Alice to come up with anyway.

"... No. I ... I'm still fine. No, it's Rion."

"Alice, don't talk anymore"

Alice said she would be painful just to talk.

"... If Leon kills his ally, he can't do it. The ally ...... should be protected ... existing.

"That's right ..."

Others have created an important person in the enemy and the rest of Rion. At first it was only Aeriel and Vincent, but it is increasing little by little.

And to a lesser degree than Eriel, but now there are countless others.

"If you decide to protect, then ... protect it. If you abandon it, you'll betray Rion's important ... something."

The thoughts of others that grew in Rion's heart by Aeriel. It is now growing quite a bit. Because it didn't have it, it's pure and shines much more than others. Alice looks like that.

"Meeting you ... spending time with you ... I've changed. So ... you're changing too. The purpose of revenge is too small for you. Your power isn't like that."

"Alice, I ..."

The purpose was just to live. I met Vincent and found the joy of living for others. Losing that Vincent, revenge became the goal of Rion's life.

Alice says she should throw it away. Rion has no idea what to throw it away and live for.

"There are a lot of people on your back ... there's everyone ... expecting to you, but ... don't get me wrong ... for those people ... to live I'm not telling you ... "

"So what?"

"You want to live and want as you want. The people who expect from you ... the ones who live as you want ... the ones who are willing and follow you ... Believe ... believe that you will follow me ... go on the path you believe in. "


"You have the power to change the world! I believe in you!"

Reaching with her hands on Rion's cheek, Alice said this in a different, clearer tone.

"……Do you get it"

He said he understood, but he hadn't realized what he wanted to do yet in Lion's head. However, I wanted to respond to Alice's wishes.

It's like living for others, the same as before, but now I think it's fine.

I don't think it's a goal that can be reached quickly. Also, you can start little by little for ten or twenty years.

To do so, you must first add a break.

"Mercury! 率 Lead the troops to rescue the poor people! Take a safe place with Alice!"

"But !?"

Despite Rion's orders, Mercury did not immediately follow. Rion's unit is a thousand of his own. Leaders who leave the front and defend Rion are halved.

"Call the Konoe!"

"Now !?"

"Soon, take action! It's an order!"

"... Huh!"

With a little hesitation, Mercury began following Rion's orders. Lead a unit to charge the Imperial Army. The goal is not to completely break down. To separate the Imperial Army from those in the favela.

"Win! Ross! Lifting the ban! Don't worry, show your strength!"

Rion issues a command that only the understandable person can understand. At about the same time, dozens of fire dragons jump into the sky.

The sound of the cannon resounding slightly later. The shells did not fall to the ground, but were all wrapped in fire dragons in the air and exploded.


Maria is surprised at the terrible technique of capturing cannon bullets in the air. But surprisingly, it's still early. Lion's trump card has not yet appeared.


The first to see him was the Grand Flam Army, a bit off the line.

"What, what is that?"

A surprise voice came out of Lambert's mouth. Behind Lambert's gaze was a mysterious figure of a mercenary mercenary corps, hopping toward the front as if jumping.

The unit was just in front of me. It looked like a normal infantry, but suddenly roared and changed its appearance. Not a human, a figure resembling a beast. Not all infantry, just a tenth.

The soldiers who have completed their transformations, as they appear, move toward the front with unbelievable movement and speed. Then, the remaining units, led by Sol, followed. This is a normal infantry movement.

"Is it true?"

Fortunately for the kingdom of Granfram, some have come to know the situation. Prince Alex of the Ox Kingdom.

"Do you know anything?"

"... I heard the rumor that there are monsters in the Wonderland Mercenaries."

"What did you say?"

Prince Alex returns a surprising answer to Arnold's question.

"Did the Devil have grounds?"

In addition, Prince Alex mutters anxious.

"What is that?"

"Did you not speak? It is the street name of Rion. There are two other representatives besides the king of evil.

"What is Lightity?"

"Thunder is the emperor of thunder and emperor. You saw it earlier? Why Leon was called thunder."

"... Is that Rion?"

Arnold was even more surprised to learn that the lightning strike he had just mentioned was the work of Rion. Obviously an unnatural lightning strike. I knew it was an artifact, but Arnold was surprised again by the unknownness of Lion's bottom.

"I thought that the Demon King had defeated the demon, but was he a Demon King because he followed the demon?"

Prince Alex understands the reason for the street name and is just convinced.

"... how can I obey monsters?"

But Arnold, and the people of the Grand Flam Kingdom, are not. They are fighting against monsters. In addition, there is also knowledge of a demon to make a monster obey. There is a feeling of doubt about Rion's identity.

"If you can subordinate a monster, you can be a monster. Isn't it easy because it's smarter than a monster? Is it difficult?"

"... It's such an idiot. Why is the monster only obeying Leon?"

Of course, the training of the demon is also attempted by the Grand Flam Kingdom, but all have failed.

"That's not the case. The beast doesn't just follow Rion. He's following other mercenaries. By the way, he hears me."

"What did you say?"

"It looks like we can establish a cavalry corps in Japan, albeit with the cooperation of the Mercenaries in Wonderland."

"... in the meantime"

The kingdom of Ox is trying to succeed in the creation of a monster squad that was unable to do its own country. The Ox kingdom is also an unknown entity.

"Is it okay in the meantime?"

Prince Alex is stunned.

"What is okay?"

"I've been working with the Wonderland Mercenaries.


"I just broke up. I was calling for the demons ...

Prince Alex was pointing at a cavalry trooper in black and red armor. The number is about 2,000. The troops were not only in Ox Kingdom but also in Hashiu Kingdom.

"... What is the total number of Wonderland Mercenaries?"

"Let's start with 6,000 on the battlefield."

The Knights Corps has four troops each. The riot police are two units, some of which are a thousand. Wonderland Mercenaries own 6,000 troops.

Probably the best continental soldier is 6,000 in quality. Arnold felt more frightening than reliant on thinking about how powerful this would be.

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