The turmoil at the ball was greatly upsetting Leon.

Rion certainly thought things had turned around. Although Vincent is limited to low-school students, it is loved by many. The distance between Aeriel and Prince Arnold was shrinking, with Rion's amazing momentum.

Response that bad end might be able to be avoided. Rion should have felt it.

However, the response was scattered all at once in this case. On the contrary, it is definitely going in the wrong direction.

On the day of the ball, Prince Arnold's gaze at Aeriel was so severe that he felt hatred. It's similar to Vincent.

Rion doesn't know why it happened.

I heard about the ball from Vincent's mouth. Prince Arnold performed her first dance with Maria as her partner. Rion, however, was very angry, and Prince Arnold appeared to appear more angry than Leon.

That anger was definitely directed at me. As it is, I know it was pointed at the sword. But Leon doesn't know why.

When I asked Airiel, I was told that I wasn't concerned. When I asked Vincent, he said nothing, but didn't say anything. Rion knew only that there was a reason that was hard to say.

Then I couldn't give up saying that there was no one to listen to anymore. Somehow, Lion was chosen to be Charlotte, regardless of clues.

The idea is that Charlotte would understand Prince Arnold's feelings, but Charlotte who heard that would be unbearable.

"... Why was Arnold angry?"

Charlotte's expression has already expressed his disgust.

"Yes. I thought about asking Charlotte about this, but there was no one else who could understand the situation."

In fact, there are many others. Ask one of the students who were watching the scene for an answer. The reason I don't think that is because Rion only considers it as a completely misplaced cause.

"Hey, can't you really think of it?"


"That's why I'm angry."


"I'm a little angry right now."

The answer he asks is Prince Arnold's feelings for Aeriel. He is trying to get it from Charlotte's mouth, which is thought of by Prince Arnold. It's natural to get angry.

"... I did something?"

Rion's words further upset Charlotte's feelings.

"In short, insensitivity, insensitivity, dreadful, insane, and later ..."

"It's a word ..."

"I'm so angry."

"……Excuse me"

Charlotte does not think that he came to hear that Leon knew that he knew his thoughts for Prince Arnold and that he would understand the situation.

In that sense, Rion is insensitive. Nobody really cares about Leon, other than Vincent and Aeriel, and he doesn't know that this is making a mistake.

"I'll tell you because I'm angry."


"Because if you hear this, you will be in trouble. Still want to hear?"

The last thing to check, while saying you're angry, is the kindness Charlotte has.

"Yes. I must know."

"Yes, I'll tell you."




Rion has an uneasy face because she cannot understand the meaning of Charlotte's words. Charlotte smiled bitterly at Rion. She realizes she's not really in love, she's really insensitive.

"So jealous. Arnold is jealous of you."


"I'm sorry. I don't understand you listening. I don't think it's strange to look at you and her and not be jealous."

"But I and Eriel are master-servant, not in a relationship that would jealous of the Crown Prince."

"That's right. To be honest, I think Vincent and your relationship look the same. Both are special relationships that are deeply trusted."

Charlotte thought he had the same relationship, a friendship in the case of Charlotte, but somebody had it. But it turned out to be a misunderstanding.

"I want to be so"

"But Vincent and you are the same sex, she is the opposite sex"

"So there's no such relationship between me and Eriel."

"It doesn't matter. Whether it's affection or not, there's a special gender in your fiancé. Don't you think you're in Arnold's position?"

"... Is the Crown Prince wanting to be the only one who is special?"

Without answering Charlotte's question, Leon returned with a question. I felt reluctant to give an answer.

"I don't know that far."

Charlotte also did not answer Rion's question. I do not want to admit it in words. That is the answer.

"Is that so……"

Prince Arnold favors Eriel. This is what Leon wants. However, Leon knew that he was interfering with it, and Leon was shocked.

I was sweet. I made an excuse for Airiel and myself and realized that I was acting according to my feelings. Prince Arnold had foreseen his feelings.

He vowed to abandon everything and protect it, but he couldn't abandon his feelings. He had lost the temptation to have fun with Aeriel.

Knowing this fact, what should I do? As Charlotte said. Rion became worried.

For Prince Arnold and Eriel to be successful, you must not be present. As such, the conclusion is clear. Rion knew that the time to leave Eriel was approaching much sooner than he had thought.

So what time is it? It is up to you to decide. No matter how hard it is for me.

"……Thank you very much"

"Is it thank you?"

Rion's expression is dark and sunk, far from thankful.

"I noticed that I was looking away."


Charlotte is clearly understood by Rion's words. Rion values Aeriel not as a master but as a woman. And it means that Rion will make a painful choice.

"What to do?"

"I know what to do, but ... I don't know how to do it."

"... I don't think you have to hurry, just think slowly and choose the best way."

"I know it's a word I care about, but I don't have time to think slowly. I'll decide sooner."

"Yeah ... if that was your decision"


But the world doesn't even give Rion the time to decide. The world also has no time. The end of the school part was approaching.


Elwin Woodville's childhood memories of his father's absence.

By the time he was convinced, Elwin naturally came to think that his father had died. A mother and a woman who takes care of her more than my mother. That was the whole of Elwin's family.

I never thought it was unhappy-until I knew the truth.

Elwin's father was alive. Alive and lived nearby. I also knew I had a sibling and another mother who gave birth to it. But the new family was cold against Elwin.

At first, Elwin didn't know why he hated another mother or sibling. Even though her mother was told that she was a concubine, no one could tell her child, Elwin, what it was.

Elwin didn't know how much of a feud between the Marquis and his wife was the presence of Erwin's mother, and how painful Vencent and Aeriel were between them. For Vincent and Aeriel, Elwin and her mother were the culprits that made their families messed up.

However, just because he knew it, Elwin would not have been convinced. Elwin is struggling on his own, but he is actually raised in a considerable greenhouse.

Her mother has loved Elwin. The servants around them, even though they were sons of the concubine, gave Elwin, who is still the lineage of the Marquis, a life as a prince of the lord.

In such an environment, Elwin's self-consciousness grew steadily.

And there was an opportunity for Erwin to reinforce his arrogance. It's a trial ceremony.

Elwin's strong performance and Vincent's catastrophic failure last year greatly boosted his reputation for Elwin. Imminent servants were Elwin, who was the next Marquis, who went beyond the interior and spread to the influential people of the dependent aristocracy.

Now Elwin thinks that it is a decision to be his next marquis.

Only the current marquis and the three people who stand against him are in the way. Even then, Elwin had a clue to the solution.

The encounter with Maria, the resulting connection with the Lancelot of the House of Axmia and the Charlotte of the House of Fatiras, and above all, his relationship with Prince Arnold, the next king, made his position solid. I do.

I thought, but one day, my school life, which was going well, began to move in the wrong direction.

Prince Arnold, who had been keeping him away, suddenly began to narrow his relationship. Its effects soon affected Elwin.

A party in the castle hosted by the Prince, which will be unveiled inside Aeriel. It was Vincent, not Elwin.

Prince Arnold's intention was to attempt to show Lion what Airiel was and to dismiss his disproportionate thoughts, but Elwin would never know.

Aeriel's balance convinced him that he had been kept away.

I have to do something. We must somehow pull Aeriel away from Prince Arnold and use it to get rid of Vincent, who sits on his legion.

Elwin's thoughts finally got time.

"How to pull Rion away from my sister?"

"Yes. I don't think he should be with Eriel."


From Elwin's point of view, Rion is the one who needs to be wrestling between Aeriel and Prince Arnold. I can't get on Maria's words easily.

"It's not good for Arnold when he is there."

"That's true, but that's why ..."

Elwin can't say that what he wants is bad. I try to negate somehow while muddy words.

"I don't think Prince Arnold is just mushy."

"What about Muki?"

"I think I just want to turn around someone who doesn't turn to me, and I just do it."

"... If Prince disappears, will the Crown Prince lose interest in her sister?"

"I don't say that. It's bad for Elwin-kun's sister. But I also care about Arnold, so I want Arnold to be aware of her true feelings."

I don't know much about this, but this was enough for Elwin. Maria says that Prince Arnold's feelings are really in herself. Erwin has no idea why. Certainly, since the ball, Prince Arnold seems to have moved away from Aeriel. It is certain that something has happened, but Elwin has no idea whether it is decisive.

"I want Prince Arnold."

Finally, as Elwin continued to boil down, Maria finally stepped in. Prince Arnold has ended his relationship with Eriel and hopes for a new relationship with Maria. That is to cooperate.

"The Prince is ..."

Still, Elwin couldn't step immediately. Erwin has a certain distance from Prince Arnold due to his different grades. I can't really listen directly. I don't know if Maria is telling you what is true or what was made for you.

"It's not bad for Erwin, either. He's kind of good at putting people on it."

Maria is also hard to understand. Again, I understood what Elwin was saying. Needless to say to Maria. Rion is definitely backing Vincent. Then, apart from Aeriel's case, it would be beneficial to separate Rion from Vincent.

"I'm not sure, but it's true that Leon isn't worthy of a Hou's servant."

For now, Elwin decides to take a look at Maria. At least you've decided that it's likely to get things going.

"Is that so?"

I finally ate. A smile appeared on Maria's face. It's an ugly smile that makes you feel greedy when you see it, but those who can feel it are not in this world.

"He is from a slum, and even seems to have killed a person."

"Such a person?"

Maria is surprised by the exaggeration, but she is actually surprised. She is a villain for Maria, including killings. In fact, Rion is not a wrong perception because he is a bad guy.

"But it was still important for my brother, so I was silent."

"I know how I feel, but that's not good. It's a big problem having such a person near Arnold's fiancee."

"I agree"

You're trying to stop being your fiance, and that's why. Elwin felt she knew Maria's nature. Elwin is a target for Maria, but she isn't really obsessed with Maria. He just made friends with the other marquis, feeling the benefit of getting closer to Prince Arnold.

The evil of neglecting to focus on major events and strengthening connections with individuals in order to manage the number of captures. Maria is not aware of it.

Even if you don't realize, the world is moving in the direction you want. Ignore the intention of Maria, who is already the protagonist.

"So, can you tell Arnold?"

"I am?"

"Because it's better from the person who knows the situation."

"Yes ..."

Maria's idea is clear. I don't want Prince Arnold to be taken as a teller. So what happens if you do that?

If you pretend to be worried about your sister, you'll be fine. So Elwin decided.

The story of Lion came to the ears of Prince Arnold that day.

The world starts to move. Towards the elimination of Rion, the only nuisance in the world.

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