Akuyaku Reijo Ni Koi Wo Shite
The worries are new lords
Cassis and others cannot measure the lord, Leon. I know we don't have good emotions. In spite of that, no matter how bad the morning routine is, I will never stop letting them go.
He gave severe punishment to Bandu residents who had fallen to bandits. I thought so, but when I opened the lid, the former thieves were working so vigorously every day that I couldn't seem to have been delighted and punished in a life without food.
Knowing that, other bandits who volunteered to surrender themselves were not cut off. The security of the land of Bandhu was quickly improved.
In addition, the territory is brimming with the labor of the former bandits who have surrendered, and the roads are being cleaned up.
Still, the harvest is still a long way off, the territory is still poor, and when it collapses one day, the cassis was watching with pessimistic eyes, but there was a lot of money sent from the royal capital Became.
The money illegally exploited by officials dispatched to Bandhu has returned. Already many of them have been used, but they're fraudulent for decades. Even the amount recovered is a considerable amount. That's enough to run a territory without tax revenue for a few years.
Cassis do not know. The Inspector of the Knights of Knights has taken the opportunity to recover the misdeposited money, whether son, grandchild, or great-grandchild, if he is dead, as an excellent opportunity to recover from his blunder. If that didn't work, spread your hands to your relatives and make a forcible collection.
Thus, Bandu's financial problems were quickly resolved. All Lion is the only credit. For Cassis they are extremely problematic in character, but their lordship has come to an unavoidable point.
And that is not the end. For Lion, what has been so far is a bridge, and real territorial reform is yet to come.
"It's not bad to work with a captured bandit, because it's a criminal in the kingdom who is working hard in mines."
"Is that a problem in the current situation?"
"It's better to think a bit more about operations. If you work the same, you should work more efficiently."
"Efficiently? Is it working time or environmental issues?"
"A better place to work."
"... There is no mine here"
Rion also really wants to work in mines. It's a sin when you let a job you hate. The work of sinners now is no different from those who do not.
"No, it means that there is a better place to do the same cultivation. Just because it's arable land doesn't mean it's a good arable land."
"I see. I didn't think about it."
"It's better to look for a suitable place for arable land. The first is water, some places are far from the water, but some are arable. This is what farmers know. ''
"I see. I'll arrange it immediately."
With that feeling, new measures are starting to move. In some cases, the funds have been obtained, but there are many people who have helped them.
I am talking to Lion from an acquaintance at the Kingdom Academy. Jean is one of the students from the commoners who was acting as Vincent's tutor. After graduating from Gakuin, Jean had traveled all the way to Bandeau in response to a job recruited by Rion in a bad way, a recruitment post on the refectory and canteens of the Imperial City, a way not possible in this world.
Not just Jean, there are several others. Not all of them were in trouble. It is an action considering that he may be able to help Eriel for Vincent's death.
That's why they are here, not as Lion's subordinates, but as diners.
"Then let me report next."
It's Okto who asked for his remarks. Octo is also one of Vincent's tutors.
"Trade? I don't have any products?"
"Yes, but listen first."
"Do you get it"
"I'm going to look into this as much as possible in the royal capital. I will report on that."
"Why isn't trade thriving in this area, where it's bordering on other countries? The main problem is that the bordering countries also have less products and less trading."
"Are both Ox and Hashiu kingdoms?"
Bandhu has two countries. Both are poor small nations, and the upper aristocrats of the kingdom are much richer.
"Yes. Both are so poor that they are not worth invading, so they remain."
The story of this octo lacks some information. The kingdom did not invade the two nations, not only because it was poor, but also because the battle in Bandhu was too intense.
As a result of many payments, the kingdom ended up with poor land. The only achievement that could have been the result of the Bandu Six-Party War was greatly reduced in the fight against the kingdom, and its value was indefinitely equal.
If the same situation occurs in the next two countries, on the contrary, only reduce the national power. As a result, the kingdom chose diplomatic intimidation over military command and succeeded, and the two nations were independent but in a similar position to their servants.
Even if it says a border, it will not be attacked by neighboring countries. This sense of security is also one of the reasons that officials have begun cheating.
"What are the benefits of trading with poor countries?"
"The story is still in the middle. There is still a reason why trade is not flourishing, because there is another trade route to the east, a little south, which is not bordered by this territory. There are many borders with the Kingdom of Merica. ''
The Kingdom of Merica is not a two-nation, but a great nation to compare with the Kingdom of Granfram. It is the country that can be said to be the biggest barrier to the victory of the Grand Flam Kingdom.
"That's where all the logistics gather. I see. On the other hand, we take things that can't be flown to our trade route."
There is no way to win in such a place. The only thing that can be done on the side of the vulnerable Lions is to pick up what leaks from there.
"Oops, understanding is quick."
"No, there is a weird merchant. I wanted to do business here, so I was wondering why."
"Isn't it a dark merchant?"
"I've given you authorization. I'm a legitimate merchant."
"... so do you pay the tax?"
Conversely, I'm worried about giving permission to a dubious merchant. They do not know the relationship between Rion and the back. Rion has no intention of informing him in the future.
"Of course, because it's a legitimate merchant."
"I see ... it's good now.
"Do you still have one?"
"In a way, it's the biggest problem."
"that is?"
"It's dangerous. The land of Bandhu is surrounded by mountains. The borders with neighboring countries.
"I think the number of bandits has dropped significantly."
"There are monsters nestling in the mountains. I just looked at the royal capital, but it seems that there are quite a lot of monsters in the mountains here.
"... I didn't seem to have played that role.
As usual, Leon is strict with Cassis.
"Ensuring the safety of the highway. In addition, create the benefits of using this highway and inform merchants. One way is to coordinate with neighboring countries and keep tariffs low. This is a trade measure."
"Then, first of all, defeat the monsters. Those who seem to be good at it are aware."
"Is it a territorial army?"
"Well, that's right, so I'm going to calculate the defeat plan and calculate the cost of it."
"Leave it to us"
Cassis, who has been silently listening, has spoken here. In this state, it is the same as before. It was just a sense of danger that the piece would move as directed.
"Can you do it?"
"If things are about fighting"
"I see. I'll leave it to you. I'm in a hurry to create it, but don't worry about planning."
"Don't rush?"
"I don't think it will take decades to destroy monsters. It's all about reducing the number so that it doesn't attack travelers. Monsters grow quickly, compared to soldiers who can fight, but not quickly. "
These words of Lion confuse Cassis. You don't know if you're ruthless or passionate. The answer is heartless. We value soldiers because we need them as a function. Rion does not trust the people of the land to the extent that she is so passionate.
"Is it better to consider having garrisons along the highways? If you think there's a place to escape if you're attacked by a demon, you'll feel a bit more relieved, and you'll think you're more careful. Maybe. "
Rion's consciousness is quickly returning to Oct.
"Rion, you don't always surprise us."
"No, it's a little thing, but it's an effective solution. I don't mean to grow up in the poor, but I'm wondering why this idea is born."
"No. I'm just thinking of him from the user's perspective."
"User's position ... I see. Let's refer to it."
There is not so much in this world to think about this user's position. Taverns are just a place to serve alcohol and food, and customer service is awful in most shops. There is a feeling that even a prostitute in a prostitute only provides body. No one wants to offer plus alpha hospitality.
That's why the royal city's favela was able to attract customers while it was originally a disadvantaged place where people would not approach.
"The rest is public relations. Well, little by little."
Despite this, Rion intends to start right away. At least if you don't make the groundwork right now, you'll be wasting time.
I don't talk about this because the people I spread are illegal. From there, he was planning to reach out to neighboring countries anyway. It is a good opportunity.
"Ah, yes. It's about arable land."
"Oh, oh, Jean's."
"... what is the arable land?"
Jean, who thought that his turn had come to an end, suddenly shook himself and looked suspicious.
"It looks like there are forts everywhere in the territory. Let's see if there is any arable land there."
"Is the fort a arable land?"
"Because it's a fort, you should have access to water. Use it for farmland water."
"Yes, but isn't it a convenient place to live?"
"They are farming for guilty punishment. Inconvenience is the right thing to do. I think the convenient places to live should be for those who are serious."
"... Hmm. That's reasonable."
Jean seems convinced of Leon's explanation. But there are people who are not convinced in this room.
"Oh, Lord?"
It was Cassis to speak on behalf of him.
"Do you want the captives returned to the fort?"
The question of Cassis is natural. It is common to think like this.
"If the area around the fort is a good place for cultivation,"
"But then I'm in a fort again."
"I just need to break some of the defenses of the fort. Do they want to stop supplying food in the first place?"
Those who have become accustomed to living without the trouble of eating every day cannot throw it away. Apart from that, they had no idea and were not bandits. If you don't eat it, you're just a bandit.
"No problem."
With no fuss, Cassis could no longer disagree.
"As I just decided, I'll ask you to find someone who knows the land, and I'll ask you to make arrangements.
"Okay, next is me."
Also, graduates of another institution begin reporting. Although they have no experience, all have been recognized for their excellence and studied at the Kingdom Academy.
The territorial politics, which had been stopped so far, has begun to move at once, and various things are going on.
What was left behind was the members of the Bandhu Party, who were born and raised here and most likely wanted to do something about Bandu.
After a day's work. Cassis gathered in a room in a bar in Kamark.
It's not a drinking party to relieve the work resentment. Although they drink sake, everyone is not complacent about their work, and they are indulgent in their thoughts without saying a word.
For a while, where this situation continued.
"……What do you think?"
Nobody asked Cassis.
"I admit my excellence. Even though I have no experience, I will do it so far. If I grow up, I will be a Lord who can serve seriously."
The answer came from the Blue Party, Keel Blau. It is clear that this is a story about Lion, and it is a high rating.
"It's not just about being excellent. Even if you're excellent, there are many people who have been called fools and evil kings in the past."
Opposition to Kiel was critically quoted by Aperol Kelp of the Yellow Party.
"Are you talking about personality? If so, what about his reputation? Being ruthless, the qualities needed for those who stand up, and he fell into a bandit as a result Save the people. "
Green Party's Mojito Grün has disputed Aperor's remarks.
"I know it."
Mojito's remark is that Aperol also admits. Not only is he feeding the former bandits, but somehow Leon has yet to execute a single executioner.
"So what are you dissatisfied with?"
"I don't know what it is"
"Well, that's true."
"I knew that I was raised in a favela. I also have a villain boss in that favela. But why would such a person become a noble and appointed lord of Bandhu?"
"Even if it is asked by me"
"Certainly, the magic is amazing. It's no wonder you get the status of a noble. But what about a baron's status and what is a lord? I've never heard of a baron."
Rion isn't talking about himself, almost because it was the worst from first impressions. I don't want to tell people about Vincent. The case of favela is not something that should be known to others.
But even if Rion speaks everything, not all of their questions can be answered. Rion doesn't even know he's the son of the current king and wife.
"That's it, after all. We're too ignorant of the lord. Even the innermost shouldn't be alone. The magic, and the money sent by his mother as a gift, is out of the ordinary."
The common thoughts of all are as the words of Cassis. I don't understand Rion too much. If so, don't talk like this, just follow the boss on the surface. Rion would not say anything if she knew it.
But they get together and are worried.
I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm really going to serve mainly because I feel something from Leon.
"Does black and white still return?"
Kiel asked Cassis.
"The call came in from a person who returned earlier. It was surprisingly much to look up and was behind schedule."
"Is there a lot of secrets?"
"Yes, I can only wait for them to come back. I know that."
Things are moving forward with unexpected momentum. Just looking at it could result in Lion being completely abandoned. This impatience made them hold such a meeting.
"I wish I had a little more opportunity to talk."
Mojito's words are also common thoughts.
"Is there anyone who heard anything during the training?"
Aperol who hears this around has not heard anything. It is the same for others. The only one, Cassis, opened his mouth after thinking a bit.
"I don't know what this means."
"Did you hear anything?"
"It looks like you're going to defeat the knight commander."
Everyone responded to Cassis, not just Aperol. It's a really interesting remark for them.
"From the beginning, it seemed like I had fought."
"... Kingdom and hostility, no, not at all. If so, you won't be able to take over a territory."
"I see. It's a place where you will defeat your teacher someday because of your teacher-pupil relationship.
"No, I didn't."
"The sword is not that of the kingdom. It imitates, but it has no foundation. I don't know if it's a guard or a kingdom, but if you're studying with a knight commander, you can't be that sword."
"That's true. It's too rough. It's not learned by anyone, let alone the Knights."
Everyone here is a warrior with considerable abilities. Even though the former power has been lost, it is no wonder that he is the head of the Bandu Six Party who suffered the kingdom with his war. Looking at them, Rion's sword is not much different from a child's rose.
"I have talent. That eye-sight is abnormal. How many times have I adjusted my sword to an amateur-like opponent?"
"That's me, too.
Everyone nodded at Aperol's words. That was the reason Rion was full of bruises.
Although he is not aware, Rion's dynamic vision is quite good. Thanks to that, despite the poor technique, I can avoid the opponent's sword and find the opponent's chance.
At first, they are all sloppy, but since they can't hit the sword too much, they'll start to get serious. And when Rion becomes unavoidable, he's pretty serious about it, and the consequence is that Rion gets stunned.
"Will a talented knight overlook that talent?"
"If so, that knight is an ornament."
"You would want to defeat such an opponent. I am not close."
"When it comes to ..."
One possibility is conceivable, but no one is convinced of it. After all, no matter how much you get together, you can't come to a conclusion.
"You shouldn't be impatient, you need information to figure out who is the bearer. Wait for the two to come back. I can wait a little more now. "
Jokingly, Cassis said, no one laughed.
The Bandu Six Party has a feeling that has been passed down for generations. The land of Bandhu is once again in their own hands.
It sounds good to say that we've been waiting for the time, but we've only been through generations without finding the opportunity to revolt. Nevertheless, the feelings that have been inherited are heavy and cannot be abandoned by them. There is also an urgency to manage for ourselves.
Rion, who appeared in front of them and showed an amazing talent, was thought to be a trigger for time.
In other words, they are considering whether they should be the leaders of the rebellion.
This conclusion cannot be reached today.
Black and white. The other two bandu six parties have not appeared before Rion. They are not even at Kamark, nor are they at Bandhu. To investigate Rion.
When they come back, they will be more worried about where to come to a conclusion. They can't understand that at this time.
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