Akuyaku Reijo Ni Koi Wo Shite
The birth of a hero
The guard knight Sol Alistes was nervous. The reason is clear. Now, in front of Sol are the leader of his organization, the Knights of the Guard, and his Majesty the King, to whom all guards should be loyal.
Sol knows why he is a flat knight. He was asked to report on the fight in Nigata. However, I did not understand why the opponent was straight-ahead and that there were only three people here, including the Knights of the Guard.
"I've seen your report of the war. It is well written."
Watching Sol be nervous, the Knight of the Guard began with a sound story.
"Huh. Thank you."
"I don't think the last sentence should be in the report."
"Is it the last?"
"Operations that can only be performed by geniuses are not good for ordinary people to imitate."
"... I thought so."
"It was pretty detailed and I thought it would be a tactical textbook with a little more work."
Sol's report of the war emphasized the actions of the separate squadrons up to that point rather than fighting the actual demons. Rion's attempt to move a wide range of troops and the operation of the required messenger units.
"I'm honored to be praised. That's why I thought the last sentence was necessary."
Sol says that he admits that his statement of war is written so well that it makes people think that he can imitate.
"Hmm. Then can you imitate?"
Commander Knight does not dislike Sol's confidence. I think it has the power to allow it. So I don't want to be buried.
"I want to say I can, but there are some conditions."
"Well, do you give the condition?"
"I don't think it can be performed with the Knights of the Guards."
"... What are the conditions?"
The Knight Commander has the pride of being the best military organization in the kingdom. Sol's remark was a bit unpleasant.
"One is the messenger squad, but you need to move the intelligence squad."
"It's an intelligence unit, not a messenger. That's what Rion used to be like that?"
"Huh. I don't know what it is. I only know. "
The Guard's gaze turned to the King. It's a complicated gaze like laughing. In fact, the commander of the Knights of the Guards is mixed. The fact that Rion has such an organization in the frontier lord is two feelings, a fear that he seems to be Rion, and a fear that he will have such power.
"The other is the absolute command of the entire squadron, but I think this is difficult in my position. Even if you are empowered, some people will oppose it. "
"... Rion is different?"
"I don't know if it's authority. It doesn't just mean you're the lord, but there seems to be something that you can't and won't."
"Something ...
The commander of the Knights of the Knights knew that Rion had the power to subdue people. However, he did not think that he had already exerted that power on his surroundings. Haki grows with position and age. Lion is the lord, but still young. It's normal for there to be insults, but Sol says that it's not.
"Once we have that, we need the ability to think about the map of the surroundings, including the terrain, in our heads, place units there, and capture the changes over time, one or two hours later. And the ability to calculate where and what instructions should be given to correct further gaps. "
"... can you do that?"
"Yes, but because I know how to do it. I don't know if I came up with it from scratch."
"Lion thought from the ground up. Did he admit that Rion was better?"
"I'm sorry. That operation tried just one idea for him. If that didn't work, I thought of another way. He said,"
There is a military genius. It is an absolute talent that no matter how experienced, it cannot be exceeded. Commander Knight knows that.
What if Rion was that genius? After all, the worries of the Knights of the Guard and the King will return to their usual places.
"What did you think of that Lion Frey?"
"I think his ability is quite excellent, as I explained earlier."
"It's an explanation if you know what you want to hear is different."
"that is……"
It's a star. Sol knows the unrest of what Leon is thinking. However, Sol couldn't feel like talking to the king. I also knew Rion's feelings
"I would like to hear your frank opinions. If there were any suspicions in Rion Frey, I wouldn't consider it a problem. I know it's a problem in the first place."
"Is that so……"
Sol did not immediately speak anything, even in the words of the Guard Knight.
"What if I say I promise?"
"Majesty ..."
"I have heard from you that I will not imitate Punishment for Lion Frei. I will be here. Let's make a promise as the king of this country."
As expected, I can't just say nothing. Going against this would deny you as a Konoe.
"I just don't think of the word for him. No, I do, but it's inconsistent and I don't know if it's right."
"I don't mind. Say words that come to mind."
"Huh ..... I have a great deal of distrust in people who keep me out of the way. I've heard that this has influenced his growth."
"Is it a favela ...?"
"I couldn't ask for any details, but it seemed to be a terrible situation. But he said, but he still wanted someone to trust. That was ..."
"Is Vincent Woodville?"
"Yes. I'm sorry for the very few, and he's already like another person. Just as if I'm really the same person.
"Hmm? い つ When was that?"
Sol talks as if he had seen. That's what the Guard Knight was concerned about.
"The day I returned to the royal capital. Did you not know?"
"... what happened?"
The commander of the Guard Knight has no idea what Sol says. The same was true for the King.
"As a triumphal ceremony, all troops, including the main unit, arranged in a row and entered the royal capital."
"I know it. I heard it was amazing."
"Yes. Honestly, my heart shook."
"The heart shook. You?"
Somewhere different from the story I know. The commander of the Guard Knight felt so in the words of Sol.
"I'm a little worried about what this is good for, but I'll know later. I thought I was there at the moment of the birth of a hero."
"... It's not the Crown Prince or the little girl Maria."
"Huh? Why did the Crown Prince, oh, no, I'm sorry."
Realizing that his words meant that Prince Arnold was not worthy of a hero, Sol hurriedly stopped.
"I didn't hear the word now. Could you talk from the beginning? What happened?"
Sol doesn't know what the Guard Knight cares about, but when he is told to speak, he just speaks. Sol started talking about the day he returned to the royal capital from the beginning.
The notification to perform the triumphal ceremony arrived on the next day to enter the royal capital. Sol remembers that Leon was grinning because it was a messenger from the main unit, not from the capital city. The Knight of the Guard, who heard Sol's story, also smiled bitterly. I feel like the back of the story was just seen.
With the triumphal ceremony, Rion and the separate squadron waited for their arrival. Rion was trying to complain about that, but it was just the beginning, and she immediately began thinking about what she would spend that time on. Sol doesn't know all the things he actually thought and did, but he knew only that Rion was busy anyway. Sol doesn't have much more than Leon. However, he continued to spend his time training the apprentice knights. It was a meaningful time for Sol.
In private martial arts, Bandu's army has considerable skill. There was much to learn about troop movements and equestrians.
It took us a week before the unit arrived, but we had a good time that we didn't mind. Rion didn't complain too much, so it seems almost the same.
The problem is after the main unit arrives. He doubted what the delay had been for a week, and he was well-kept at what he should be suitable for the Arc de Triomphe. Armor helmets are shiny and polished, and horses are also dressed for ceremonies.
That is not all. The main unit has requested that the Band ド ゥ territory be lent to the main unit to add more color. The four-colored armor of Bandu's army is said to be perfect for the royal family and the three princes. It would be so. Red, blue, yellow and green are the colors of the four elements that make up the world. The Bandou Party has decided on a color that is similar to that.
Sol thought he would complain clearly, but Leon didn't seem to care at all and accepted it. As a result, the separate squadron would have left only the apprentice knights, and the main role in the triumphal ceremony would be taken away by the main unit.
The actual triumphal ceremony has shown many people unexpected developments.
Prince Arnold and the Three Houses, Maria, are with Lancelot, but lead by a unit of armor of each color. Behind it is a gorgeous army of the Knights of the Kingdom. The royal capitals on both sides of the street are delighted with their glamorous appearance. The cheers of the residents were echoing, and the triumphal ceremony was showing some excitement.
What changed the air was a separate squadron, who was at the end of the ranks. Residents cheered as soon as they saw the separate brigade.
One corner extending from the forehead to the jet-black body. Rion and Aeriel gently straddle the odd beast, apparently not a horse. Aeriel is sitting sideways in a white dress that is unsuitable for the army. Rion, who holds the Airiel so as to hug him, is a jet-black outfit, just opposite to Airiel. Only the red lining of the cloak, which is being worn, appears and disappears each time it bounces in the wind, and it looks strange.
Behind it are women in silver light armor and a white cloak, with a spear in one hand. The women of the White Party, the guards of Aeriel. Beside it, a group that covers the face with the same jet-black costume as Rion. The black party is lined up.
An unusual group that seems to have jumped out of the fairy tale world. The inhabitants were lost in words, drawn into the mysterious atmosphere.
No one can cheer. Nevertheless, everyone's gaze is nailed to Lions. When Lions passed by, the inhabitants followed, as if obsessed with something. Stay silent.
It was broken by cheers rising from the roadside.
Initially, Sol did not know who it was calling. That's right. The voices heard from the roadside are "General" and "Sister".
However, as soon as the call was heard, the harsh atmosphere that Rion had so far disappeared. He looked around and looked for the source of the voice, and stood up cleverly on the back of the monster, Nightmare, turned his right arm into the air with a full smile.
That moment-Sol felt the air tremble.
The inhabitants, who have been silent for so long as they have been released from some sort of spell, have all but shouted. Eventually, it turns into a voice calling Rion, followed by a hurry of victory. The surroundings of Lions were enthralled at once.
It was the first inhabitants who moved in that situation. I don't know Sol, but they are in the favela. The poor people who ran up to Rion and Eriel struggle to honor them. In an attempt to respond to their voice, Rion jumped into their circles from above Nightmare. There is also a great cheer from the surroundings in Rion's act.
As it is, Rion talks with the people in the favela in a frowning state. Unexpectedly, Aeriel also descends from Nightmare and is in the loop.
However, if the situation lasted for a long time, people around me could not keep silent. He complains that they have disappeared, and the people of the favela respond.
As he thought it was going to be a mess, Leon, worried that the surrounding atmosphere had worsened, went up again on the nightmare and thrust his fist up. So again, the surroundings are overjoyed.
There is no one who cares about the main unit going further. The protagonist of the Arc de Triomphe was completely Lyon's.
Residents should not know anything about the war situation. Even so, he naturally figured out who was the true protagonist.
"Mm ..."
After listening to the story of Sol, the commander of the Guard Knights had no choice but to growl. One is that this fact was hidden by me and the king. It is almost certainly because of jealousy of Leon. In the first place, the triumphal style makes you feel the pallority of depriving Rion of his war. I thought that if they were too active, they would come out, but they were too fast.
And the other is Sol's birth of a hero, who felt it himself. The birth of a hero is not always a pleasure for those involved in administration. Wherever a hero is born, there is a destruction of something existing. What is good for the future may be evil that destroys ourselves for those living in the present.
"Why do you want him to compete?"
Sol felt the idea of the commander of the Knights of the Guard, and asked what he was concerned about. Sol believes that if he is afraid of Leon, he should not give him a place to play.
"It's not about getting involved, I just want to reduce feud even a little."
You know who you are, no matter who you are.
"Is that so. If it's a little fine, I think it will work. I've actually started talking. But that's it."
"Do you mean nothing?"
"His actions are still for the Lord, and that's why he's been so active. He's so famous that he wants to make people think. Vincent Woodville says that Lion He was the main character of Frey. ''
"... I feel like that"
"On the other hand, she said: Rion is not fighting because she wants to fight, but she is pushing him to take responsibility for victory."
The Knight of the Guard knew his chest was injured, thinking that he was the one pressing.
"If you are afraid of him, why not try not to use him? The grudge may not go away. But if you pull him in the center, the grudge will not go away On the contrary, feuds with some are only getting stronger. "
Surrounding jealousy of Rion. Sol is also aware of its existence. I think that is natural. Rion does not feel the desire to be liked by others or the desire to be seen well. That's fine, but as a result, Rion acts without fear of rebound.
"... Let's refer to it"
"Still fighting him yet?"
"I haven't decided it, but I think that a hero is born, not made. If the times call for a hero, no one can stop it. That's it. "
"That's it. You can go down."
Thanks to the King and the commander of the Knights of the Guard, Sol left the room. The remaining king and the commander of the Guard Knight are bitter. Whenever we talk about Rion, they end up like this.
"A hero ..."
"I don't know yet. If you've just paid off, there are countless others."
"Don't go crazy, do you yourself think of Rion as a vessel of a hero?"
"... I hope Prince Arnold can master it."
The Knights of the Guards spoke words affirming the King's words.
"Are you a master of heroes? I want that. I know now that I need more time."
Not only do you wait for Prince Arnold to grow, but you don't want her to be a hero. It doesn't matter if the current king can master it, it's nothing more than a hero, like the hero of his predecessor. Don't do the relationship between them.
"You need to stay away from the fight."
"Aren't you saying it's useless?"
"Even so, you should do what you can do."
"Hmmm ... Is the prize a virtue and a bounty?"
The idea is not only to stay away from the fight, but also to prevent Rion from having any more power. It doesn't help anything like the Viscount. Bounty is also temporary. It is insignificant compared to increasing territories.
"What do you do to the envy? It's fine to hold back the power, but it's hard to get crushed."
"... let's deflate a little, and let the rest be credited. Isn't anyone looking for life?"
"How is it? I haven't been able to do that research"
"... what if there is?"
"I don't know it, but isn't it common sense in history that the end of a hero depends on the betrayal of those who are jealous and those who want to be impersonated?"
"I'm just kidding. I'm convinced to Sol, but I've never seen a hero. I'm not going to be honest with Rion."
"Sure, but do you need to be vigilant? Leave it to me. Are you thinking anyway?"
Pulling it back and pushing it back is an annoying story for Rion. The king of the country and the commander of the Knights of the Guard were so shaken because they could not grasp Leon.
They want security. We want to be convinced that Leon's loyalty is definitely for the kingdom. Without knowing that it cannot be fulfilled.
Those who have lived as royals and guards do not know that those who grew up in the favela did not know that they were kingdom citizens.
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