Akuyaku Reijo Ni Koi Wo Shite
Two people who do not intersect
After face-to-face with Prince Alex of the Kingdom of Ox, Rion was silent for a while. There was a lot of interesting information in the short talk. There are many things to think about.
Among them, the most worrisome is the possibility that the demon only appears in the Grand Flam Kingdom. If that is the case, then there are even more possibilities.
"Are the capitals grasping the status of demons in other countries?"
After a while, Leon asked Sol. Additional information was needed to advance the idea.
"I don't get that information in my ear."
"... I can't use it. I don't even know this important information."
"It's information from another country. It's not necessary for the Ikon Konishi."
"Will it cause a war?"
"What did you say?"
Sol's face was slightly frowned. It's not surprising to see what Leon says. I'm sorry that I heard the same story and didn't come up with this idea for myself.
"This is the only country in the world who is being hunted by the demon. In some places, many troops have been rushed to defeat monsters. Is there only a friendly country around? "
"... No, not at all."
Far from being a friendly nation, the Kingdom of Merica is a virtual enemy, and even though the Kingdom of Osk and Hashiu are subordinates, they cannot be willing to be in that position. So are other countries. He fears the power of the kingdom, but he is also jealous of his richness. If these countries take action, this is a great opportunity.
"But if that were the case, she would know."
While being chased by the demon, they are invaded by other countries. If this were to happen, Maria would have known the information. It is Maria who will save the kingdom from the crisis.
"Well, just because you know it doesn't necessarily mean you speak."
"What is that?"
Rion intended to talk about himself, but Sol did not listen. It starts with the important story that a war may happen. Of course.
"... Who is that woman?"
"Maria Theodor. Isn't there any other woman who calls it that way?"
"Well, but you don't know what I'm saying, even if you know that much?"
"... I'm frustrated."
This is a disappointment here, but I have to admit it. Sol didn't understand at all.
"That's usually the case. I was skeptical when I was told."
Rion's response to Sol's honest words was surprising. Sol has just added more things that don't make sense.
"Please explain what I mean."
"That woman knows the future of subjugating the devil. Is this good?"
"Well, she doesn't try to change it."
"... Do we need to change it?"
At the end, all evil spirits will be defeated. Sol does not feel the need to change it.
"It depends on how much you know. Where does the demon come from? Where is the demon? Won't you think that woman knows the answer?"
"... Is that so?"
The home of demons and demon remains a mystery. But if you know the last fight against the demon, you may know your home. Maria has always known where the demon appears, and the battle is going on that way.
"There is a danger that the consequences will be different if you change poorly. So if you say that you do not go ahead, you can not blame. But is that the only reason?"
"... I think it's different."
Obviously, the act of eliminating Rion, who continued his success in the Demon Battle, was to keep Rion from doing any more.
If anyone thinks so, the name of Maria, who is the main player in the defeat of the genie, comes to mind. Sol doesn't think Maria could do that alone, but there is a good chance it's involved.
It indicated that Maria's priority was to be more active than restraining the devil's damage.
"I do not affirm, but there is no doubt that she is a person who does not care about sacrifice. She can not stand it unless her hero is herself. I know that being active in battle and being a hero are different Absent"
Although Rion talks about being close to the truth of this world, no one can tell that this is the case. People in this world do not know the existence of games. The idea of Rion's protagonist is not connected.
"She's knowledge is subtly different. Isn't that a big problem?"
The situation of the last two battles was a miscalculation for Maria. Sol knows that fact. I can still forgive Mary's emphasis on her standing. However, it is not enough to take a crisis in the kingdom by taking action for that purpose.
"Is that ... it's difficult."
Sol's concern was that Leon had a slightly different content. Why do so many demons and strong demons appear from the beginning? I felt a gap with the common sense of the game that the enemy became stronger as the protagonist grew.
"Can't you think of the cause?"
"I can't think of it ... well, maybe."
One possibility is actually coming up. It is possible that the strength of the enemy is determined according to the strength of the hero. Maria has been supported by the kingdom from the beginning, hoping to fight with a decent army. Although he seems to have won with the power of Rion, if he ignored the sacrifice, he would have won without Rion. Think of it as a game, it's not just a task, but it's not an appropriate difference in strength, so you can enjoy a fight.
However, it is impossible to explain this.
"I see. Then I'm worried about the next fight."
"Oh, it's like trying to do extra work."
"Extra thing?"
"Parallel defense battle, dividing the army into several units"
"What did you say?"
This is the strategy that Rion attempted in the last battle, and described Sol as only a genius.
"The next fight doesn't have to be a painful fight. Well, I guess that woman just has to think hard."
"Not good! Can't she do it?"
"That is a strategy that can only be done by a genius."
"I did it?"
"It's ... because you're a genius."
Sol was a reluctant to praise Lion face-to-face.
"I can't get anything out of it even if I instigate it."
"I hate humility, at least I can't do the same."
"... I think we can do it if we calculate it steadily."
Sol believes that in order for that operation to work, he needs the ability to have a wide area map in his head and accurately trace the movement of several units. On a limited battlefield, there are those who can do it. Sol is not perfect, but he can do it to some extent. But Sol thought that what Lion did was an order of magnitude expansion.
"If you know the length of two sides of the triangle, you can also know the length of the other side. Is this good?"
Sol doesn't know, but Rion moves on.
"Assuming the line connecting Unit A and Unit B to be the X side, Unit A goes to Destination C, and Unit B issues a messenger to Destination C. From Unit A's departure to Destination C, The distance is the Y side, and the distance the messenger has advanced is the Z side ... Oh, this is just one example.
"Wait a minute! I don't understand the meaning at all!"
I don't know. It is not necessary knowledge of a guard knight. Even if you have learned it, I don't think it can be understood by Leon's explanation.
"... I don't know this. But she must know more than me. So she can do the same."
"Why do you know that?"
"I know my grades at the institute. As far as I know, I'm always second."
This is a lie. Rion thinks she can do it because she has the knowledge she learned in another world.
And this is a terrible misunderstanding. Just because you can do a little math, you can't imitate like Leon. Even if you do, the original numbers are not accurate, so there will always be gaps.
Rion had the ability to sensibly correct this gap. In the end, it's more than ordinary people, as Sol thought.
"... Isn't that useless?"
Sol also noticed Rion's misunderstanding sensuously. I realized that I had no idea what she was doing, so I had to point it out and change my story.
"It's useless. I did it last time because the number of separate squads was limited. I didn't do it in the main squad, which had enough numbers in the first place. If you deploy your troops at the predicted location of the demon, that's all you need. ''
"... Is there more than expected?"
"Let's close. By lowering the whole, we gather the dispersed units and eliminate the inferiority. If not, make up the inferiority with equipment. A defense battle in a castle."
"... it's a stone"
Rion's strategy is nothing new. A commonsense tactic when minimizing sacrifice is important.
"I don't need to do anything special to be a monster opponent. I think there's a certain way to win. It's best to do that without fail."
If you think that Rion is a type that likes crazy, this is what he said. The more you listen, the less the Sol's essence is known to Rion.
"However, if you do that, the winner will be the army, not that woman. You may not want that."
"I see. But I'm investigating well. Did you still have a messenger?"
"I have left it, but what I've told you is the Crown Prince and Charlotte."
"For some reason, a letter has been sent out detailing it, and I'm still asking for my opinion. It's going to take more than a month to get it, the reply will be the same or more, so the fight should be over. Don't you think it makes sense? "
"Do you want to refer to the next battle?"
Apart from Charlotte, Sol knows Prince Arnold's intention. The same purpose as me. Prince Arnold is also learning how to fight Leon.
"... I don't know what I mean. If I had time to think about that, I would do something else."
"Isn't demon slaying more important than anything right now?"
"What is the next king? Is this country lacking enough human resources so that the prince has to fight himself?"
"That's ... I think it's different."
"Well, there's no problem with the King, but I just pray that I won't be involved in the trouble."
"Is it troublesome?"
"Are you in love? Or are you really not sure?"
"... probably the latter"
Sol doesn't even know what he's talking about. But that's not to say that Sol's head isn't spinning, but because of the difference between himself and Sol's evaluation of Leon.
"Is it a lie? What do you think the Prince of Ox came to do?"
"I know it. It's pulling out."
Sol's answer was different from what Lion thought. That was Rion's completely unexpected answer.
"I'm trying to pull you out of my country. Isn't that a search for that? I'm serious about that prince's friendship. I'm just an individual."
"... Scout?"
"Including that. Checking the situation in Band ド ゥ will help you to understand your skills."
"I can't go to the Ox Kingdom"
"I don't know it for anyone else. It's normal to think there is a possibility given your circumstances and your attitude to the Crown Prince."
"... What do you do with me?"
This low self-esteem does not remind Leon of the possibility of being pulled out.
"I'm in love with that. We can't tell you what the Ox kingdom will do, enriching the country, strengthening the army,"
"Countries and territories are different. And how many years later did you do that?-Now it's impossible to attack the Grand Flam Kingdom. It would not be possible alone, but if you attack together with the United Kingdom, you will win enough is there"
"The kingdom doesn't fall easily"
"I guess, if you do well, I think at least the royal capital will fall. The monsters are rampaging near the border, so the center of the kingdom is very thin. In addition, the southeastern part, especially the southern part, bordering the Kingdom of Merica However, whether it became timid because of the damage of the monster raid, or because the army was concentrated at the important base, the point of defense was to avoid it. If we can reach the army, we may be able to drop the royal capital, which is where marching training with fragmented units is useful. "
Sol listening to Leon's explanation is completely amazed. I just heard of the fact that no demons have appeared in other countries. The only way to come up with such a solution is to be more surprised than surprised. What's more, Rion knows for some time the defense situation in the south.
Rion's position as a watchmaker is wondering if it's surprisingly true.
"……aside from that?"
"It's a way to drop the royal capital. Are you thinking any more?"
"I don't think. If you have the current plan, you don't need to think?"
"Now, write down the details and report to the Royal City."
"It's about taking measures! The royal capital will fall if you don't do anything!"
Rion's expression has turned into a bulging face like a child. It's not about Sol, but about his failure.
"Are you dissatisfied?"
"... separately"
Rion turns around, looking at Sol's question. A childish attitude, but again, Leon. Given age alone, there is no doubt that he is still a child.
From this child's head comes a terrible plan to drop the royal capital. Sol felt the danger of Leon.
By forcefully writing a report to the royal capital halfway through the Sol, Leon completely bent his navel and cut off his government. Only Airiel can do anything for Rion.
"That guy. Forcibly doing that kind of thing."
"Are you still sick? That's bad that Leon slipped his mouth."
"I know that. What I don't understand is that I've been brilliantly advised on what I can do. Even though I had a lot to think about to make it happen."
Thinking is the pleasure of Rion. I don't like having it done halfway.
"What do you think if you send that feasible solution to the Imperial City?"
A good report cannot be praised. It's just alarming why you thought so far.
"And if the kingdom is taken over by the Kingdom of Merica, we'll lose our turn."
"That's not it. Even if the royal capital is occupied, it just means a recapture operation or some other event."
"Yeah, but many people will be sacrificed for the recapture operation event. Does the royal city have favela?"
"……It was"
The residents of the favela are those who should protect Lion. They are not good people who sacrifice revenge first.
"I'm glad I had to thank Sol."
"Why the guy?"
"If the kingdom takes action, we can protect the favela, thanks to Sol who told us to report."
"... maybe so."
Even after hearing Ariel's words, Rion does not seem convinced. This reaction is of concern to Aeriel. Both Lion and Sol feel like they have strange opposition to each other.
"What does Lion think of him?"
"What about abilities. For example, what about him as a subordinate?"
"... excellent, but that's all. That guy doesn't feel the heat to do anything. That's useless."
"That's because I've lost someone to serve. There's no one who seems to do something for him."
"It's been a long time ago. It's not forever dragging."
After all, the evaluation of Lion for Sol is severe. Eriel doesn't know why.
"You were so loyal. You don't value it?"
The same is true of Leon's allegiance to Vincent. From the perspective of Aeriel, Leon and Sol don't seem to be incompatible.
"To someone you haven't met? I don't understand that feeling."
"I haven't seen him, but he seemed to serve before he was born."
"……What do you mean?"
"He seems to have been busy since the time when Her Highness was in her guise.
"... Is it stupid?"
"He's serious. He's still a kid and he's been on a mission, anyway. I was looking forward to the day I was born, and went to visit Her Royal Highness every day. He wasn't there when he was born. ''
"It seemed like a considerable birth, and it took a long time before I was born. I was up and waiting all the time, and in the morning, I just woke up. The baby was born and kidnapped by him Was being taken to his bedroom, and he feels responsible for that. "
All that remained was the queen and the midwife. The Queen, who knew that the baby was odd-eyed, was grateful that there were no humans in the castle and asked the midwife to take her away. Sol does not know this fact.
He wasn't kidnapped unless he fell asleep, and Sol felt responsible, as a child. Perhaps because she was a child, she thought so.
"Then, you just have to find that princess. I'm sorry for not doing it and nothing goes."
"... I'm sorry to say that simply."
"Aeriel is sweet to him. I know it's hard to find out, but I can't do it unless I try it."
"that's right, but……"
"If you're really a loyalty partner, you'll be surprised to meet nature. Just like Vincent met me."
"Yes ..."
Whether the encounter between Rion and Sol is natural, Eriel has no clue. Clearly, Eriel wondered if they needed a meeting that seemed like that.
A fateful encounter like Leon met Vincent who would not have met in a favela. Even if I wish it, it will not be realized anymore. The two have already met.
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