Akuyaku Reijo Ni Koi Wo Shite
The back event does not end
Amidst the battle against the Kingdom of the United States, Prince Arnold and a group of demon suppression forces have returned after completing their missions.
Only Maria knows, but the second half is nearing the end. The fight against the demon should also be in a tougher battle, leading to a better situation, but this time it is possible to finish the defeat mission more smoothly than before and return to the royal capital much earlier than planned It was done.
It does not mean that devils and demons were weak. The strength of each individual has not changed, but the number has increased, and it was not difficult to struggle considerably. Why did it go well?
"I was able to convince myself this time! In this case, the lord must be praised!"
Screaming out loud with Aperol floating. It's hard to see how many people around you hear this line. I'm not drinking. It just floats. It was from the time of going to battle.
The band ド ゥ s troops' success in this defeat of the witches was tremendous. It feels like the quality of the strength has increased by one or two steps.
"Don't you have such a sweet character? If you say that you have a satisfying fight, then you'll get angry if you don't grow anymore?"
Mojito is scolding Aperol. He talks about the harshness of Rion, but his tone is interesting.
"Must be! The lord wants to do the same thing to others because he is strict with himself! It is unbearable for those who serve at all!"
As usual, Aperor's mouth is full of bitches to Rion, but not as dark as before. It's an atmosphere that makes me happy to be mocked by Mojito.
"I think we need to think more about the way we fight. Aperol is glad that the units have worked well, but isn't that just the basics yet?"
Kiel has also stated that it is too early to be satisfied.
"Basic? Then what is the application?"
"I think it is necessary to show the characteristics of each party in a horse-riding battle. Once the same movement can be made, the next step is to put the characteristics of each party on top of that. And the Bandu territory can be stronger. ''
It is not an idea. In the keel, he had been thinking about ways to strengthen the territory.
"... It's really a keel! I know my lord well! That's a characteristic. My Yellow Party is a power, but it's a horse-riding power ... it's difficult."
The horse's rush power is power. Aperol couldn't think of a way to add further features here.
"Equestrians are one power for all humans and horses. Isn't it simple to use a horse with a large horse body to make it unique?"
Kiel's idea is simple. I've been telling you how to do this by getting stronger horses.
"Have you got a horse ... I see, it's there.
"It was Rion's desire to coordinate the movement of the entire unit.
The yellow party is a powerful horse, the green party is a faster horse, and matching the characteristics of the horse will match the movement of the unit.
"Yes. After all, what happened to you, Lord? Indeed, our Lord."
A grin appears on Kiel's face. This is the first time I heard the words "My Lord" from Aperor's mouth. Kiel was happy with the appearance of Aperol floating.
However, those who do not know the circumstances do not know why there are Bandel troops led by Aperol.
"……Did something happen?"
Prince Arnold, one of the strangers, asked Cassis, who was right behind him.
"... I noticed that you noticed their popularity"
Cassis responds to Prince Arnold's question, looking slightly shy. The short answer is because it's embarrassing to talk thinly.
"It's very popular? What is it?"
Prince Arnold has no sense at all. I was not convinced by the answer.
"... apparently the Lord seemed to see through our feelings. If he thought he didn't have him, he actually looked closely at himself and thought well. And it's like this, just like a child is relentless. "
Prince Arnold's feelings are a bit more complicated, as the band recognizes that Leon is happy. There was a mix of wanting a ministry who wanted me to be acknowledged too much, and a desire to be acknowledged.
"I am alleged, but I think Prince Him is a good Lord."
After seeing the expression of Prince Arnold's darkening, Cassis utters the words of follow. It is both a feeling that he does not want Rion to have bad feelings and a feeling of purely caring for Prince Arnold.
"I made a big mistake. Not a good Lord."
"I think it's the same with the Lord."
"Rion?-What does that mean?"
"Oh ... it is."
Cassis shows a troubled expression to the words he uttered. He didn't even know who he was talking to.
"What happened?"
"... I don't know if it's good to eat."
"I'm OK. Please explain."
"... then. Perhaps, but the Lord ... regrets that he did not help and considers it his own responsibility."
Who does Cassis say? There was indeed resistance to giving out the name. Even if you don't give it a name, most people at this place will know who they are.
"I don't want to make a mistake again, and I'm trying to work as many times as people. I think that's what it is."
"Let's learn from mistakes, and that's not easy too."
"Isn't the Crown Prince also taught failure?"
"I listen to people's words honestly, no matter who you are. I don't think it's easy to do from the position of His Crown Prince."
If they need it, they ask the cassis for their opinion. The cassis and the bandeau are the jury. Originally, he would not be allowed to listen to Prince Arnold.
But Prince Arnold has no such place. It was a really positive attitude for Cassis.
The Prince Arnold and the statue of Prince Arnold, the enemy of Rion, never overlap. Cassis attributed this to the change of Prince Arnold.
"I wonder if that's true"
If you think of yourself before, the change is obvious. He rebounded from his surroundings and did not try to accept Matomo's words. At that time, Prince Arnold is now clearly different.
"I think so"
A little smile appears on Prince Arnold's face. Cassis felt that this expression, as if she was shy, resembled Rion's expression only to those who forgave her.
"I'm not sure if this is right. Can you still ask?"
That thought makes Cassis continue his words.
"I think it's better not to be too conscious of previous mistakes. It's not about forgetting. Just being overly conscious doesn't reduce the distance forever. That's the same as our failure."
"It's ... but ..."
The groove between Prince Arnold and Lion is wide and deep. It's too different from the cassis.
"I know it's not easy, but I can't do it without doing anything. This is another word that the lord says like a habit."
"I can't do it if I don't do anything.
Cassis talks to Prince Arnold of this that Rion should give up revenge. Rion may do whatever it takes. But then Lion cannot live in the Grand Flam Kingdom. Bandou loses a lord who cannot be replaced by Rion. There is a way to rebel against the kingdom with the bandeau, but Cassis does not want it. Not because of fear of failure, but because he wants to see Rion performing on a larger stage.
Given the power of the Grand Flam Kingdom, Rion may have achieved continental domination. The same thought as the king was in Cassis's chest.
"……That is?"
The words of doubt suddenly came out of Prince Arnold's mouth. In front of Prince Arnold's gaze, a horse is seen. The horse, bearing the messenger's seal, was running from the royal capital.
"I'll check it soon"
A couple of guard knights with Prince Arnold rush to the front. From the place where he returned with no signs of rubbing in particular, it is clear that he was a messenger. So what did you come to tell?
Tension ran for the waiting Prince Arnold.
"This is a messenger from the royal capital."
"Oh, what happened?"
"It appears that the front desk liaison of the Merika Kingdom Interceptor has been attacked by enemy forces. It is unknown whether or not everyone who seems to be at the liaison office, including the Frey Information Controller."
"What did you say!?"
Prince Arnold's anxiety is brilliant, but he doesn't think it's happened to this point, and he's stunned with a surprise voice.
"It disrupted the front's connection. Almost half of the interceptor's whereabouts are missing."
"That's it!"
It was Lancelot, not Prince Arnold who was surprised. Prince Arnold was already surprised at the time of the first report, predicting the collapse of the front, but Lancelot was not.
Not only in Lancelot, but also in Maria and Elwin. All three have heard the report of the messenger and have lost their complexion.
"The remaining half of the intercepting forces are reconstructing the defense battle, but they have not been cut off to complement the movement of the Royal Army of the United States, so it was not judged that it was enough. We're returning to the city and preparing to join the interceptor.
The messenger can't keep up with the opponent's reaction. I told at a stretch what to tell.
"... I won't return to the capital city"
The messenger was now more surprised by Prince Arnold's reply.
"It's a waste of time. I'll join the interceptor as it is. Tell me so."
"Oh, yes."
Before this conversation took place, some of the demon suppression forces were moving. Leading the bandu territory is armed with four colors of armor. They had begun to act before hearing Prince Arnold's words. He couldn't stay still, knowing the danger of Leon.
Prince Arnold showed their actions, which could be taken as a violation of military order or abandonment. However, without it, he would have decided to go straight to the interceptor.
Prince Arnold himself can't stay as much as Bandu's army.
A fort in the southeastern part of the kingdom of Granfram, which is quite close to the demon suppression army and the royal capital. It is a fort built by the Grand Flam Kingdom to protect the border with the United Kingdom. It is unusual in the border with the Kingdom of Merica where there are many flat areas, and the fort that is sandwiched between cliffs on both sides and the cliff on both sides seems to be really robust.
Now, there are those who are looking into the fort from the cliff. Lion and Sol are the two who are unknown in the Grand Flam Kingdom.
"Are you really going?"
"Are you listening to it now?-How hard do you think you've come this far?"
"I know that. I'm the one who struggled."
"Do you say you struggled yourself?"
"It's true. That's not the case if you're talking about it now. Can you really drop it?"
Drop the fort in front of you. That is why they are coming to this place.
"I'm doing it because I think I can drop it.
"That's right ..."
It is in a position where you can peek at the fort from above. Certainly it is an advantageous situation to attack. But Sol alone cannot be optimistic enough.
"This fort is a defense that protects the attack from the Merikas. The defense on this side is not as rigid as it looks. The blind spots are in the mountains, and it is easy to get to the fort. , Which is much more fragile than the front gate. ''
"... Don't be afraid. Why do you know that?"
I just thought he had been thinking of attacking the fort from the beginning. The problem is, however, why we knew it was necessary.
"Because I was provided with a lot of information when thinking about the strategy. It is one of them."
"Even so, I do not understand the idea of trying to remember the fort."
"Keep all the information you have in mind. You don't know where you're going to fight? I didn't assume that this was the case."
"... I guess."
One day, Sol thought that the base village was suddenly stormed by the Royal Army of the Merika, but in fact, it was not that steep, but that it was. Sol just didn't know that.
Rion, who knew, chose to flee before the village was completely surrounded, and did so successfully. Probably without being noticed by the other party. Rion had even prepared a corpse for the camouflage, and even demonstrated that the entire village would be set on fire as soon as the enemy entered.
I can't do it without preparation in advance.
"I could fight in a fort, and in that case, it's the knowledge I need."
"Already good"
For plausible reasons, it makes Sol even more suspicious.
"Even though you've asked me. Well then, I really want to stop the useless talk ... what do we start with. The aim is ..."
"... Is it fun?"
"Huh? Is it a wasteful talk?"
"No, it looks like that."
"It's not fun, if anything, it's not good.
"……got it"
You are in the middle of the enemy. Rion also thought in advance that the command post could be attacked. However, the scale was larger than expected, and the subsequent movement was unexpected. The entire army of the Merika Kingdom Army is chasing the army that can be said to be the shortstop army that turned backwards, without worrying at all about the intercepting army remaining in the capital city, the mainstay of the Grand Flam Kingdom.
As a result, the command chain will attack the disorganized side, which makes sense. The Grand Flam kingdom, which was overtaken by the Merika Kingdom, had no choice but to continue south. Until Rion restructures the chain of command.
Rion, who escaped from the command post, not only escaped, but tried to assemble his troops on the move and did so. As expected, not all of the squadrons that were behind were formed, but there are enough to think of attacking the fort.
"I want to catch you somehow, but what about your personal valor?"
"Who's talking?"
"Who's the princess of the Kingdom of Merica? I guess she's so strong that she's called a goddess of war, so it's easy to catch it."
"Wait a minute. Is Princess Olivia in this fort?"
Sol hasn't heard that story. Also, it's a place to complain to Rion.
"Did you hear me?-I said I would revenge, which would break the enemy's command chain."
The response that is out of the ordinary person's sense of Rion loses his complaining feeling.
"... Why are you here?"
"If you command each invasion, you should choose a waypoint, just because you're a princess. You can't take risks like I do, so I'm not on the front."
"... but that doesn't mean you're at the fort."
"If you say I have a rough character, you denied me?-A beautiful princess who is not a garbage has never camped, but if you are a princess who is retreating into a city or a fort in your country, it is a princess general I won't be called. "
"So it's our fort ..."
Sol was surprised to think about it before he came up with it. Attempting to find out where he was means that Lion was thinking about defeating Princess Olivia, the commander of the enemy country.
He was already aware of Leon's dedication, but he was still deep. I have no choice but to go beyond my surprise.
"Because I have the back, I just thought in my head and did not act."
Rion has been excused by Sol's embarrassment as a criticism of rashness. Also, Sol is amazed. Sol has no idea when he was behind, when he was by the side.
"... How do you catch it?"
Sol has no intention of complaining any more than he knows that Leon is taking action. All you have to do is to make the strategy successful.
"Capturing is not an absolute requirement. Eject this enemy from this fort first, and pursue further pursuits while not recovering from the confusion. For a while, you will not be able to afford other units to issue orders. The purpose of
"got it"
The purpose of the strategy is clear and I will not overdo it. It's a delicate point that it can be said that it will not be overwhelmed because Lion's statement will invade the Kingdom of Merica.
"Okay, we've got it all together. Let's go back and explain the tactics, then move on at once."
"Oh, I see."
Battle over border fort. The battle, which started with a surprise attack on the kingdom of Granfram, ended with a victory on the part of the kingdom of the kingdom before the kingdom of Merika was able to counterattack. As a result, the command chain of command for the Invasion Army of the United Kingdom collapsed, and the chaotic war situation in the southeastern part of the kingdom of Granfram, where both troops moving around engaged in encounter battles without knowing the situation, spread. Become.
At this point, it is impossible for the Merika Kingdom to continue its invasion, and the event of the fall of the Grande Fram is to be avoided.
The fall of the royal city itself is only a back event of narration, but if the result changes, the next royal capital recapture event will not occur. The game scenario finally collapsed completely.
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