Akuyaku Reijo Ni Koi Wo Shite
Event: Season of encounter
The season is spring. It's the busiest and hardest time for the teachers of the Kingdom Academy, but it's a refreshing mood and a feeling of excitement sometime with a freshman.
Only this year, in the staff room, the classroom teachers in charge of the first grade class had a sad face-to-face meeting led by the grader.
"Why did this happen?"
"What are you doing now? Isn't that something you knew long ago?"
Although he is a grade chief who can't help his classroom, he really wants to blur.
"Yes, but I can't help but not talk."
"That's the same for me."
"But once in a decade, I'll be in charge of the first grade in that year."
"Huh ..."
It is natural, but freshmen, to worry about the first grade teachers.
This year's freshmen have such a face. It is a surprising face even in the year of the passion for teachers who visit once every few decades.
The first is Prince Arnold Highland, his royal family. In other words, the next King Majesty. It is followed by the children of the Marquis.
Viscount Lancelot Minister, a child of the Marquis of Axmia.
Charlotte Lanchester, the second daughter of the Marquis of Fathiras.
And Viscount Vincent Woodville of the Marquis of Winheels.
Stepping on the royal family and the three lords. Moreover, the luxurious that three people are legitimate children, including the prince. There have been several occasions when these influential children settled in a certain age.
If you are married in one marquis, your home will be home, if you talk about pregnancy, it is natural for you to have such a small competition between marquis.
As a result, the younger children's years are approaching, and teachers are afraid that they will visit once every decades.
However, it is not uncommon to concentrate so much on a single grade.
The institute says he is pleased to be greeted by a younger brother of a leading magnate, but he is in trouble at heart. Academic people, even the director of the academy, are in a lower position.
It is still good. Every year about status. The question is what to do if the powerful children and children collide and each other says unreasonable.
"Let's check again. There is no problem with the Crown Prince. There is no doubt that he will be praised as the next King."
One of the teachers reported on the prince while looking at the materials at hand.
"Do you believe it?"
In response, another teacher expresses skepticism.
"that is……"
"Isn't it possible that the Royal Palace reports that His Imperial Highness is bad?"
"I'm not talking about rare things"
In a hurry, the grader accuses the teacher of the statement. It is a statement that could be taken as saying that the character of the Prince is bad.
"... Yeah."
"There is no doubt that academics, swords, and magic are all excellent. Also, since you are the Crown Prince, can you think that the appropriate behavior is being beaten in?"
The first teacher to report has been reassuring. I guess I'm going to follow.
"Yes, let's move on to the next."
In response, the grade manager proceeds, saying that the story of the prince should end here.
"Yes. Viscount Lancelot Minister of the Axmia House"
"I'm Lancelot at Gakuin. Be careful."
In addition, the attention of the chief of the grade is skipped. Instructing teachers is the role of the chief of the grade. As long as the student's name is stipulated, it must be adhered to.
"... I am my first teacher."
Even if it's a puzzle for new teachers.
"Get used to this is the rule."
"Yes ... Lancelot and Kun are excellent in spells and magic. They are written as adults."
"... Charlotte?"
The teacher asked what he asked about the report on the Prince.
"It's the same. Isn't everyone better than just people, not just their status?"
He also speaks doubtful words. It is cautious at best, and suspicious at worst.
"It's a royal family and a marquis family."
Grade chief who asserts clearly.
Has blood that inherits talent. That is why nobles are honored as nobles. This must not be denied, even if it is not.
"... That's right, so Vincent-kun, too."
"The sword is another one, the challenge is to build physical strength. The magical talent is moderate. It is growing moderately. If you are motivated, you can do it if you are motivated, so be careful of how to teach. That's right"
"Um ... isn't that specific to one person?"
"That's it. Well, even without looking at the report, he's famous."
"Don't you know? At the trial ceremony, the Marquis was disqualified, and he wasn't convinced, and went on a rampage on the spot. It seems that Slot-kun can no longer do trials, he seems to have bought quite a lot. "
"... the worst"
It is an anecdote that can be said to be a typical example of selfish nobility. Listening to the story, the teacher has a blunt face.
"Yes, Vincent is one of the new students to watch out for."
It seems that the chief of the grade was also checking in advance. This was clearly stated.
"... I'm the class B teacher with Vincent-kun?"
This was the reason he had a slim face.
"Hmm? Is that so?"
On the other hand, the classroom teacher is happy.
Under the original implicit rules, the upper class nobles are class A, and from there, they are class B and class C according to their status. If you are a marquis, you should be in class A.
I was depressed as to whether there was a problem child in the serious A class, but it did not seem to be so.
"Why my B-class has a name. Is that funny?"
The grade leader answered the teacher's question.
"I changed it for a reason."
"Chief of the school year! What's up? And if a claim comes from the Marquis of Winheels."
"I'm from the Marquis of Axmia first. I'm not going to be in the same class."
"... Already a feud?"
"I think that's what it is. It's ostensibly organized classes at random. It's a pretext for a new attempt to think about the school, so that's what it is."
"I mean?"
"Even in the same class, status varies."
"Such an idiot ..."
It is not only nobles who enter the Kingdom Academy. Even ordinary people can go to school if they pass the entrance examination. Of course, it is a very difficult test that only a very good person can pass, but conversely, breaking through it will greatly open the way for the future.
This year there are quite a few successful applicants. Those who pass the exam know. The royal family and the Three Marquis families are all together in this school year.
If they can stay in school and serve them, they will have a clue to their success.
As a teacher, I have no choice but to pray to be quiet.
Teachers have more headaches than feuds between nobles. This is the case with feuds due to social differences.
The school gate is crowded with many carriages.
A row of carriages where you can't see where you will go. It is an annual sight.
New students enter the dormitory. For this reason, not only the rider himself, but also a carriage loaded with luggage will be drawn.
It is the luggage of a noble brother. That would be a considerable amount. Even the person's own thing, even so, adds to the servant who takes care of his surroundings.
Looking at this scene, you can tell the status of the freshman alone. A commoner is walking along the side of the road with carriages carrying large luggage.
"Hey! I'm in the way, go there!"
Looking back at the voice hung from behind, a girl with black hair looked back.
"What's in the way !? I'm following the rules! I'm yours ...
Rion is embarrassed by a girl who suddenly complains with a terrific sword curtain. Vincent, the man who complained to the girl, stands with a grumpy face behind it.
"Uh ... I'm sorry."
"Why does Rion apologize? Is it the woman who puts her luggage in the way?"
The girl is a freshman at the academy and is probably a commoner. Large luggage is on the ground. Vincent complained about where he was tired and resting.
"Yes, I think Vincent-speaking was a bit tight. You said she was kind to women, right?"
"Whether it's a woman or something, people can't get in the way."
"Yeah ... I guess it's better to keep your luggage aside a little more. Wagons pass right next to you, so putting your luggage there would be quite an obstacle for pedestrians."
"Is your luggage heavy? I'll move it."
"Oh, no, not at all."
"Do you really want to carry it? If you absolutely must, I will ...
Rion has no idea what the embarrassment of the schoolgirl is. I was confused at my heart that I was involved in a strange girl.
"No! Um ... are you from the Marquis of Winheels?"
"... how do you know?"
Severely adds to Rion's gaze. Rion now uses a black cloth like an eyepatch to hide the odd eyes. Even if you do so, you can not hide the neat features, but if the eyes are severe, it will change into a beauty that feels ruthless somewhere.
Sure enough, a scared color appeared on the face of the schoolgirl who was glared with such a gaze.
"Rion. You're threatening women."
"Um ... I just want to ask why."
Following Vincent's suggestion, Leon consciously smiles and asks the schoolgirl.
"Because she was called Vincent ..."
"Only by name?"
"I remember the names of the three Marquis families."
"... A new student?"
"Ok, so what if you're a Winheel prince?"
I wasn't convinced by the schoolgirl's explanation, but for now, I decided to ask ahead.
"Why are you walking?"
"Why? Because it's a walk."
Rion answers with a face saying what she is listening to. If you walk without purpose, it is only a walk.
But she didn't go to the schoolgirl.
"Because I was bored, take a walk. Vincent-sama ... with a little exercise."
He was almost on a diet, but changed his language in a hurry. I know Vincent gets angry.
"But I came here by carriage and forcibly ran in the opposite lane because it was crowded."
It was now time for Leon to raise his doubts. What the schoolgirl says seems to Leon to be incoherent.
"No, nothing."
"... What about your luggage?"
"... I carry it myself."
"I understand"
Rion decided to hurry away, thinking she had apparently been involved with a strange woman. But the disturbing voice comes from a carriage that is parked on the road.
"Win Heels! Let's stop imitations that degrade Hou House!"
"What is it? I don't do that!"
"Isn't it related to a girl student !? To give power to a weak woman. What if it's not ashamed !?"
"So I don't do that!"
"I'm telling you to stop!"
"... Era, yes. Who are you in the first place?"
"What did you say!?"
A surprise voice comes out of Vincent's question. It would be so.
"Vincent, Lancelot of the Marquis of Axmia."
In a small voice, Rion told Vincent his identity.
"... Speaking of which, I've met once, but I was a kid. I don't remember."
"No, even so the carriage emblem"
The carriage on which Lancelot rides has an emblem in which three droplets are arranged in a swirl-like circle. The coat of arms of the Marquis of Axmia, known to all nobles of the kingdom.
"... Yes, what do you do?"
"A fight with another marquis is not for the kingdom."
"Yes, then ... what do you do?"
"Let's quickly rule this place and walk away. I will rule."
"Oh, please"
Rion, away from Vincent, stood in front of the schoolgirl.
"I don't know why, but I'm sorry if you made me uncomfortable. I'm sorry."
Rion bowed deeply at the schoolgirl.
"Well, I am."
"Can you forgive me?"
"Um ... yes."
"So we're sorry for this."
"... something still?"
"I am Vincent's servant. I may meet you at the institution, but I am a servant, so please ignore it."
"Ignore, that's why"
"That's what it is."
The real intention is that you don't want to get involved with a stern and troublesome schoolgirl.
When Leon sent a signal, Vincent was walking ahead, with a slightly disgruntled look. Lancelot is still complaining from the carriage, so he's frustrated.
After a light bow to the Lancelot carriage, Rion also follows Vincent.
The girl student who saw it muttered small.
"There are other people besides the capture character. Is it a hidden character?"
If Rion was listening to this voice ... that hypothesis would not make sense.
Rion is proceeding without hearing.
Rion stopped far in the distance from the schoolgirl and looked back. Something vaguely concerned.
The schoolgirl is trying to get on the carriage with Lancelot carrying luggage.
He refuses to carry his luggage, but he is carrying his luggage in the Marquis Lancelot. Rion thought she was a bit strange.
"Rion! What are you doing!"
"Oh, yes."
The schoolgirl stopped thinking anymore, and Leon chased Vincent.
"As Rion says, I was in the dormitory early and the answer was correct.
"It's a different thing just to make it one day earlier. I don't think it's going to be that crowded if you move your dormitory a little bit differently."
"Yes, but she was a weird woman."
"Do you think Vincent is like that? I think it's better not to be involved with such a person. I have a bad feeling that I'm likely to get involved."
"Oh. Be careful."
Unfortunately, Leon's advice doesn't make sense. Even if Vincent doesn't want it, she's doomed to get involved in schoolgirls.
Rion at this time is unknown. This world is not just another world, but a more special world.
There is a hero in this world, and the girl student I just met is the hero.
Get up from the darkness and start training. Lion does not intend to change this habit when the Kingdom Academy life begins. On the contrary, I intend to focus more on studying and training than when I was in the mansion.
Rion is not eligible to attend class. You need to go to Vincent's classroom every time you have a break, but that's the only time you can spend.
The time you can use alone is many times longer than when you were in a mansion. Rion was waving his sword thinking how to use it effectively.
The priority is sword or magic or study. Study what kind of study. That's about it, but it doesn't come together in my head.
I was more concerned about it.
What happened that day, when I met the girl student, was spread all over the school for some reason. It's also quite distorted.
Vincent harassed her, a commoner, over the authority of the Marquis. But the schoolgirl did not succumb to it, chanting Vincent's blunder, and seeing her dignified behavior, led Lancelot to join the schoolgirl.
Vincent was unable to continue harassment and apologized to the schoolgirl.
She was remarkable at the sight of the Marquis, who rejected it without saying anything. The fact that he is a commoner and a friend of the Marquis's Lancelot, which is also a trigger, has also attracted attention.
Meanwhile, Vincent's reputation fell. The dropping of the win heel was still falling. Such rumors are flowing.
Why does such a lie spread among people as truth? Leon doesn't know anything. That carriage was lined up. There must have been many who knew the facts.
I feel bad about this rumor.
Attempt to raise Vincent's reputation at the institute due to a successor struggle, but to a lesser extent. That cannot be forgiven to Rion. I couldn't forgive it.
It is useless as it is now. Training swords and magic alone is not enough to help Vincent.
Succession is a political struggle. You must have the knowledge and power to win it. Power naturally comes into the hand holding the sword.
Spirits gather around Rion as if they had responded to that determination. Unlike before, the spirits are clearly visible in Rion's eyes.
Although it is just a sphere, far from the spirit of knowledge in another world, Rion, as a willing person, calls it a spirit.
No, not really.
"Sara, Dine. Did you encourage me?"
I call it with a name.
Even if I talk, there is no response from the spirit. Nevertheless, when there is no one around, Lion tries to express his feelings in words.
It doesn't mean anything. Dare to say, apart from Vincent and Aeriel, Rion has no decent talking partner, and they are the masters of Rion. He is not someone who can whine or complain.
The spirits were the only ones whom Rion could talk about.
"Maybe you're just hungry?"
The spirits are gathering in Rion's hands and siphoning magic from the body.
"... A carp swarming on the bait"
Ryo's thoughts evoke such words. Ryo's will is still in my heart. That is not all. We can recognize the intention of Frey who was born and raised in this world.
Their values were very different and could not be completely integrated.
As a result, as a fusion of the wills of Ryo and Frey, there are three bodies in the body, Rion, the main character, and Ryo and Frey's wills, which have not been fully integrated.
The will, which was supposed to be one, has increased to three.
Rion himself can only be appalled by this anomaly. But I have to accept it, even though I feel afraid. Because everything is Rion himself.
It is also surprisingly useful.
"Is it an information network? That's it."
While competing with the spirits, he was thinking of ways to increase Vincent's reputation. If you are in trouble with false information, establish a means of transmitting correct information. If a rumor is malicious, you must be able to determine its origin.
"When it comes to where to start ... Yeah. Well, if you're known to Eriel, you'll be whip again.
With a bitter smile, Rion wraps her eye patch around her face. It is a consideration to keep Vincent's reputation because his servant is an odd eye.
All for Vincent, the master. That's for Aeriel, who wants Vincent's succession to the Marquis and hopes for a successful administration.
Rion returned to the dormitory with the light of the rising sun rising.
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