Akuyaku Reijo Ni Koi Wo Shite
Four years of success
The invasion of the Kingdom of Roland had a great impact on the army of the United Kingdom. But it didn't stop the fight and retreat, as Rion wanted.
There is no doubt that the Eastern Allies will pursue. The Royal Army understands the difficulties of a retreat. Soldiers lose their lives if they withdraw from the enemy country. In a withdrawal battle where life is spared in the first place, but there is nothing to protect or fight, the willingness to control the feelings and move toward the enemy will not stir. In that case, no matter how many numbers you excel, you cannot win.
Still, if you are going to withdraw, you have no choice but to leave the army ready for annihilation. The British Army did not take that choice. This is not to spare the sacrifices of the army. Rion alone was more dangerous than the kingdom of Roland.
This is the first time a large army has faced Lion from the front. And if you miss this, you don't know when the next opportunity will be. Here, the Kingdom of the United States determined that Lion should be defeated.
Before the decisive battle with the Allied Forces of the Eastern Nations, he retreated about 5,000 of all troops. The purpose is to secure a withdrawal route in the unlikely event that the back is blocked. This creates some security between the soldiers. As a result, if we were able to confront the Allies of the Eastern Powers with full power, there would be no way to reduce the number of troops to 5,000. Still, there is still more than twice the gap.
In addition, he instructs him to relocate his army in the Kingdom of Paine and, in turn, close the back of the Eastern Allies. Aside from how much it actually closes, if the Allied soldiers who knew this move became anxious, that would be enough.
Such commanding is at the mercy of General Hans Sutherland. This is a solid strategy that seems to be Hans General.
"Did you know the movement of enemy reserves?"
"Hmm. It looks like they're gathered at defense bases near their borders."
After hearing reports from his men, General Hans looked frustrated. It was not the information I expected.
There are about 20,000 Allied Forces in the Eastern Countries. It is unclear how many troops are in Siena, but it is unlikely that a wrong estimate would make twenty thousand, forty thousand. Considering the total mobilization force of the Eastern Union, Upper Hans believes that the number of troops in front of him is too small.
Of course, as reported by his subordinates, some may be devoting themselves to national defense duties. But before the decisive battle that wins this battle will result in a final victory, I wonder how much such provisions are worth.
"Are there really no other military moves?"
"Thalia, we're sending considerable scouts to the border of Payne. I can't imagine the troops moving through their surveillance eyes."
"Rion Frey can do that. Return the scouts attached to the border. The search area is a radius of 50 km from this point. The troops will add the shortage. Let me report at any scale. ''
Under the command of General Hans, his men went outside the tent. Admiral Hans, staring at his back, still has an unbleached face.
"Are you worried?"
Seeing that, Princess Olivia called out.
"As I said earlier, the number of Eastern Allied Forces is small.
"Is he going to bet everything on this battlefield?"
"I will do that. The Eastern Union has no choice but to win here."
"Yes, but does the Eastern Coalition hear what he says?"
Abandon your defenses and put all your troops into battle in the Kingdom of Thalia. How many kings hear this and say what they say. Princess Olivia's question is right.
"I don't usually listen. But ... are you thinking too much?"
General Hans fears Leon's power. Not against battlefield war. At least in experience, he is confident that General Hans is above Leon. What General Hans fears is the good political power of Rion.
Moved the Roland kingdom. Such a thing cannot be done just for mercenaries. But indeed, the kingdom of Roland decided to fight the kingdom of Merika and began the invasion. You can see how prepared it is by comparing the strengths of the kingdoms of Roland and Merica. The kingdom of Roland alone can never beat the kingdom of Merica. There is such a difference.
There are two possible causes for the movement of the Kingdom of Roland. A betrayal of a fortified city near the border between the two countries. I haven't got the details yet, but I know I've landed in the Roland Army with very little resistance. It's true that there were quite a few insiders, if not the city itself.
The other is that the rumors of the defeat of the army were exaggerated and spread around. The damage is certainly great, but he has not lost enough to claim that he has lost. But even among the southern countries and the people of the Kingdom of the United States, the invading troops were devastated and incapable of withdrawing. The firefighters are so excited about the extinguishing of the second and third Roland kingdoms that they are so excited.
At the moment, there is no country that has invaded the Kingdom of Roland and then the Kingdom of Merica, but if it did, the invading troops would have to abandon the Kingdom of Thalia and retreat. Would.
Regardless of the home country, the upper level of the invading forces suspects Leon's intervention as too convenient. And in fact, if he was Lion, he was afraid of how much power was behind him.
"It's good to be vigilant in fighting him, but why not be too cautious? He might be aiming for it."
"... I see. If you think you've done what you can, then you have to believe in yourself and fight."
"I think it's the right way to be."
And this is how Rion should be. After doing everything I can, I do things without worrying about a little misunderstanding. While modifying the desired results little by little.
"So, are you starting a full-fledged battle? Our army is strong.
"Yes. I'll win."
The decisive battle between the Allied Forces of the Eastern States and the Royal Army of the United States begins.
The army of the Kingdom of Merica is strong. Not only is there a large number, but also in strength, they are competing against the Grand Flam Kingdom. But at least a thousand troops seem to need to surrender.
Ever since the battle began, the Melia Kingdom Army has been in the Yale for the Black Wicked Corps of the Wonderland Mercenaries.
"Block the enemy's path! Stop your feet anyway!"
The shouts of the commander of the Kingdom of the United Kingdom are echoing here and there. The strength of the Black Knight Corps lies in the monsters it mounts. It's unusually fast and stamina is ridiculous. Even if you put out a cavalry to counter this, you will not be able to catch up and you will be pulled and caught and the horse will collapse without doing anything.
The magical attack was too slow to catch the target, and wasted with magical power. If so, the Black Cavalry Corps will not be able to attack well if you try to direct your troops to other units without fighting Matomo, but it is obvious but obstructed.
It wasn't as if she was losing, but she was still losing ground.
"What is a monster like this ..."
Admiral Hans is muttering recklessly. The formation of a monster unit is also being considered in the Kingdom of the United States. He knew of Olivia in the battle when he was taken prisoner.
But things are not going as expected. First of all, it is difficult to capture the live beasts, and even if they do, they cannot be tamed. The current situation in the Kingdom of the United States is that only a plan remains without a solution to this.
However, the enemy's Black Cavalry Corps is a unit of a thousand horses, and it seems that even a tenfold cavalry would not be able to stop it. Even now, Hans repents that his troops have the same units.
Still, he is not just a regrettable Hans General. He is working hard to find a solution.
"What if you move the whole thing forward?"
If the size of the confronting unit is small, the Black Knight Corps cannot be stopped. In that case, you can reduce the distance to the enemy while forming a large army. Princess Olivia's idea is simple.
But this simple thought is usually right.
"... half."
But Hans rejected it. It seems cautious and half-hearted.
"Isn't half or the whole army the same?"
Princess Olivia determined that she was halfway.
"Enters enemy catapult range"
If you reduce the distance, you will be within range of a catapult or an injector. General Hans was concerned about this.
"Information that the stones and arrows to fly are exhausted is included."
The Merika Royal Army was also focused on gathering intelligence on the enemy. Stones and arrows used for trebuchets and the like have been exhausted in the early stages, and information has been received in the Kingdom of Merica.
"Yes, but since the information arrived, the state of the city has not been transmitted at all."
Information from the stranger sending to Siena has been lost. This is an abnormal situation.
"... Do you say that information is being manipulated?"
"I can't say for sure, but I can't say otherwise."
"... a really troublesome man"
I can't trust the information used to make decisions. Then people's thoughts are confused, if not stopped. You lose confidence in the answers you derive.
"I know it's half-baked. I don't know the truth unless I try it."
"Maybe less?"
"That's half-hearted. To make an enemy use a hidden ball, you need a situation that makes you think you must."
"Yes, let's move 20,000 forward."
Following the decision of Princess Olivia, 20,000 troops slowly move forward. Watch out for both catapult attacks from the sky and attacks from beasts running on the ground.
And this operation is, in a sense, a success. A lot closer to Siena, many stones flew from behind the outer wall. It falls on 20,000 vanguard soldiers.
"Close! Draw!"
The stone that was the catapult bullet was still running out. The Royal Army, who knows this, hurries back down, but then throws some big stones into it.
That is not all. A cavalry squad jumps out of the Allied Forces of the Eastern Nations, which had been defending themselves in the past, trying to pursue the retreating British Army.
"Approaching the enemy cavalry! Form a team!"
Unable to be attacked from behind, the Royal Army began forming in places that would be out of range of the trebuchet.
That's what the Merika Royal Army wants. Finally, the opportunity to fight head-to-head with the Allies of the Eastern Nations has come.
But unfortunately for the kingdom of the United States, Rion can't fight head-to-head, knowing that he's outnumbered. The Black Cavalry Corps was escaping the battlefield and rushing to the headquarters behind, while the Royal Army was focusing on the Eastern Allies' cavalry.
"Get back! Protect your team!"
The British Army has one weakness. It is the presence of Princess Olivia, called the war goddess. Her presence greatly boosts the morale of the army, but if she is taken prisoner as before, her defeat may be confirmed.
The accompaniment of General Harris is to prevent such a situation, and Princess Olivia himself is prepared to be cut off. But no matter what the senior leaders thought, Princess Olivia was a special case for ordinary knights and soldiers, and she had to be protected.
The rear of the formation formed to pick up the cavalry of the Eastern Nations collapses. I went to protect the main team. The disorder was not overlooked by the Black Cavalry Corps. It was natural because we were aiming from the beginning.
He made his way from Honjin to the Merika, still standing on the front line, and assaulted from behind. Attacked from behind the defense has collapsed, and the formation fluctuates greatly.
As the turbulence spread to the front, a cavalry of the Eastern Allies plunged.
"I was killed! Put the rear arm in front! Support the former army!"
Looking at the situation on the front, Upper General Harris hurriedly issued instructions. In response, the command of progress is echoing from everywhere. After 20,000, the army began to move slowly.
"The headquarters will follow, because if you are isolated you do not know what the enemy plans."
The headquarters is composed of three thousand, the commander of General Harris and three thousand of Princess Olivia. Princess Olivia's guard was more like a direct commander than a guard. Although it is the most elite of all the armies in the United Kingdom, the mercenaries in Wonderland still feel uneasy with their opponents.
Following the rear army of 20,000, it goes out 5,000 before the main team. Also, forty-five thousand troops were united. At the same time, the cavalry of the Eastern Coalition and the Black Cavalry Corps returned to their positions.
"... I can wait for another squadron to join"
A separate squad, said to General Harris, is an army stationed in the Kingdom of Paine, now deployed to block behind the Allies of the Eastern Nations. The total is 20,000, and if they join, it will be 65,000 troops.
General Harris is starting to think that it may be necessary.
"If I can win it, I will wait as much as possible."
"Is it true that you can't win?"
"... To be honest, I think a little now."
It wasn't just Harris that surprised Princess Olivia's bearishness. Yuri and other guards knights. Olivia's mouth rarely produces this kind of bearishness.
But Princess Olivia's words will surprise them even more.
"I wish I could get it wrong."
"What is it?"
"Is he not on this battlefield?"
"Now ...?"
Harris hardened after uttering an unspeakable surprise.
"As far as I know, he's always on the front line, trying to take the lead, too. It's not clear from time to time, but he's gone."
"It's a battle between the armies. Are you taking command behind you?"
It is Yuri who has contested the words of Princess Olivia. But this is not from loyalty.
"Yuri. If you deny it, it won't solve anything? You should know."
Princess Olivia looks at Yuri's feelings. They don't want to admit that they are being unilaterally attacked by enemy troops without Leon.
"So where do you think Lion Frey is?"
General Hans also seemed to have recovered from the upset and questioned Princess Olivia.
"I'm not sure. I just have a bad feeling if I'm just thinking."
"... maybe you're thinking about endurance battles?"
General Hans also knew what Princess Olivia was thinking. The battlefield is not limited to here. Elsewhere, there is the Merika Royal Army, and probably Leon is fighting it.
No matter where it is, if Leon wins and returns, the situation is undoubtedly much worse.
The only way to prevent this is to shatter the Eastern Allies before Rion returns.
From this day, the Merika Royal Army's raging attack will begin. The Allied Forces of the Eastern Powers retreat far behind and approach the city of Siena. Attempts by the stoners and the like from the city ceased again, and at the time attacks on the outer wall had begun, the headquarters of the Kingdom of the United States received a fearful report. And more than one.
One is that another squadron was defeated by a rival fleet led by Leon Frey and the Allies of the Eastern Union. The Allies of the Eastern Nations are believed to have probably defended defenses. There must be nothing else.
The other is a report that a unit turned backwards was destroyed by an attack from a beast unit led by Alice, Commander of the Wonderland Mercenary Corps.
The kingdom of the United States was completely read and used.
But what further shocked Princess Olivia was the fact that there were still other beast units. The exact number is unknown at this time, but the cavalry corps also appears on the battlefield along with Leon and Alice. That too soon. The demon's feet can't be slower than those of the messenger horses of the Kingdom of Merica.
Both Princess Olivia and Upper Hans were ready to lose at this point.
The failure of the Kingdom of the United States was based on Leon's strength when he was in the Grand Flam Kingdom. After leaving the country, Leon was greatly strengthening his power. It is not only the power of Rion's individual, but also the power of his subordinates and the power of the organization.
It may have more power than any other member of the Eastern Union. The idea of King Thalia and General Stephen was right.
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