Sunbuck shows his face to the gatekeeper and lets him go inside every carriage. We got off the carriage and decided to wait and say hello to Master Route that we were at work.

"I'm getting nervous about something...

"Well, usually it's what you tell your parents when you naturalize. But you just filed the delivery, and you don't really feel it, do you?

"Yeah, that's not true. I still decided to worry about it a lot. I mean the future with my brother...

"Right, so that's it?

That's what Sunbuck says. He's laughing at Niyaniya. You must have remembered what my child wanted earlier. [M]

"I'm...! It's a chase, not now. And... no, nothing!

I turned to my body to deny it while blushing. [M]

I don't think Sunbuck's array will be inserted any time soon, etc...

"What? You're curious, let me get this straight.

So laughing and grabbing my hips, he tries to stick my body to his own. Stop it out of embarrassment - repeating the exchange, "What are you two snoozing about?" At some point, Mr. Route, who had entered the room, sounded grumpy.

I panicked and pushed Sunbuck to stand up and say hello to Lot.

"Dear Loot! Sorry to bother you so busy!

Then he smiled and said, "Fine." He said. But look sharply at Sunbuck.

"If someone asks, I'll put it behind me, but I say it's urgent, and if you're even coming to Troo, you'll have to go... so what the hell is it that you bother calling me?

He opened his mouth when the look on Lord Loot's face earlier became as serious as a lie.

"I, Sunbuck Balsam, have come to tell you today that I am here to marry Troo Balsam. And from now on, I'd like to ask you to retire from Lord Routt's escort and allow me to take over the family business. Dear Root, please forgive me for proceeding on my own without consulting you. When I thought about Troo, I had to rush to submit my marital report...

Now Master Root takes a serious look at Sunbuck's answer.

"... is Troo a proper acknowledgement?

"Yes, we went to church together.

"Yes... marriage is only because we have feelings for each other. So if they agree, wouldn't it be a pleasure? Congratulations to both of you. And I mean the escort, but make sure you take over, and then you retire, because you can't be clueless.

"Yes, I will do it without a loophole.

"Yeah, okay. Then this concludes the difficult story.

When Lord Routt says so, he turns his gaze to me.

"Troo, you finally made up your mind.

"Yes, Master Route. Thanks for the advice.

"Yeah, I'm nothing. It's all Troo who decides, be careful what you say and do in the future.

"Yes, thank you.

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