Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 44: The Thing in Your Eyes

An echoing shout.

A mighty fighting spirit that collides.

There's no doubt about that. Sandia and Rebe, right?

It is the Nüze who are fighting relatively close. The opponent... is this under Arnea? The signs are too thin...

"... hello..."

I looked around without saying anything further.

At the tip of the braided cloth, in the thick gaps of the nest, in the darkness of the enormous threads connecting the iron pillars...

"... chi... there he is"

Small spider. I didn't expect Arnea's family to be able to kill signs until now...

"For some reason, Drumir is clean."

"I'm not smart. Doesn't Eva notice? I'm surrounded."

"I'm surrounded!?

"Ah! You have enemies!?... where the hell..."

Eva looks around, while Anis and Lars search for enemies.

"Ah, here we are."

I'm sure he's here.

Ah, I don't realize this ~. Full surveillance with covert specialization. The boulder is Meal. "

"Does Ravesta want to mate with Drumir?

"Please stop because it's disgusting."

Is that it? Come on, I didn't say anything...

Anyway, I understand the situation.

The enemy was aware of his movements and he was unaware of them. Say there's Sandia over there, and we won't be able to make it.

It was Charlotte who gave the orders... but no, the Commander is not to blame, our negligence did not realize that we were being watched.

Eva proposes an incineration operation.

... there's no way. Anyway, Sandia and Nüze will still be retiring.

"... I will burn out the west of the Iron Pillar Maze. Eva. Verganon. Lavesta, I will roast my enemies."

"Mission acknowledged. Launch the operation."

Hmm! Let's burn it all down!

Well then, come on, I'll send the wind to the good feeling.

"Anis and Lars should be prepared for battle."

"You can go anytime!

"I'm ready to fight, too."

No one seems to have a morale problem.

"First, we divide the battlefield into east and west. Eva to the north, Verganon to the south."

"Loading complete. I'll shoot you."

Fuhahaha, it'll burn you out!

"Lavesta, don't let the fire spill in the east."

Leave it to me! Meal-chan's request --

"-- Okay, everybody, let's go."

The goal is annihilation. With Rebecca and Arnea against Sandia and Nüze, we can do it alone.

◇ ◆ ◇

"Ofu... I put in a big dagger..."

"... it wasn't bad. Can you do more next time?

Wipe bloody cheeks, hold Lucana's disappearing body, and Arnea smiles.

I was injured even though it was shallow. Until then, there was something to watch for in the elaborate magic, martial arts and instantaneous power.

It's a remarkable growth that I don't think I was as weak as I was the other day.

Arnea rebelled against the battle alone.

"... no matter how I think about it, it's fine M. It was a little strange when I tied it up."

"Lord Arnea, I'm sorry about the soaking--"

"I'm not soaked."

Arnea, who denied it to the chisel, was a little S.

"I'm not soaked."

"No, you don't have to tell me twice..."

Easily healing countless curses, the flat Rebe is looking east.

You can feel the heat even if it's tens of kilometers away. It is approaching. This place will burn soon.

Rebe nodded one by one with the power of fire, turning his gaze back and leaving the decision to his fellow countrymen who would be vulnerable to fire.

"You're already overcoming fire. It's no problem."

"But this is the fire of the Spirit. It is also something that can be optimistic. Experience?"

"Are there spirits? But not from the Spirit King."

So what do we do?

Arnea distorts beauty--

The countermeasure is dust. It's perfect. "

--I took a suspicious switch out of my nose.

A fierce flame that stains the earth with scarlets.

Immediately rebuilt, countless sounds of collapse echo and burn out the western Iron Column Maze.

The western incineration is over, and the smoke clears up.

It was a molten metal mass.

"That's... an iron ball."

I'm sorry to say that you set fire to Eva's incendiary weapons, Verganon, and Ravesta in a hurry to destroy them all.

Speaking of which, there was such a gimmick in the Iron Column Maze, Drumir stares bitterly at it.

"Verganon, Labesta. After that, please help Anis and Lars. Eva, how many weapons are left?

"There is only a sword."


Some. Not necessarily, there are still some. Dramir, who was expecting, opened his eyes and saw Eva pomping a sword in his sheath.

Then Eva pointed to her waist--

"And thrusters."


I told him that it seemed better.

The Spirit Emperor is restricted from using keys. It was obvious to me that Eva did the same.

After that, Drumir turned to the iron mass immediately after showing a slightly disturbing gesture.

"Now, Anis, Lars, and Eva, hold down Rebe. I will defeat Arnea."

I don't see any tension in the way I stand.

Just don't shake straight, just look to the scene where the strong enemy is waiting.

—— I'm convinced of victory, but for that reason.

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