Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 47 Demon King of the Underground Playground

The sound of walking in the hallway with a katsunkatsu.

I want you to walk slowly until the end of the room.

Six people came out of the dark + α.

Prolonged combat. After the last heavy battle, she and the others have been depleted.

To all of them, I smiled nicely.

"Welcome to the deepest part of the underground playground, between happiness. First of all, my magic isn't infinite."

I will first reassure everyone as I pick the blissful Fortuna Sphere.

The blissful star beads (Fortuna Sphere) were melted into the heart of the prosthesis while nicking.

It emits red gold light, and the hair and eyes of the prosthesis change slightly.

Now, let's get started.

The leading Charlotte put his hands together to pray.

"Lord, look...!

Yeah, I'm watching.

Distract countless sneaking hands and disrupt the magic flow to fight each other.

At the same time, Mellot's kicks, Charlotte's fists, and Peach Blossom's sword are parched and collided in every part of the body.

When the three of them are at a distance, white snow spears and ice rays descend, and Aura, who was possessed by Charlotte, emits light late.

In order to get away from everything, Mellot's magic eye is slightly inhibited, so it is imperative to deal with it with it in time so as not to be disturbed here.

How can it be a good collaboration if it is not immediate?

After all, if there are three people who are especially good, can you do this much?

It's time to get serious.

From the three people surrounding him, he first sank Mellot in front of him.

As before, three people narrowed the enclosure at the same time, so I flew the decoy in three directions while placing the decoy, and I myself exercised the basic form of secrecy, transparency, etc.

In an attempt to intercept Decoy, I approached Mellot with a sword to take a breath, and in order to inhibit regeneration, I kneaded a lot of my vitality, cut my neck, wiped out my heart, and flew away.

At that moment, the counter knee kick directly hits the torso, and the reinforced doll body is depressed.

Be prepared for damage. I was able to predict where to come. Somewhat deflected, dampening the maximum damage... but I'm pretty impressed.

This is not soft enough for Mellot to die, but since the pursuit is more severe, he leaves.

Release the decoy around Charlotte and move in the same direction. Turn the decoy toward Charlotte while watching the light rain in the opposite direction.

Besides, a hidden decoy is thrown into Charlotte's blind spot, where it splits.

The prosthesis deformed like a slime and the body split.

The volume is about half. Besides, it looks like the little girl. The magic was also divided into about half, and the soul was shared.

They attack Charlotte from the left and right at the same time.

"Hmm!? God..."

Charlotte noticed the fake and left it behind, but he didn't think the opponent from both sides was real.

I didn't catch up with Double Speed after about two meetings, and I brushed up Aura, who was completely alarmed.

Well, you showed me all your hands in advance. I know everything from big tricks to small tricks, unconscious physical manipulation and magic manipulation. I can't help it.

Even so, I'm not intact.

I've been attacked twice by Aura in all directions, and when I look at it in terms of precise fence defense and resistance, it's a very sharp shape.

And I still don't have enough time to stab a thorn.

Peach blossoms shunned the sword, and the other shunned the white snow ice spear and approached the peach blossom.


The second knife of the peach blossom, avoiding the thrust of the elongated dagger, and avoiding its swinging down, is a bumpy time.

Unlike Taku's, peach blossom swordsmanship, where the main and sub are determined, is easy to predict, but difficult to collapse.

It broke through the defense by hand and broke apart with a knife with a single shot of abandonment.

Peach blossoms are special spirits transformed by multiple beliefs.

Its specificity is close to that of the Spirit Emperor.

Unlike normal spirits, physical strength is high, and even if the body is destroyed like normal spirits, it is composed of magic. It will be revived immediately.

It has a body that combines both material and spiritual properties.

Spirits basically use a little computational power to maintain the body, and spirits have a high magic power because they need magic power to do the same thing as people move their bodies.

Peach blossom is a hybrid spirit with the magic of spirits forged up until the transformation of the body occurs and the enormous magic unique to the spirits.

Of course, it's not easy to die even if you take it apart, and there's a lot of energy you need to take it apart.

I am still fighting the Atla Corps with vigilant power, and my magic is about to run out.

If you absorb magic, it will solve it... but if you do, you will win. It's like infinite magic because of its extraordinary mental power.

All I can do is save my battle by hitting the opponent with minimal fine defenses or by daring not to take a fatal blow in order to reduce the energy to evade and then reload the fight.

That's why the next snow is white.

Split I accurately diverted Atra's efforts, crushing each other, while splitting into left and right and approaching white snow.

Meanwhile, White Snow hurriedly opened his hands and tried to intercept me with ice debris, ice spears, and light.

While daring to parry them with minimal magic to attack Atlas, they were hit by an inescapable barrage that they occasionally showed, accumulating a little damage while reaching White Snow.

"Nh, now!!

For a moment...

--The world is frozen.

A freezing concept released by releasing all the magic of white snow towards all directions centered on white snow.

Snow White was a special spirit from the beginning.

Unlike peach blossoms transformed by special beliefs or spiritual emperors transformed by faith itself, the concept of pure ice is like a spiritual entity.

Snow White is a candidate for the Ice God, who deserves to be said to be the son of the Ice God.

The two of us are completely frozen, unable to move.

It's about two times more powerful than what I did when I announced the results.

Then why did you spare it when you announced the results... perhaps you can use it now.

Look at the two of me approaching with a killer.

You look like you're about to cry.

The last thing I saw was that I couldn't move, and I wiped out the Atlas Magic Stone (Core) part, which relaxed me.

I'm the size of the finger.

Well, here's the thing. With Nicolas's help, it's three times stronger than everyone else, even if it's simply calculated.

It is a gift of knowledge and magical control that can be brought into a ravaging form.

... then it's big to say that the space wasn't somebody's dominance. It was a normal free area so I could fight without being affected by anything.

(Equipped with Spirit) Now you can ravage the gods with plenty of room.

Everyone who starts playing. A swarm of sneaking hands. There was no magic anymore, so as I stared at them, a silver puppy appeared from the aisle.

A dog or a wolf. It is a saving Eneul in the same shape as when I just summoned a nostalgic Summon Monster.

Uluru walked slowly and came to me through a flock of broken hands like the waves were pulling, and now he stopped.

Fugufugu snorts and smells me. [M]

"Fu, as soon as you boil it, you'll like it --"

Before I could say anything, I was bitten.

Uluru shook his head, threw me slightly up, and opened his mouth wide.

... and lie--


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