Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 5 Dragon Paradise

A giant floating island.

What you see is a large castle-like structure in the middle.

The castle is less decorative and has solid walls spread out over it.

It seems that some kind of boundary is acting, and the interior cannot be well seen, but from the slightly complicated flow of feelings, it can be seen that the city itself is a huge structure that takes the form of a castle.

Surrounded by forests, wilderness, and lakes, nature is abundant.

There are several labyrinthine signs to explore, as well as powerful dragon species signs.

And most of all… huge purple crystals perturbed all over the floating islands.

The crystal is large, but there are also things approaching the central castle, and about half the site of the floating island is covered with crystals from the earth.

The castle is also producing crystals by breaking through walls everywhere... and at first glance it looks like something is coming out that is the source of the crystal from the inside out.

The core crystal... is translucent near the tip and the other side can be seen through, but the thick part and the root part are terribly turbid by various dark magic powers, so I can't see well.

Even with my eyes, I just feel like I can see something spicy and white.

Apparently, the crystal itself has a force that blocks the interior and exterior, and it can be seen that various types of dark magic are high-purity magic with different refined properties.

I know them because of the strong nature of poison and darkness, but I can't see anything else.

In order to investigate the current situation of the floating islands in the future, let's review the details of the current serious matters.

First of all, the general.

Cloud Dragon Nibel Annan Berzeria LV720

Nibel. Last name added Belzelia.

Stream stones are dragons that live for thousands and hundreds of years. The level is higher than Grandpa's, and the dragon nucleus probably has a huge amount of power, so the actual combat power will be comparable to level 750.

It is basically a Shiraku-class monster.

The species is Ancient Cloud Dragon Subspecies.

Nibel seems to have been a rare common sense among the strong, so it is extremely dangerous when hostile.

There is no doubt that the clouds covering the floating islands are manipulated by Nibel.

I don't think anyone here will notice me because I don't know what I saw. [M]

Second, Lieutenant General.

Red Pearl Dragon Garna Carday Delnuria LV711MAX

Garna. Vena, the dragon of the earth, is looking for signs... apparently at the castle.

Garna is near the cliffs of the floating island with several terrestrial dragons, while Nibel is airborne just next to the clouds.

The species is the Carrefour Dragon. It is presumed that the Red Dragon is a normally evolved species.

Burning Rock Dragon Franma Bernard Delnuria LV638MAX

Dragon Nim Nemne Shazmaria LV597

Yangyang Dragon Dies Agnim Delnuria LV612MAX

Each species is an Elder Volcano Tortigan. Elder aquamachia subspecies. Elder Prominence Dragon.

The dragon is probably a relative of the ice dragon outside. They are flying against the immediate side of the Nibel.

The Burning Rock Dragon is an evolutionary species of the Turtle Dragon system and has a huge armor... with a cannon-like crater on it.

The Tortigan race doesn't sound like Lunamakia either. If it's not in Grandpa's library... is it a unique species on this island or something?

Yangtze Dragon... feels a slight sign of the power of gold. I can only feel a small amount, so the residue fits by accident or something.

He has red gold armor similar to that of Nicolas and is holding it behind Garna.

In addition to these powerful men, there are Level 300 Class dragons in the air and land, and reinforcements are coming from the back of Sangdao Island.

... there are too many dragons coming out against the size of the island... but, well, there are signs of a labyrinth, usually on the ground. I guess that's what they say about labyrinths in hunting and leveling.

Considering that there are still dragons in the Labyrinth, and that there will be young dragons and young dragons... the total number of dragons living on this island is more than 10,000. That's a good crop.

To gauge, the total amount of energy may be comparable to that of the continent.

At the end of the observation, the dragons moved.


Nibel moves the clouds.

You'll see from the outside. The cloud turned into a shape that mimics the head of the dragon, and the giant dragon cloud opened its mouth large enough to swallow the floating city.

The three dragons outside were eaten by the wise, and they would not allow their escape or interference.

The clouds swallowed all the wise men and the three dragons.

Go on, Milord!

Nim roared and exhaled a brace into the clouds, a dragon that was anti-aircraft by the side of Nibel.

It's a bubble brace. But if you look closely, its bubbles and inner mind contain hallucinogenic poison.

In other words, a dragon nim is a poisonous dragon.

The poison spreads across the clouds on an airflow running inside the clouds.

This is another way to keep your enemies from escaping.

In this way, the clouds on the front began to fade rapidly, and the condition in the mouth became visible.

"Let go!

Together with Garna's roar, the crowd of dragons released a brace.

Single Dragon can destroy the country.

The storm of Brace, unleashed by the group of Jackie Dragons, is powerful enough to turn the ground into scorched earth.

The wise did not take the storm of such an attack for an object, but some avoided it, some prevented it, and some intercepted it.

The dragons' attacks penetrate the clouds and scatter many of them, but as soon as Nibel manipulates the clouds, they block them.

It will be easy to break through by force, but Garna, Scorching Rock Dragon, and Yangtze Dragon will shoot you down while fighting the boundaries and hallucinations poison.

That's why we're putting in new people.

Hard lux for a brave fire-resistant Alf. Then white snow, ice and white ice pairs. Misty will have Nibel beat up with the best of him and have the all-powerful Dirva assist him with them.

I'll leave the rest of the additions to the black fog, and I'll go see the back of the island.

There are still strong signs, as well as some of the strongest Vina signs ever. I also feel the power that is comparable to or greater than that.

How convenient it is for me to be alone. [M]

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