Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 31: That's on the board

After a while in the white world, the scenery suddenly changed.

You can see places like wetlands.

White flowering aquatic plants and mangrove-like trees line up.

Water flows fast, slow, deep, shallow, muddy, clear streams.

Fish contain creatures such as frogs, insects, crocodiles, and large mammals.

I recognized him. Yes, the deepest part of the puppet witch's labyrinth, the wetland area.

I think I saw this scenery first because it is the original scenery of Ori White Snake.

And the main unit is a sign of proximity.

The scene switches as you defeat the approaching little white snake.

The opposite is the monster of the black snake.

Definitely. Fragment of the Dragon.

The old Ori White Snake fought it and evolved. [M]

Again, the scene switched, and the next thing you saw... perhaps west of the Kransel kingdom?

From the perspective of the Ori White Snake, you can see a mountain that seems to have been destroyed and a black multi-headed snake that has begun to descend south of the Kingdom of Kransel.

Ori White Snake jumped west into the sea to escape.

To combine the memory of a fragmented sensation with the information I know… Ashlia to the south and the giant crab that produces the crystals of the fire attributes to the north, the Ori White Snake, who felt strong signs of both, had no escape but to the west.

From there, there were too few remnants of the leaking memories to pick up the information.

From the visual information of insects in the white space and other sensations that can be subtly acquired... I can see that the Ori White Snake is continuously eating sea demons and evolving in the waters west of the Belts continent.

The gradual loss of memory is proof that Ori White Snake-kun is so strong and self-sustaining.

There is a slight leakage of unwanted memory or large memory.

Going a little further, I found a large piece of memory.

It shows... a lump of black power.

A little vigilant.However, I immediately realized that it was not a negative force that had eaten me.

Fortunately, Ori White Snake ate it.

Suddenly, a new landscape emerges.

A huge cloud of turbulence covering the sky.

Among them is a large floating island.

A yellow gem that holds the power of a mighty god beast in its depths.

The location is... south.Near a continent.

Ori White Snake didn't stray to the south.


... this is Deereed.

The Black Cluster of Power is a demon jewel (Demon Orb) with a few Dragon attributes.

Probably recovered the demon orb embedded in the demon dragon bergo.

Only a limited number of people can know that Xuan Emperor's Ball was deposited with Eve.

They weren't even informed by their families, so they should only know more powerful than that.

That is, Ashley the angel, Ruhath the devil, and Diareed the devil emperor.

It's difficult to reach out, but you could have known.

It's hard to do it, but you could have guided it.

It seems that Dearied was working to make the Devil King and make him fight the Warrior to make him shine stronger.

The deeread brave men of this era... are probably the Seven Sages and the Five Sages.

... the result alone is a brilliant guide to things.

Olivia, if Eve and Mishka work together and Grandpa and Zaye join in the fight, they will win.

Sad as it may be, even that Charlotte has enough arms to be mistakenly packed.

The mistake I made in the first battle with the Dragon of Evil was nothing more than the sudden appearance of a heretic named me.

In other words, Deireed waves a spicy arm that may be comparable to me, who is a child god, and is still in the middle of work.

... you haven't lost your temper.

Behind this case, Deireed is that the god beast Fratonirus was guided, which means that it is likely that even the god beasts everywhere are counted on the pawns on the board, and Deireed is in the middle of work.

... calm down. Let's think about it.Who's the Deireed brave man of our time?

It's Malvito.

It should have been made against Malvites, but it was also made after God declared that he would summon Malvites after the Black War.

... no, by the way, Griel the Wise God was as difficult as Grandpa and Zaye + α.So the five great wise men of our time are among the brave?

... maybe Tier has been judged a hero... and there are a lot of hero candidates, Deha?

......... Even in modern times, Deireed's presence is supposed to be a foreign element that overshadows the board.I feel that he is recommending sacrifices other than brave men, and I have no choice but to do something about them.

Behind my gaze, which I looked up with determination, was an enormous white serpent.

First of all, I'll send down Mr. Ori White Snake.

Then we'll talk.

"Let's go, Snake-kun."

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