Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Chapter 13 Diagnosis of Dragons II

The first thing I saw was the dragon species of trees, Laovics.

When it comes to tree dragon species, there are endemic species of Sand Monster tombs, crushed tooth dragon Zavan and its superior species, white dust dragon Varan, but this species called Laovics can be seen in a slightly similar amount.

Zavan and Varan are structures whose body surfaces absorb moisture like diatomites and have internal organs like strong endoscopes and slightly softer viscera than the exterior.

In contrast, the Laovics species has a dense exoskeleton from the surface to the depths of the body, and further possesses endoscopic objects and soft organs like the viscera.

After all, tree dragons do not all have tree-like structures, but have built-in organs like dragons.

It is also a structure that mainly reservoirs water.

In addition, both have large angles, although slightly different in shape.

The normal dragon species horn extends from the head toward the back, and is mainly used to hold energy in the body, such as dragonballs, outside the body, or to capture energy outside the body, but the tree dragon system horn is a front stretched attack horn.

Self-weighted rushing is the main means of attack, and horns are particularly hard organs in tree dragons.

It is also used in the same way as dragon species, and will be slightly weakened if broken.

Next, the tortoise dragon tortigan is a species of tortoise with a gun on its back.

Inside the armor, a vast amount of magic is accumulated, attributes are acquired by the environment, and the variety of guns increases.

A major characteristic of tortigans is that they can adapt and evolve in a variety of environments, unlike other species.

However, there were some bad attributes, there were no tortillas with the top attributes of ice, lightning, and trees, and there were few tortillas with fire attributes.

Most were water, wind, and soil, and a few had the attributes of steel.

My greatest interest was in the infamous Tortigan, the most disciple of Burning Rock Dragon Flamma.

The attribute is steel, and the normal tortillas only have guns in front, while the tortillas have three turrets on their backs, guns like guns on their front legs, and thrusters or boosters on their left and right sides.

Well, I was impressed with how self-evolved it was so far, and when I was studying it carefully... there was something in it that I thought had evolved independently from the blood of the degraded god (equals).

This is common to tortigans with all steel attributes, and proves that the ability of tortigan species to adapt is degraded, even through the blood of God (equals).

Then Lunamakia.

The dragon, called a dragon, is a species of dragon in which bird-shaped monsters have transformed into dragon variants.

Compared to dragons, it is easy to increase the number of heads because of the superior maneuverability and flexibility in the air and the large number of children born.

Other than that, there is no particular characteristic of this, but it is a sufficient threat to say that the number of dragon species with high mobility is likely to increase.

I want you to focus on making it stronger than increasing it from now on.

Next, Volgaille, a snake dragon swimming in lava.

This is a dragon that grows like a vampire, to say the least.

The major player, Nao Euron, initially created a new division of power.

This occurs literally separately, so it maintains a high quality.

By producing elemental bodies through reproduction and distributing blood to them, Nao has grown while maintaining high quality.

Ethnic characteristics include susceptibility and resistance to extremely high fire attributes.Strong and flexible flesh. Powerful fire braces and sharp tail slashes from them.

It also has an extremely high regenerative power and lives even with its neck alone.

Since the elemental body produced by the lower individuals is weak, it gradually deteriorates every time it reproduces, but at present, because it limits it and maintains high quality, it seems that the monster called Volgaille reigns in the dragon dormitory as the strongest group to terrorize the dragon.

Finally, Xanthomas, a fish dragon species that swims in the desert.

It is a dragon variant that evolved from fish monsters using sand control techniques... gender is not fixed.

It's building a very different social structure from humans... No, it's probably not racist because it's small in number in the first place.

Don't dare... because everyone can be a female, everyone will lay eggs, and the strongest individuals will fertilize more.

The eggs hatch very quickly because they make the desert area a habitat, but on the other hand, they cannot maintain quality like Volgaille, and it seems that they take a little time to increase the number in order to avoid multiple deaths.

It is difficult to increase the number much, but since the current desert area is for Xanthomas, I want you to prosper under black mist management.

There are many other special dragons that are not flourishing as a species, but when I look into them, I'll give them something to do.

All I have to do is listen to the report.

In this way, it is finally time to complete the development of the Dragon Sleeping Hall with snake feet and wings, while simultaneously carrying out various tasks.

I don't use subavatars because this is my first time at a top-ranked event venue.

Let's make sure how much it is.

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