Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 18 Rare Materials

You've also finished a free quest and earned 8P Elastic Skill Points.Around 16P Logic Point.

Upgraded equipment on everyone's request, made orders to produce special items such as Monster Summon Boards (Monster Cards), and finished distributing such rewards.

Everyone seems to encourage their review and skill leveling in the time between the start of the next event.

Meanwhile... after this underground lake battle, I had two challenges.

One of them is the continuation of the Battle of Underground Lakes.

Simply put... it's a labyrinth hunt on the northern side of the underground lake.

Originally, this labyrinth was created under the influence of a large crystal that serves as a source of energy for the kingdom's boundaries.

However, now, due to the death of the Trial Monster nearby, it became a water call, and there was room for the magic of the ground vein to slightly flow in, and the underground lake area has undergone unusual evolution as well.

It also appeared that the secured crystal (Christian) Daio Crab (Arcking Club) factor was used to produce a crab-type boss.

So, Kristallos, Crystal will attack this labyrinth again as a first job.

Yes, a massacre.

This completes one of the tasks.

Next thing I know... it's a strange sign that I realized for the first time using my Shinto search abilities.

Quickly, I'm on the underground lake.We headed to the central room of the Synthetic Beast Research Facility.

Central Synthetic Beast Research Facility.

It is situated in the middle of the underground lake, where the cane was sealed, and in the underground center of the royal castle, under the judgment.

It seems like it was built to converge, and if it's anything... it looks like it's sealing something by pinching it in with strong force.

Or... you were hiding something.Or maybe I'm thinking too much?

In the middle of a room with four large tanks, I retreated all the equipment and checked it out... and there was no sign of any setup.

However, there is definitely something underneath the floor to sense the signs.

I mean... I put something there and then I built a facility on top of it.Or I made it only from the middle room.

Either way, it is said that the person who made it made it impossible to retrieve the hidden object by normal means.

However, I can't say anything about the age when I did it.

If you use space magic, you can cover up as much as you want.

Well, let's see what's inside.The discussion is good afterwards.

Cut the floor with a spa and jump into the little space beneath--

"... to the extent that"

—— I'm convinced.

Someone, or somebody, tried to hide the reason.

Why I didn't feel any strange signs.

And where did the bones that were supposed to have been used by Homuncrus, the ancestor of the Kingdom of Lebellion, come from, which were recorded in highly encrypted records?

Those clear answers were sitting there.

A large crystal, also seen in the Dragon's Sleeping Hall.

Two blonde women wrapped in it.

"... Tiane and Elizabeth."


This crystal is a sealed crystal that shares its roots with the Dragon's Sleeping Hall.

The experience of decoding shows that the contents are Tiane and Elizabet.

There were three other pedestals in the small space.

On top of this is a crystal that is similarly embraced.

But two of them had cracked crystals from the middle.


From what I've seen, it looks like something big is sealed and crushed over a long period of time by the pressure it exerts.

The true identity of that great force can be seen from the slight residue of shattered crystals.

—— The souls of Tiane and Elizabet.

So Tiane and Elizabeth were reborn within the Kingdom of Luberion.

The last thing left on the pedestal...

"... I can read it."

—— Arm with black spots.

Tiane's body, staring up, had no left arm.

It's Tiane's arm.

The problem is the spot pattern engraved there.

This... is a sign of negative force erosion.

In addition, the crystals of the arms are shredded by someone and a portion of the cutting surface is exposed.

It is good to say that only the surface has deteriorated and that it remains in good condition a few centimeters away.

It is also a testament to the extremely high quality of Tiane's elemental body.

Such a powerful opponent is naturally limited to Tiane's death.

It is likely that Tiane and the others were killed by his evil god, who killed the god beast Berzeria, inflicted catastrophic damage on the mechanical god Eve Harmonia, and drove the angel Ashley to death.

There must be a difference between the dragon Aji Dahaka, who destroyed the Belts continent.

The crystallized seal was applied by Ten and Eighty-Nine Eve.

And it is likely that the person who carried it here and the person who operated the facility until recently are the same person.

Because there is enough power to sharpen the crystallization seal, but there is no way to give away the hard-earned bone to someone, and it is not strange that the person has survived.

I mean, yes... I mean, he's the king of the first Rebellion kingdom... the fitter of the Golden Factor (...), Tiane Rebellion's Homuncrus.

Not only that, he uses a dragon with a Dramir Factor, an unclassifiable Spirit with a Rura Roche Factor, and besides, a wolf monster with nine heads.

And I know someone who would have such a strong combat power.

Periodically, it was around 300 to 500 years before and after the Liberon led by Uwich was active until the Belts were destroyed.

He likes synthetic beasts very much, and one day he wants to make the most powerful beast he thinks of himself.

And he lacks ethics and uses the ingredients of those who live well to give to a rotten empire if necessary.

Yes, one of the top ten imperial masters known as the Chimera Master - Bertis Aldi.

In the first place, if you live for hundreds of years, you realize that it's faster to grow rather than build.

The latter is much easier: the effort to make a multi-headed snake by attaching two bodies of snakes together, and the effort to grow a snake and evolve it into a twin head snake.

There's almost no doubt about it around making it on purpose.

Even if it wasn't him, it was definitely his apprentice or something.

If you're going to do something crazy to Tiane's Homuncrus... I'll tear your soul apart and pour it into the ocean.

Well... you did it!We've got some powerful materials.

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