Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 23: Quests in the Alliance

Uncle Ship started talking with pleasure.

"I can only take items of the same rank for a request. It depends on the case when you organize a party - you can also get a request for a higher rank...... Well, it's roughly the same rank."

"How can I increase my rank?

"You're going to do the request anyway. Alliance rank is an indicator of trust and strength."

In other words, if you do a lot of F-rank requests, you will be able to receive requests to investigate and crusade the demons of the mine. That's what I mean.

"If you fail to make a request, you are to pay the Alliance a penalty. I don't have any money. Inside... No, stupid question. Well, if it doesn't seem like much of a failure, there's demotion and removal, be careful, okay?


"And if the unsolicited period continues for a long time, there will be demotion and removal below the C-rank. Better get up to C-rank now."

"Okay, I'll do that."

Thanks, it seems easy to increase to C-rank.

Shall I take some of F's requests together?

"Uh, that's it."

"Yes, thank you"



"Describe the facility"

Whilst Uncle Ship Arm said all sorts of things missing, he stretched out in the back.

The explanation says there is a commercial guild reception when the back right is the training station and the dismantling yard and climbing the stairs to the left.

After the explanation, I was unable to gather the F-rank request and received it.

Let's be C-ranked by tonight.

"Good, go"

"Yes, I'll see you later. Uluru."


The adventurers freaked out at Uluru's reply.... you wouldn't have to be so scared.

Until Uluru and I left the Alliance, the adventurers remained armed.

I ride all over the city, so I just turn my curiosity gaze, but otherwise does it look dangerous?


She's so cute.

I arrived at my destination.

It's a short distance from the mine, where you make ingots.

Approaching the center of the city from there is a blacksmith.

Request for carriage at first. Deliver the Mountain of Ingot to the Lords' Palace in the East Side.

Quickly enter the smelter and speak up.

"Excuse me, I'm here at the request of the Alliance, my name is Snow"

"Hmm? Ooh! of the Alliance......?

It was a tough man who came out. It hardened when I saw him. [M]

"Oh, oh, uh, excuse me... was there anything today?

"Yes, at the request of the Alliance, to transport ingots"

"... with adventurers?

"Yes, so there's no need for salutations."

With that said, my uncle exhaled and then looked at me from the bottom to the top with a frigid look on his face.

"Well, here it is."


I followed my uncle to the back, through the gate the escort was guarding, to a place where Ingots were piled up with mountains.

"I want you to take everything you have here..."

"Okay, now excuse me..."

In a large, dark room, a mountain and a pile of iron ingots, put it together and turned it into an inventory.

"Excuse me, do you have an inventory or something?

"Huh? Oh, here it is... Huh!?

"Then I'll come."

After putting down an uncle who would solidify in a room with nothing, and greeting the escort, he quickly headed to the Lords' Palace in the East Side.

The Lordship Hall is sometimes referred to as a noble hall and is surrounded by a fence.

Soldiers are sentinel around the area, guarding the gates with the elderly and the young.

"Hi, I'm here to deliver Ingot at the request of the Alliance. Where should I put it?

"Mmm... Hmm, can I see your guild card before then?

"Yes, go ahead"

The elderly immediately returned my guild card after a glance at it.

Well, there's nothing to confirm.

I looked it up lightly, and it seems that when someone has a wavelength different from the magic registered on the card, the letters that are written will disappear some time later.

In other words, this guild card is reserved for snow.

When I'm in my condition, the letters disappear, and when I'm in snow mode, the letters come to mind.

The wavelengths of magic seem to vary from person to person, and the wavelengths are different from those of me when I am completely out of Mr. Snow.

In other words, the wavelength of magic is an important element in identifying that person. To say change that is tantamount to saying that that is what changes people.

"Then come and get me. Hey, you keep watching."

"Yeah? Ri, roger!

Uncle who opens the gate and goes inside. The young soldier who was surprised at me looked terribly surprised by it.

I dare you, tell Uluru to wait at the gate.

"Leave me here."


The location shown is a warehouse-like building, right next to the Lords' Hall.

It's a big, open corner.

When we take the ingots out of the inventory, we put them together and pile them up in the place.

"Well, this again..."

"This person will be catalogued, please check"

"... yes, indeed. This way, then."

Upon checking the inventory, my uncle gave me a signed document that would be a testament to the fulfillment of the request.

If this is delivered to the guild, the request for ingot transport is an achievement.

"Thank you"

I finished my request, so I move on.

After the Lordship Hall, the crates are transported from the warehouse in the East Side as well to the shops in the North Side.

Subsequently, large quantities of timber were transported from near the North Gate to the mines in the South End, and all requests for transport received were accomplished.

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