Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Lesson 2 All Knowing and Unknowing

The next thing I did was I studied the Eyes of Myriads (Glitter Critta).

Myriad Eyes (Glitter Critters) are theoretical crystals (logic crystals) that produce ocular monsters.

I tried using it by chopping it into matching crystals.

It starts with a creepy creature with its feet in the eyeball, a strange monster, a type that flies in the air, a type that looks like a lizard, and a type that looks like a fish. Those evolutionary things.

A large monocular sphere with snake-like growth. A giant with tons of eyeballs all over his body. The silhouette is human-shaped, but from all over the body, there is a worm-like thing, and there is a fierce thing with the tip of the silhouette as an eyeball.

Considering whether it is an attribute mutation or an evil eye trait, you can generate quite a few types.

Since I could choose Magicraft or Normal Magicraft, I could not help but use Magicraft to generate, investigate its physical structure, nature of soul, and other things, and compile them into documents.

After all, eye monsters are basically evil vision and evil eye systems. In addition, when they reach a high level, they do not appear in the gaze due to the divinity of the gaze, which means that the aptitude of the secret system emerges.

Let's see. Let's see. To say that I am qualified for unseen things, I can say that I am correctly attached to the core of an eye monster.

In addition, Magicraft's eyeballs, which were about to disappear over time, became a Buddha in Baal's stomach when Baal sent a memorable story from his subordinates who were peeking into my unspoken research in one way or another and asked Yuki to eat it.

There were a lot of unusual evil-eye skills that I didn't get, so I thought it would be a good idea.

Although Magicraft itself is a real surgical structure, it can be properly maintained as a skill by carefully supplying energy and reinforcing it.

Baal can do it if he does his best. I can only hear screams from a moment ago.

Meanwhile, Kanade circled the baked eyeballs.

... the base of production is probably human, so the eyeball monsters' eyeballs will be almost identical to human eyeballs in terms of structure, and I can see that they are human eyeballs by their looks. "Don't eat so much..."

I was convinced that the Magic Craft taste was magically thin.

In the face of it, myriad eyes (glitter clitter) came to the conclusion that it was not something that was driven by necessity, so I decided to use it as a skill creation tool for evil vision and evil eye system, and I decided to entrust the operation to Black Mist.

Also, along with that, a teardrop type crystal received from a pupil god with the divinity of vision. I decided to modify the observer's tears and embed them in the black mist.

Since it can be used to strengthen perceptual abilities, I did not even think about embedding it in Libraria, but since Black Mist is responsible for the operation of the base, I asked Libraria to control the information of the base defense specialization, and Libraria decided to control the information of the enemy land suppression specialization.

It was to be embedded in the black fog, which was responsible for the defense of higher importance bases.

The black fog gained potential beyond Libraria by passing through the divinity of vision.

After that, it will only be aided by Libraria's reward equipment and a rare drill.

Let's take out the next one, the God Crystal.

It was a crystal that sealed the Emperor Dragon.

Now I could sense the secret of the Emperor level without any problems by using the same level of Libraria, black fog, and above all my perceptual abilities.

Well, no matter what I did, I couldn't do anything without talking to the Emperor Dragon himself first, so I started talking.

It's nothing. He is the same as Maré.

I don't have a particular mission. There was no purpose in saying that it was unpleasant. I just fought, generated dependents, eliminated external enemies, improved my chances of survival, learned in time, and became a little sexually vicious.

... and surrounded by a powerful chunk of power, it seemed as if it was salted, so the unexpected conversation started immediately.

Fortunately, the average Elves don't know what Hamilion looks like, and the Heroic Elves will follow them wherever they want.

Unclear Emperor Dragon (Hamilion Imperial) With you as the core, I converted the unattribute mindset into an unclear concept, flesh meat, and optimized the core part with my hand to form a single star pearl (sphere).

Due to the specialization, I was forced to wear out the attribute transformation, but the unknown star bead (Invisible Sphere) was successfully completed. It was placed into the meat vessel of the Unknown Emperor Dragon (Hamilion Imperial) and fixed.

The level of the Sphere Emperor Dragon (Hamilion Imperial) is set at 800 °.

Even though there was no computation aid, he could raise the level limit to 800, so he must have crossed the Shura.

I don't know how much power and memory fragments leaked from him, because all the white mushrooms have been digested... but I feel like I've just bumped into a giant steel pig and ran away, or a giant black spider or a silver giant wolf and chilled my liver... yeah. He was diving into the Shura just like him.

After all, it's the same as Male... No, right now I'm afraid of Diarrhea and I'm looking for power endlessly, and he's also afraid of power and I'm looking for power.

It was scheduled to be adjusted under the black fog by midnight tonight, and then operated by the Dragon Sleeping Hall.

The dragons of the Dragon Sleeping Hall would be greatly awed and inspired if the Unknowable Emperor Dragon (Hamilion Imperial), which is a little over the top of the Cité de facto, came in.

In this way, we have smelted the opposite polar region, called the Invisible Sphere, and the observer's tears and unknown star beads, and the work is over today.

While peering at the subordinates and players who are working hard at night, they are clutching the boat to the incoming slip--

It happened.

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