Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Lesson 36 The Dragon of the Otherworld

I returned from the event and immediately headed to the next venue.

A labyrinth of trials alongside the Emperor of Dreams, the Moonlight Cherry Blossom Garden.

A cherry tree on a mountain opposite to the Emperor of Dreams. Engraved on the trunk is a hexagonal shield depicting the sigil of a cherry blossom.

Touched and flown away is the meadow of the night.

In front of you is a forest, and beyond you can see a series of mountain ranges.

The wind from behind mixes with the scent of the iso, and the distant beaches are planted with trees that look like coconut trees at equal intervals.

Whether I like the maker or my nature is close to the moon, of the five labyrinths of trials liberated, three are nights.

I turned back to the forest and focused my attention on the structure in the forest.

Far away, on the left, you can see a large structure like a rose.

Also far away, on the right, is a large structure with dragon-like decorations scattered around.

And in front of you is a large structure that reflects the moonlight and shines gold.

There is another large structure farther away, hidden from sight by the trees.

And right in front of me is a small circular stage with a hexagonal plate in the middle.

There are four stages, a rose crest on the left hand plate, a dragon crest on the right hand plate, a bee crest on the center plate, and a gray cherry shield crest on the back.

As you can see, a line is drawn from each circular stage and focused on the stage of the cherry shield, so it will be released if you clear the other three.

Now, it was for a moment that I was worried about which way to go.

I set foot on the dragon stage. [M]

No, the roses are like flower spirits, and the bees are curious about what the test insect type looks like, but they were more interested in the dragon mighty than that.

The location of the transfer is probably inside a large dragon structure.

The vast space, similar to that of the Emperor of Dreams, is dotted with columns representing dragons, with high ceilings and blood-red floors.

Four figures in such a large space.

Storm Heavenly Dragon Phantom LV650

Flame Dragon Phantom LV650

Fighting Heavenly Dragon Phantom LV650

Heavenly Dragon Blade Phantom LV650

The storm heavenly dragon in front of me was a toddler wearing a green apron dress.

Nikoniko and her smiling face match the appearance, and her big eyes are definitely the magical eyes of the green lineage.

Green hair is organized into two tails, and the double horns that grow nearby are green crystals.

She looks the most childish of these, but she is definitely the strongest first.

Next to the green girl stands the Flaming Dragon.

The shorts and sleeveless outfits change after hitting a green toddler girl.

The burning red hair is short, the eye contact is sharp, and it makes you feel old and uncomfortable. You must be confident that you will be backed by strength and experience. Same as Rebe.

The woman who stood tall with her arms together behind her was the Tianlong Fighting Dragon.

The limbs wrapped in a luxurious dress are supple, and the long, well-maintained red and black hair is tied together in a luxurious ribbon.

The beast-like smile that doesn't suit her looks and the heavy magic power mixed in with her exhalation tells that she is a type of battle maniac.

And finally, the youngest young man with long pale hair, the Blade Tenryu.

The long hair is packed together in a high place, some decorations are wrapped in prominent Japanese clothes, and a sword is lowered on the waist.

It looks slim and has a solid body. The horn that grows on the head is the blade itself, and the original body is definitely an evolutionary species of the blade dragon system.

The green girl in front of me bowed with a smile.

"Nice to meet you! Oniisan's?" My Ivy! Nice to meet you ~? "

The unknown girl who pushed her fist up and made the pose was still divine.

According to the doll's devil king, the devil's eye is not whiffy. What did I tell you about this girl who would be able to use it?

Yeah, nice to meet you.

In response to me smiling, the unknown god also smiled and touched the back of the toddler girl directly beside me.

"... um, let's call ourselves." My name is Ledra, and I am the noble Fire Dragon who is the heir to the Fire Heaven and has a red factor. Unwillingly, he's my subordinate. "

A girl stretches her shoulders unwillingly. Perhaps it was a subdivine god, but it seemed to have a red system, and it shone its eyes a little.

When Ledra finished saying it, she fisted herself and the Dutiful Heavenly Dragon came forward.

"Come on! Let's fight!!"

"This idiot is Olga Meir. You're a battle maniac who's immersed in the joy of battle."

According to Ledra's introduction, Olga's signs of ferocity clearly came from Olga, but her outfit was clearly not suitable for fighting.

I wonder if you can properly serve someone.

And finally, the Heavenly Dragon Blade.

With sharp eyes, he stepped forward and opened his mouth to peek at his fangs.

"My name is Jean. Do you have a sword dragon?" Let it out. "

If you feel like it.

Almost everyone is militant. I guess that's what a dragon species is all about.

Well, now that we're done, who do we have to say hello to?

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