Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 38: The Army of the Bees

Ledra, Orgamea, and Jean were gone, and the last thing left was a sleeping dragon.

I couldn't help but stroke it, and the children under my control worked hard before being repatriated. Without any information, the Divine Dragon disappeared.

I went back to the forest at night, and the next thing I chose was a bee's hexagonal plate.

The space was as wide as the Tenryu Palace.

The whole area shines with gold, and columns of beeswax stand everywhere.

There were countless bees and a few people in such a space.

Melinium Empress LV650

Merlinium Queen LV600

Melinium Generalissimo LV650

Merlinium Night LV350

Around the age of 20, the oldest bright golden beauty shook her long, fluffy hair and elegantly showed her curtsey in a sumptuous dress coloured with gold and black.

Ten queens, who seemed to be Empress' sister, also showed up with the same curtsey as Empress, and the only chivalrous girl in a different outfit was hanging from her lap.

In addition, I have about a giant bee stuck to columns and floors everywhere, and the total number is about 1,500.

The one who opened his mouth was Empress.

"Good to see you, young god!" I am Ann, Lord of the Amber Palace! "

Nice to meet you.

Um, hi.

I looked at it at the handshake, but I didn't feel the special gold factor.

It's a little bit, but I don't think it's a relative.

Continuing forward was a beautiful knightly girl in armor.

Queen or Empress has a tiara, but she only has long tied hair with a cherry blossom clasp.

Shea. Thank you, Yuki-sama.

Say hello to Shea.

"Originally, it was just the emperor and me, but if you open the lid and look like this... I can't promise much reward, but can you help me?"

It doesn't matter.

"Thank you."

She smiles refreshingly with Nikoli, perhaps lining up with or surpassing Empress in stand-alone combat.

At least with the skill of melee combat, I could see from my standing behavior that I was a good master.

I have a good sign of the Little Clan, but in terms of atmosphere, the closest is the King of Spades.

I hope you don't mind the reward. Because being able to fight is a reward in itself. Of course, I would be glad to have it.

After I finished greeting them, I summoned my followers.

The first one I called was the Moon Red Palace (Pandemonium) Army led by Sandia.

In real time, the regiment was formed just a few days ago, but after intensive training and live combat every two hours for three days, the demonic beasts usually gained enough training to overwhelm the same level.

In the first place, the original level is high because it has been completely cleared from the upper environment labyrinth, and there are even deep area bosses who have reached level 500.

The total number is superior to ten thousand, and it is increasing and combining.

I started to create group life until Sandia.

This Sandia army alone will be able to destroy enough bees, but because it is the corner, we decided to select the right people instead of moving the entire army of the Moon Red Palace (Pandemonium).

Da Jiao Monk LV 589 max

Steel Kai LV583 max

Collapsing Heavenly Flood LV592 max

Darkness Guide LV 595 max

Resentment Tiger LV586 max

Tidal current without LV 590 max

1,500 monsters of the same grade as the bees and monsters that do not know which of the six are named.

Then, four insect dragons from the Dragon Sleeping Hall. Kamakiri-shaped dragon, blade dragon, van and barabbas. A dragon similar to a beetle, Rono Claret, a hard-shelled dragon. Dragon of the Centipede, Dragon of the Python, Gada Gurion. Scorpion-shaped dragon, poison needle dragon, carabus, and demon.

And finally, I summoned Arneum.

... except for Sandia and Arneum, who have lost in specs and tricks, but if they do their best, they'll manage.

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