Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 2: Miyadai Family


Game start day ten.

It looks like it's raining this morning, and I can hear it raining softly.

I also have running clothes and shoes in rainy weather, but I'm going to do some indoor exercise today.

That's why.

It was Tak's house that came.

Tak's mother, who came out ringing the chime, drew her greeting in there, too.

Tak's mother is taller and thinner, but her muscles feel good, and if she's a lollipop like us, she can lift them both at the same time.

When I got to the underground training room, Taku and Muscle, Taku's father, had already trained there.

"Take your time then."

"" Muggy ""


Slowly, Taku's mother buried me and Aya in that fuzzy chest.

You always adore me and Aya like this.

The reason is that Tak has just grown.

He seemed satisfied and dropped me off on the floor before I choked.

I see you climb up the stairs as you hum and quickly go rent a running machine.

The running machine is lined up in the back of the room, so walking in the middle with no training equipment, my muscles rang me along the way.

"Oh! Isn't it Yuki and Aya, within a while I haven't seen them........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Ha ha ha!!

He is as opulent as ever.

The Miyadai family are all tall and the muscles are smart muscles, but they are laughing and lifting a heavier barbell than me and Aya combined.

"Ha-ha-ha! What do you say, Yuki, why don't you come to Tak's wife?!

"" Sleep and say "

"Ha ha ha!! This is tough!

It is always this tension.

Tak and voice overlapped, but this is also as usual. As usual, Aya hugs me. [M]

Then I'll borrow your running machine.


Borrow with one voice.

The reply of permission came naturally.

I've known the Miyadai family for a long time, if you chime.

"You don't have to do that to get in."

I was told and drawn in.

Even when I borrow something, like right now.

'You're free to use it! Ha ha ha!!

said to be.

Because of my charm, it would be the character of the Miyadai couple. [M]

They're good people.

The Miyadai family basement is quite widely built.

Large training room with separate dressing room for men and women, toilet and shower room co-located there.

There is also a stage in the break room where the game can be played, a refrigerator and a fan.

A room for proper exercise.

I come here with a change of clothes and towels, exclusively for rainy days.

Organize what you do today while you run.

The first thing to do is to find out if the extermination of the demons is over.

After yesterday's battle, he released Lid and some of his big men into the cave on his way back.

Uluru collects the material.

Anyway, I've given instructions to exterminate it, so just ask if it's over and the investigation will be complete.

Next, take Uluru and everyone to the guild.

I report, but everyone should register if they want to. [M]

On the way back to Wang Capital, I gained unanimous ownership of the Golem in yesterday's discussion, so it would be good to analyze and see it.

I'm going to try to create drugs, weapons, and demons again.

According to last night's contact,

Nothing in particular about Tia, you want me to come home soon?

The undead group seems to have about 70% of the item boxes filled. They're retrieving crates while stuck in lethal poison gas traps and poison needle traps.

I would say the Andetto is an eye-catcher.

The groundwaterway extermination group returned with reports of signs that said 'I don't see any more demons...'

In the meantime, they discovered a crystal about the size of a ping-pong ball from a gap in the wall where the eye cracked.

I just showed it to you... I didn't know it well.

I don't know because I don't have the ability to make an appraisal.

However, the ability to detect magic seems to be extremely high, and it was found that the crystals absorb magic power and that a very complex technique was planted inside them.

Probably a kind of labyrinth nucleus (maize core).

Normal maize cores are objects that create a development labyrinth (dungeon), but in view of the information in the clan shop, did you just say that this crystal is, so to speak, a production nucleus (spawn core)?

Instead of creating a growing labyrinth, it's a sponsor that keeps building demons.

The reality is the labyrinth nucleus (maize core), which is limited by growth (limiter), but in order to think about it separately, we decided to call it Sponsor.

Anyway, let's just say it was a good harvest inside.

Today's tasks include:

· Return everyone from the cave and ask about the extermination.

Depending on the matter, it will be necessary to launch a further offensive.

· Report to the Alliance.

Success in annihilation, failure, the fact that all the pits have been connected and the demons that caused the disturbance must be submitted.

· Return to Wangdu.

I think I'll be free on the road, so I'll do a lot of work and research. Everyone seems to have their own leisure time.

· Collect the distribution.

The undetected group will be asked to continue the attack and retrieve the groundwater group.

· exterminate goblins.

Destroy the Goblin Legion that appeared in the West Forest. I don't know how big it is, but it's a hassle to get attacked by the kingdom, so let's deal with it quickly.

· Investigate if there are any abnormalities in the north forest.

If I have time, I'd like to investigate it before I get into trouble later.

And I just told you.

At the end of the run, I rent a shower and get dressed in my room.

After that, Tak's mother caught me and I was supposed to have breakfast.

It is as usual.

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