Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 14: Cleaning Up the Miscellaneous Things Before the Feast

When I logged in, I quickly headed to the balcony.

On the right hand side there is a wild dock forest, on the left hand side there is a misty forest, and in the direction of travel, you can see the large rock that I climbed before in the distance.

The Wang Dynasty will arrive in less than four and a half minutes.

Shall I play with Uluru until then?

Waiting while stroking Uluru.

By the time you enter the meadow near Wang Capital, you are all logged in, and when you approach the walls, you will not forget to wave at the soldiers watching over the walls.

Multiple players were hunting in the meadows, and he looked up at the lid going on in Caterpillar with a startling look on his face.

Whatever it is, it is arrival.

"Well, good luck to you all for two days"

Hang the words of labor on everyone in front of the West Gate in Wangdu.

In fact, I think it's been pretty tough here on the 2nd. Especially the first day.

Naturally, Andette's zombies are disgusting. I'm pretty sure I'm mentally fatigued, mainly women members.

The next day after that was cave exploration, some murderous things said they would encounter giant cockroaches, only going to dark places in the first place.

Not much, if anything, progress has been made everywhere.

I want everyone to rest until tomorrow's feast.

After seeing everyone praise each other for their good fight for a while, at the end of the day, dissolve! And I rang. Well, assemble! If I said that, I would have been able to draw in enough to get together.

Alan called out as everyone entered the city for each party.

"Hey Yuki... can you lend me that slime?

I suddenly changed and called out, so I thought it was something, but nothing happened. He asked me to lend him Lid.

Well, Lid does come in handy. It was planted on Alan without my knowledge, and I'm not stingy to lend it to him.

... When was the mixer what was taught...

"I don't mind... if you say Lid is good"

Of course, as far as I'm concerned, I'm in favor of loaning a party member to Alan for solo activities to help with leveling.

Lid is probably the most versatile of the kids under his command.

If I were a lid, I'd have myself to fight on equal footing with Mill, who was King Rotten Dragon.

Either way, it wouldn't be a good idea to scorn the intentions of the book slime.

I miniaturized and hugged the lid that came to my feet. I offered it to Alan to see.

"Okay...... Lid, can you help me?

To Alan, who said nervously where, Lid shuddered and jumped on Alan's shoulder as he further miniaturized.

Good for you, Alan.

"Whoa, Lid, nice to meet you!

I know Lid is enough, but besides, let's put Nero on it.

Summon Nero. Alan seems to be compatible with Nero, so he'll follow me.

"Nero, can you help Alan?

"Gwong! Ha ha"

"Whoa... is that good?

"Of course. I'll expect a good meal."

"... Ooh! Leave it to me!"

Lid and Nero are also in Alan's party while belonging to the same Legion as the groundwater and undead groups.

You can say this, too.

He sees Alan disappearing into the city and contacts the groundwaterway group.

I ordered him to come to the entrance and crossed over to Uluru.

White snow held me tight and held me tight before leaving.

Shall we hurry?

"Uluru, to the underground waterway. A little early, huh?


See the woods behind you as you ride on Uluru's back.

What you see at the entrance to the woods are dozens of soldiers and thoughtful groups, behind them are swallowed up adventurers previously seen in the guild of the king's capital.

I entrusted tracking and backup without a covert would-be, but if I poked the would-be bad and even the ghost came out, the load would be heavy just without a would-be.

By the time we got to the entrance to the underground waterway, everyone in the subdivision had already arrived.

I dare not labor all of them, then collect them and send them back, and take the miniaturized eye to the woods.

Note that summons and repatriations consume more magic as far away as possible.

The more demons you summon and repatriate, the more magic you consume.

So in a real hurry, whatever the circumstances of the distribution, I'll send them back and then I'll re-summon them.

In this case, it is possible that the soldiers did not go to poke at him, so I do not feel the need to rush until I have wasted my magic.

But in the unlikely event that he went to jump in, he didn't wait to be wiped out by that force. Let's just get Uluru to run a little faster.

Through the city, through the meadows where players hunt, into the woods.

I switched only demonic stones and rare objects from the Eye inventory on the road.

Labyrinth nucleus (maize core) quality? Rarity or endurance?


Labyrinth nucleus (maize core) quality? Rarity or endurance?


There are two labyrinth nuclei (maize cores) obtained by Eye. I don't know what it will produce, but I want it to be anything but cockroaches, if I may.

I don't know how to use it, so I don't dare leave it in my inventory. Shall we go to the base later and find out?

Moving through the woods, two young men were standing at the entrance to the city of the former ruins for a while.

He noticed me approaching... and was saluted for some reason.... Shall I dare say hello?


"Ha, ha! Ju, why would a squire come to a place like this?

"Are you sure a large group of goblins is important enough for you to move?!?

............... Hmm? Subordinate. A subordinate is a samurai, or a samurai who obeys his master.

And to this surprise, what if it was an undetected soldier on the outer wall?

Then what is the common name of Tia's samurai?

... Let's not dare act like that.

"Why are you here?

"Yes, actually -"

When I spoke to the two soldiers in detail, a large merchant told me that Malevito had lost to a large group of goblins in the west forest, and an investigation team was dispatched to detect a large quantity of goblin material before knowing it was important.

Did the captain tell you to wait here until sundown, and you were ordered to report that to the King's Capital in case the platoon and C-rank adventurers, including the captain, didn't return?

I guess that's why it was the young soldiers who were left behind.

There's no doubt that the captain and the others went ahead with the intention of a death squad.

Okay, so if there were survivors ahead of us, we'd protect them.

"Shh, survivors..."

"No... Captain...!

Apparently, the captain is trusted by his men.

I used to say survivors, but I don't think anyone's dead.

"Then I'll make sure we don't head back into the woods."

"Yes! Good luck!!

"Captain, please, everyone!

He waved gently to show his acceptance and drove Uluru to the back of the woods.

Because of this, Snow White was stunning enough to activate the acquaintance on my back.

I ignored all the sights of the enquired soldiers, but I want White Snow to be more social.

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