Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 11: Dungeon Master Yuki

I moved to the base island.

Arnaea and Léni, Lucana and Luthera are also among the four.

They all look terribly surprised.

After all, it would be a rather unusual force to call it a metastasis that Grandpa is doing.

Looking up into the sky, the position of the sun is east of the city of the former ruins.

This place is probably on the western side of the Kingdom of Rubelion.

The purpose of coming here is to

· Collection of items collected by the workers

· Meet Doriad

· Move farm production plants

· Proceed with the study of the production nucleus (sponsor)

That's four points above.

Unfortunately, the workers were instructed to head to the farm to the west, and we also traveled in a self-propelled Lid luggage vehicle.

In the meantime, let's move forward with our sponsorship research.

There are five labyrinth nuclei (maize cores) that I currently own.

Each of them:

Production nucleus (spawn core) of the Lesser Rabbit.

Production nucleus of lesser petite slime (spawn core).

Production nucleus (spawn core) of the Lesser Earthworm.

Production nucleus of slime (spawn core).

Production nucleus (spawn core) of Bixrug.

of, five.

In other words, we can produce worms, slime and ravioli.

According to each detailed information, the maximum magic retention capacity is 1 million.

The magic held within the labyrinth nucleus (maize core) is slightly different in nature from normal magic powers similar to mana seal braces and mana seal rings.

Simply put, it is also clear from the fact that it is replacing the currency, but the concentration is kept constant.

In other words, it was the magic held by the labyrinth nucleus (Maize Core) that pushed and consolidated the magic that drifted in the atmosphere into a number called 1.

They call such monetary magic DP (dungeon point) within the labyrinth nucleus (maize core).

All the production nuclei (spawn cores) currently owned were full, that is, contained 1 million DP.

The production speed of the demon is roughly one every 10 minutes.

DP has not decreased in any way while remaining full.

I don't have the body to let these things called DP play.

After various examinations of how it could not be used, I discovered a good item in the clan shop.

· Skill Crystal 'Dungeon Master'

Dungeon related items. I discovered this when I hung a search throughout.

The price is 10 billion, the same as the inventory.

Current possession mana is only slightly as low as 100 million, and the speed at which you save and go automatically is slow.

I had no choice, so I sold Damos' treasure for 11 billion minutes using the Clan Shop selling system.

It is about 6% of Damos' body.

Skill crystals of the dungeon master purchased quickly were used to acquire the skill 'Dungeon Master LV1'.

Well, shall we try to make it around?

When you acquire the skills of "Dungeon Master" and examine the labyrinth nucleus (maize core), there are five items that have emerged.

· Labyrinth nuclear growth

· Labyrinth Expansion

· Demon Generation

- Storage space

- Gacha

Find out from above.

First, the labyrinth nuclear growth

· Increased DP retention capacity

· Increased soul spirit limit value

· Integration of labyrinth nuclei

three points.

I'm curious to say soul spirit limit value, but that's anyway......

DP Retention Capacity Increase is an object that increases the retention capacity of DP and Magic Currency in the same sense.

Soul Limit Value is probably the part where you carve out your skills, given your name.

In other words, the labyrinth nucleus is alive.

And to say that you need to expand your soul is to say that you need to let your labyrinth nucleus acquire skills or something.

The current amount of points is roughly less than or equal to 10,000.

Finally, the integration of the labyrinth nucleus.

The point is to combine the labyrinth nucleus with the labyrinth nucleus.

They can integrate DP retention capacity, soul limit values, ownership capabilities, etc.

It's easy to do.

It simply integrates the labyrinth nucleus in the inert state into the labyrinth nucleus that you want to integrate.

In the case of activated labyrinth nuclei, it is possible to integrate remotely only between the labyrinth nuclei in possession.

However, it seems that the absence of enemy organisms in the labyrinth of those whose labyrinth nuclei disappear is a condition.

The labyrinth, once the labyrinth nucleus has been lost to objects previously read in the book, is silenced for some time before some hierarchy vanishes and revives. There was something to say.

With the integration of the labyrinth nucleus, that's what I said, the revived labyrinth nucleus can also be integrated.

In other words, if you persevere in attacking one labyrinth and retrieve the labyrinth nucleus until the labyrinth is extinguished, you can get quite a few DPs and souls.

Since the labyrinth of the Isle of Fortitude seems to be under the control of perhaps God or his equivalent being, let's just take into account the labyrinth nucleus retrieval in the wild labyrinth, taking into account such things as mindfulness and mindset.

Next, labyrinth expansion.

This is, as its name suggests, a system that expands the labyrinth.

At the moment, the labyrinth nucleus I own is registered as a labyrinth about the size of a rabbit hole.

Labyrinth expansion can broaden the range of rabbit holes by consuming DP.

Although the range of expansion for each DP1 consumption seems to vary depending on the land and circumstances, it can be expanded for approximately one servant on the base island, weighing approximately 30 kilograms.

If there are rocks, ore, etc., the corresponding DP is consumed to exclude it, and the excluded items are apparently automatically recovered into the storage space of the labyrinth nucleus.

Labyrinth expansion also includes architectural systems, allowing natural and artificial objects to be installed, such as junctions and lighting, transfer facilities, gates, crates, traps, ponds and houses.

In addition, it is possible to install an area called the Labyrinth of the Universe, which can reproduce vast areas of the earth, such as forests where the sun shines brightly, snowfields where the white moon overlooks, and waters lined with small islands.

There are other objects that are slightly different from them, and by assigning attributes to each hierarchy, space can be created in favor of that attribute.

However, due to the large number of DPs required for installation, apparently soul spirit limit values are used for expansion.

He said he would engrave a system to manage the labyrinth in the soul of the labyrinth nucleus.

That's nothing more than to say that the labyrinth nucleus serves as a substitute for my soul.

I can't completely control a giant labyrinth, a small world, it's a very grateful feature.


Watching the labyrinth dilation all the time, I discovered something interesting inside.

- Wooden Crate

Notes: Automatically produce one lower level item every other day.

The price is 100,000 DP.

It seems that the item can be recovered forever, so considering it an investment, it is just the right price for salt plums.

In addition to this, items manipulating the probability of the items to be produced, such as wooden plaques for potions and wooden plaques for weapons, were sold for 10,000.

There are many types of crates, and the rarity of items produced in the order of wood, stone, iron, copper, silver, gold, and more appears to increase.

Note that the price also seems to increase by one digit.

Now, the next step is to confirm demon generation.

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