Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 20: The Guardian God and the Boss III

The labyrinth of the mountain is built to climb the mountain towards the top, just like the labyrinth of the volcano.

The boss room was in the middle of the mountain, and the back boss was in Caldera at the top of the mountain.

Queen Worm LV150

This would be its parent because the boss was a giant mite-like creature that says' worm '.

Sandia took over the place where she was swimming gracefully in a rather large sandy area.

They couldn't swim in a sea of blood.

There was a guardian god, a different mountain from here.

One of the rocks present in the sand has a square plate, which when touched is transferred to another mountain.

A guardian god stood at the top of that mountain.

Fantasy Machine God/Utopia LV750

He is a mechanical angel, presumably a sacred attribute, with two bright white wings and a fine workmanship of gold on blue armor.

Apparently, the goldsmith depicts a spiritual engraving (Stigma), and countless species spirits are pushed into this mountain narrowly.

I guess it consumes this and spreads a huge amount of energy.

Next up is the swamp.

It is fundamental to continue sewing between countless bottomless marshes and poisonous marshes, passing from the north starting point to the east boss room via the south.

Another route leads us through the northeast.

It's a path through the wetlands that make Lizardman's flock, across a river with countless fish demons with sharp fangs, swimming through seven colored springs and across the river again.

To get to where the Guardian God is, you need to touch the plate at the bottom of a large, poisonous swamp southwest of the labyrinth.

The back boss is the poisonous swamp.

Greater Giant Deadly Poison Slime LV150

Burn to death.

Evaporated by Nero's black flame.

Unlike the others, it wasn't instantaneous, but when I put the flame inside my body in an attempt to extinguish the black flame, the flame transitioned all over my body and then evaporated immediately.

Note that the magic of the toxic attribute was burned by the flame, even though the attribute was changed to fire and darkness, so there was no toxicity in the fog generated.

You said you wouldn't make the same mistake.

The tip of the metastasis by touching the square plate was a seven-colored sea with a hemispherical stalactite-like object in the center.

The seven-colored fountain, also present in the pre-metastatic marsh, is hot water at nearly 100 degrees and also a ferocious marsh.

Naturally, organisms that are not flame- or violence-resistant cannot swim across.

On top of that, the poison extends to the surrounding atmosphere, so even approaching it is dangerous.

In the heart of such a fountain, there is a guardian god.

Eternal Life Machine God Tirnanog LV750

This was by far the smallest, dwarf-sized machine god if you say it in size.

He looks like a so-called fairy, and only wraps a cloth with a feather-like permeability in his metallic glossy nudity.

Otherwise, there are gold apples with hair fastenings as decorations, and circular decorations with some spring-like circles on the choker.

Then the snowfields.

This is the ice sea to the northeast. Tree ice fields to the northwest. Snowfields to the southeast. There is a snow mountain to the southwest.

The entrance and exit are located on the second floor of a two-story tower in the centre of the labyrinth, and the door to the boss room is present on the ground floor.

The tower has other rooftops and basements where you can see the surrounding area from the roof.

There was a locked steel gate in the basement so that it could not be allowed inside, but the key to the case was in an island temple on the edge of the ice sea.

When I unlocked the key and checked inside, there was a small chest and rest space. And a big bath for men and women.

What was in the crate was the rights to the Baths. The moment it opened, the basement floor of the tower became an exclusive area of domination.

According to the sticky paper, soaking in hot springs for long periods of time can provide supplementary effects such as improved cold resistance, healing power, arm strength, protection, and slight increase in agility.

Price is 50 mana in 30 minutes.

Soaking for 10 minutes will have an auxiliary effect of 1 hour and 40 minutes, with buffs for up to 3 hours and 30 hours.

Also, the restaurant in the break space sells spring water that has the same effect as being immersed for 30 minutes, at a price of 5,000 mana.

I don't have to think it's too much, but if you hunt about 6-7 snowwolves that come out of this labyrinth and sell all that material, you can bribe them, so maybe it's an out-of-the-box fair price (reasonable).

Where the Guardian God is in this labyrinth is Snow Mountain in the southwest.

Snow Mountain is actually a mountain made of snow on the iceberg, and when you dig back into the snow you can see into the iceberg.

The machine god stands in the center of the ice mountain, where he can go from the hole on the summit of the mountain.

Back boss, Mr. White Fox.

Icicle Fox LV150

The bad guy is the winner of the snowfield, His Excellency General Winter.

General Winter is an ice golem that has reached its limit in the 300s.

It is no exaggeration to say that some of the children under my command are particularly vulnerable.

However, because of the ice, most ice attributes could not harm him.

The fierce battle ended in 10 seconds, not knowing which one was the boss of the snowfield, and Mr. Fox was out of breath after a poke of the Winter General approaching him without the braces of the extreme cold or the rain of the pouring ice columns as objects.

That was the only decent fight.... almost intact though.

Yuki Machine God Shangri-La LV750

What was in the ice was a machine-god who looked like a knight across a white horse.

Apparently, all of them are the main body, so if you defeat one of them because of the amount of magic supplied, the other will be stronger.

Next up is the labyrinth of the desert.

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