Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 24: The Sages' Resurrection Two Samurai

While listening to the Elf sisters, Bai Luo, who had a slight imaginative face, began to talk in a good part of Kiri, where the conversation was wrapped up.

"My purpose in travelling to this continent is to grow peach blossoms... Lord Yuki, is there a good hunting ground?"

Bai Luo says sorry.

It's a good hunting ground, of course, but I need insurance to do that.

At level 200s peach blossoms on boulders, no matter how many teething weapons you take, you'll be hit by a difference in local power.

Check the level of the members present at this location.

Hermige Lutaire LV526

Age Lutaire LV652

Dunaque LV660

Zayer LV673

Peach Blossom LV 280

Pedro LV 742

Almeria LV788

Well, reasonably speaking, everyone wants to sign up for the book.

Mr. Golden Particle, if this magic trick is fully backed up, I can take control of everything I can control.

You should keep everyone here.

That way, even if you die, you can laugh.

"I know a good hunting ground, but before I do... won't they all be under my command?

I gave a brief explanation of the book.

"So much so that if you accept Taming, you'll be almost immortal."

"That's what I said. What are we gonna do, guys?

The first person to raise his voice to my question was the peach blossom, as expected.

"Yes! It'll belong to me, honey!

"Yeah. What about Bai Luo?

"I don't mind if peach blossoms are good. This sword, even if you give it to Lord Yuki... no, I want you to accept it."

Speaking to peach blossoms any further, it is sure that the energy will explode and hassle will accelerate due to the favoritism issue, so it will be magnificently flushed.

When White Lo asked his fellow samurai, White Lo came to his knees.

"Thank you. White Lo's sword, indeed Yuki received"

On her knees and swearing allegiance, she showed Bai Luo how her husband behaved as much as she deserved and taemed the two of them.

"Anonymous Completed" [Island Quest] "Princess of Peach Garden" "

Completed [Island Quest] "Princess of Peach Garden"

"Anonymous Completed [World Quest]" Trial 11: Trial of the Holy Beast (Zodiac the Dock) "

Completed [World Quest] "Trial 11: Trial of the Holy Beast (Zodiac the Dock)"

[Island Country Quest]

"Princess of Peach Garden"

Conditions of participation

· Fight the Ruler

Conditions of achievement

· Crusade the rulers

Failure condition

· Let the rulers escape

Participant Rewards

· Skill Points 5-7P

Participant Contribution Random Reward

- Dominant areas

Overall Reward

· Unlocking new skills

[Island Country Quest]

"Princess of Peach Garden"

Conditions of participation

· Fight the ruler 'Princess Peach Flower Peach Flower Spirit'

Conditions of achievement

· Crusade the ruler "Princess Peach Flower Peach Flower Spirit"

Failure condition

· Let the ruler "Peach Flower Peach Flower Spirit Princess" escape

Achievement Reward

Participant Rewards

-Skilled Points 7P

-Logic Point 14P

Participant Contribution Random Reward

Contribution 100%

Contribution 100%

· Dominant Area "Innocent Peach Garden"

- Weapon: Peach Flower Jewels (Peach Blossom Orb)

· Protective Equipment "Princess Peach Elf's Spirit Costume"

· Skill Crystal "Plant Magic"

· 3 x Skill Crystals' Recovery Magic '

- 3 x Skill Crystals' Slash Resistance '

· 5 x Skill Crystals' Attractive Resistance '

- Exterior (Parts) "Magic Guide Exterior (Magi/Parts) - Blooming Peach Flowers"

- Exterior (Parts) "Magic Guide Exterior (Magi/Parts) - Scattering Peach Flowers"

· Tool "The Fruit of the Happy Devil" x 5

Extra Valuation Reward

Dungeon Master

Capture of Ruler 'Princess Peach Flower Spirit'

-Skilled Points 5P

-Logic Point 10P

· Exchange voucher for Spirit's Peach Garden, a labyrinth of different worlds

Overall Reward

· Unlocking new skills

[World (World) Quest]

"The Eleventh Trial of the Holy Beast: The Trial of the

Conditions of participation

-Boss' Crusade for Obsidian Dog Princess'

Conditions of achievement

-Boss' Crusade for Obsidian Dog Princess'

Failure condition


Achievement Reward

Participant Rewards

· Skill Points 10P

-Logic Point 20P

Participant Contribution Random Reward

Contribution 100%

Contribution 100%

· Weapon: The Blade of Obsidian Dog Princess (Zodiac Dock) (- The End World)

· Weapon: The Codex of Obsidian Dog Princess (Zodiac Dock) (- The Grimoire)

· Armor: "Black Heaven Armor of Obsidian Dog Princess (Zodiac Dock) (- The Obsidian Veil)"

-Dog Princess Mind of Obsidian Dog Princess (Zodiac Dock) (-The Pride Soul)

· Armor: The Soul of Obsidian Dog Princess (The Zodiac Dock)

-Skills "Spirit of Obsidian Dog Princess (Zodiac Doc Plus Power)"

-Skills Crystal "Double Swordsmanship" x 8

· 5 x Skill Crystals "Twin Demon Swordsmanship"

· 5 x Skill Crystals "Double Knife Technique"

-Skills Crystal "Two-Magic Knife Technique" x3

· 5 x Skill Crystals "Demon Armor Technique"

· 5 x Skill Crystals' Divided Thoughts'

· 3 x Skill Crystals' Accelerated Thinking '

· Skill Crystal "Speed Thinking"

· 2 x Skill Crystals' Breaking the Limits'

- 3 x Skill Crystals' Vajra '

· 3 x Skill Crystals' Rigidity '

· Skill Crystal 'Gold Rigidity'

- Theoretical Crystal (Logic Crystal) "Magic Guidance Theoretical Crystal (Magi Logic Crystal) - Abandonment Slash"

- Theoretical Crystal (Logic Crystal) "Magic Guidance Theoretical Crystal (Magi Logic Crystal) - Absolute Strong (Overload) - Obsidian Heavenly Dog Princess"

- Exterior (Parts) "Magic Guide Exterior (Magi/Parts) - Obsidian Fangs"

Extra Valuation Reward

Loyalty of the Holy Beast

Solo Crusade for Boss "Obsidian Dog Princess"

Capture of the boss' Obsidian Dog Princess'

-Skilled Points 150P

-Logic Point 300P

-Skills' Holy Beast Summoning '

-Skills' Holy Beast Servant '

-Skills' Holy Beast Melting '

Overall Reward

-The 11th Trial Breakthrough of the Holy Beast

... to the point of becoming. Shall we go next?

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