Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 17: He's Watching

The Lord of the Forest dwells his magic in the Great Horn and releases his power.

The exhalation (brace) of the fox dragon burns down the life force of the grass tree easily.

No matter how tough the hairs and skins that protect the Lord of the Woods are, it's not enough if they hit you.

That is evidenced by the left hind leg, which also rotted miserably in sight.

Accommodate supernormal force to the legs through powerful horns, avoiding exhalations (braces) released.

At the same time, I dare to throw myself away into a beautiful alien.

"- Vaohhhh!!


- Clash.

Splashing blood and ethereal scales, and shards of horns.

The third assault will surely cut the life of the fox dragon, but each time the strongest horn of the main self of the forest will crack and go missing.

But there will never be a fox dragon's life to be cut off.

The shattered corners will never heal, but the shattered scales of the fox dragon neglect to restore their original appearance.

The assault of the Lord of the Forest greatly retracted the fox dragon, whose sharp corner protruded deep into the shoulder of the fox dragon.

Fox dragon fangs loom mainly in the immovable forest.



To avoid a deadly blow to his neck, he cast his magic into the great horn and sent his power across his body, not just his legs.

Even the Lord of the Forest's Eternal Raw's first attempt brilliantly pokes the fox dragon's will, and yet untapped power throws the fox dragon into the 'Unbreakable Rock Wall'.

But also the fox dragon.

When the wings were twisted and postured in space, flexible flesh was used to shed all the shock and landed intact on the rock wall.

There looms the Lord of the Woods.

Wrap light around your whole body and change the distance the fox dragon should have had enough to avoid to zero in the blink of an eye.

The fox dragon opened the jaw gate to a disaster that would come without a moment's respite.

- The blue flash emitted.

Special (Seiko) and Special (Together) to bump into each other.

That armament...


- I went up to the forest lord.

Burning his entire body and running a deadly crack at the proud big horn, its sharp corner profoundly pierced the dorsal back of the fox dragon.

The next moment...

- Blast flames envelop the area.


The Lord of the Forest felt the end of eternal life approaching.

It was the intact (...) fox dragon that ripped the smoke apart.

One or all of the broken and crushed scales are undone, fox dragons in exactly the same shape as the first.

The Lord of the Woods, whose one or all body was burned, and whose corners were broken by the symbolic horns of power.

The fox dragon slowly walked over to the Lord of the Woods and restrained his neck with his forefoot.

The jaw gate with its sharp fangs is approaching the neck of the forest lord.


- I could never stand up.

"[Quest] Completed 'Lord of the Woods'"


"Lord of the Woods"

Conditions of participation

· Fight the boss' Divaroa '

Conditions of achievement

· Crusade the boss' Divaroa '

Failure condition

· Defeat

Achievement Reward

Participant Rewards

· Skill Points 1P

Extra Valuation Reward

Capture of the boss' Divaroa '

″ I was watching ♡ ″

· Skill Points 1P

-Weapon: The (Storyteller) Kamiko Nucleus (Genereidia) of the Travel God

-Tool: Kamiko Crystal of Play (Players Generaid Chip)

Level's up.

"... Wow, something was watching me. Scary."

Especially scared of the last heart. It is also scary to emphasize whether this is still the case.

Whatever it is, it inventories what looks like a grey jewel (orb) emerging from the void and what looks like a pure crystal (true-crystal). We'll see about that later.

What we need to do now is restore the dying Divaroa.

Do you want to heal without using advanced potions for healing magic leveling?

That's the end of the fight. You're gonna cut that neck off right now. It happened on this scene called Shiro.

Hostility sprayed from the dying Divaroa as if it had not originally been there.

Speaking of hostility in the first place can be classified as an attack of low power death attributes.

In fact, it is not as extreme as death attributes, so sensing will require understanding of attribute magic and corresponding sensing power.

Those with strong animosity were unconsciously harmful, even when they were dying, but they felt no animosity from him until refreshed.

To think from it, I must have been manipulated by something.

The killer must be a labyrinth or a bastard watching.

I don't care if it's the former, but remember if it's the latter, right?

In the end, the pathetic victim, Divaloa, decided that he would get more to obey than kill, and decided to do Tame.

Taming labyrinth demons involves three more trips of hassle than Taming demons outside the labyrinth.

Specifically, I need to wrap the subject I want to taste in my odds and exclude it from the influence of the labyrinth, followed by the removal of all the magic of the labyrinth from the subject, and the removal or alteration of the reign of the labyrinth.

There is a lot of magic required, and because it involves the soul spirit, there is a lot of mental power drain.

It's not that easy.

In the state of dragonization, foxing, and dehumanization, it appeared that the ability to manipulate magic against specs could not be kept up, which consumed a lot of magic.

The last few days' worth of money from Tame, combat, and subsequent recovery is Pa.

... Well, it's good because we've got comfortable allies.

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