Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 26: I tried to surprise you by showing you the black I caught you.

In invading the cave area, there was a question of where to start the invasion.

According to the information of the two ghosts, the cave area exists in three layers roughly categorized.

"On the ground" with hard rocks and plants low enough to crawl through the land where they seem to have evolved well enough to live there.

"Underground," where the goblins lived, entered like a maze due to years of expansion.

'Underground', where there are countless relatively strong demons.

In this case, the most suitable defense is' underground '.

The direction in which enemies come is constant, and depending on the terrain you can only concentrate on enemies coming from one side.

That's why I went underground.

"- Ha... What the hell am I doing?"

When I found out, the place was inside the hall.

I feel like I've had some scary dreams, but I'm sure it's my fault.

Begin to understand the state.

My current level had risen from 55 to 3 to 58.

The amount of magic left is approximately 150%.

You will have engaged something and consumed 250% of the 400% of the magic you have saved.

Because of the tiredness that remains in my body, I can assume that I confronted a strong enemy, or a myriad of enemies, but I don't remember it very well right now.

I remember fighting a big black thing and a bunch of little black things, but my other memories were vague.

I dare not disarm myself like a fox, a dragon and a demon chimera, and keep it back in its human form.

When I check the surroundings, I'm in the middle of the hall.

An invasive nucleus (Invade Core) exists right in front of you, and its invasion rate is 1%.

At the end of a large gate that looks like the entrance and exit of the Great Hall, the Dolls are engaged in some sort of battle, and at the end of a large gate directly opposite it, a metal chest-like object is installed.

On the other hand, there were red ghosts looking at the battlefield as flirty and white ghosts stuck to it with tears in their eyes.

I don't know what the hell happened... well, if you think about it, you'll see.

Probably something cockloachy to say about countless black things.

And the big black thing would be the mother cock roach, or the queen cock roach.

... Well, if it's a way of knowing the definite truth, it exists properly.

Identify the black, large drop item at the edge of my vision.


Gaze, narrow your vision and look at the top surface of something black.

From the luster, this is probably a crust.

The crust of a powerful demon worm is well worth it as a material, and if you have a crust this size by all estimates, it's enough to equip the Dolls.


"Purification. This is purification"

- I burned it down without hesitation.

The only thing I can't solve is that the white ghost is half crying... I guess this is quicker to ask the person.


"Hino!? No, it's not! It was just a prank! Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry."


Well, okay.

It seems that the white ghost did the wrong thing, so it would be good to stay like this for a while.

To check the party section, the Dolls don't seem to be struggling, so let's check the crates first.


When I entered the small room, what I saw was a luxuriously decorated ceiling.

The presence of labyrinth nuclei (maize core) objects that are confusing good things among gold, silver, and gems.

It's a corner, so I'll take it.

Completed "[Labyrinth (Maize) Quest]" Road to Labyrinth Attack: Underground Labyrinth "

[Labyrinth (Maize) Quest]

"Road to Labyrinth Attack: Underground Labyrinth"

Conditions of participation

· Destruction, recovery of the controlled nucleus (control core) of the underground labyrinth

Conditions of achievement

· Destruction, recovery of the controlled nucleus (control core) of the underground labyrinth

Failure condition


Achievement Reward

Participant Rewards

Skill Points 1P

Level's up.

When I removed the mysterious balls to the inventory just in case, I completed the quest.

Apparently, the items I just recovered were like invasive nuclei (Invade Core) for residential nuclei (Homecore).

It is a child machine of the maze nucleus (maize core).

This was a good pick up.

When I opened the silver chest at the same time as that thought, there was one leather bag inside and...... a monster card?

Storage Bag (Magic Back) Quality B Rarity 4 Durability D

Note: A magic bag that can do more than it looks. (small).

Demon Summon Board (Monster Card): 'Bickcock Roach' Quality A Rarity 4 Durability B

Notes: Bickcock Roach's Demon Summoning Board (Monster Card).

"What, garbage"

I couldn't help but retrieve the magic back and the monster card was improved from a Big Cock roach to a Big Spider.

Totally. A gaming god who plays such a prank doesn't have one shot, he has to hit about ten, right?

I'm sorry if I can't even do one of the decopins on my soul nucleus.

It's God. It's okay to be attacked by a soul nucleus, isn't it? On the contrary, it's okay to have your soul nucleus destroyed, isn't it?

Heh heh, remember, games god. I'm sure it must have been his job to place the cock roach in this labyrinth.

Let me show you something in your eyes.

I can't believe it's an invasion of the cave area now.

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