Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 56: Mysterious Girl, Mashiro Exists

That came abruptly, from right behind me.

"Hmm, you're in trouble."

Turn back with your hands on the sword of love.

Along the way, the enemy realized that I was no longer alive.

Looking back, the woman on the other side.

Long silver hair, black as a noble maid would wear.

The eyes peering through the gap between the surfaces were as clear blue as the sea.

Instinct tells me she's not the enemy.

The situation tells me that she has no harm.

But the situation was screaming suspicious of her.

"Who is it!

"Me... before I ask who I am, why don't we have a little business meeting?

That said, the woman offers a hand.

It was the first time I noticed it when it was offered, but there was one bottle on top of its hand.

The bottle, transparent and visible with the liquid inside, is made of rare glass.

The fine workmanship applied was understood to be a substitute that is not very good, but is impossible to create with current technology.

"I have the means to save him. What would you offer me if I told you?

To the words, I immediately bowed my head.

"Please, I'll do anything I can! Please, please help Euch!

Without Euichi, the center of the reincarnators, Liberlion would be forced to dismantle.

Most importantly, I don't want him to die.

Because he's an important companion.

"Hmm, so he entrusted Liberion to you. Is it okay to say you'll do anything to lend Liberlion one?

"Oh, that's..."

To that word I look down on Euich.

There is red and black blood overflowing. It flows momentarily. It is Euichi's life itself.

- I'm forced to make a choice.

Give your loved ones away to save your loved ones, or kill your loved ones.

A moment of hesitation.

The moment I tried to open my mouth, it was my buddy's voice that I heard.

"I would do anything to help Euch!


Euich's lover. Heart-friendly healing technique for everyone.

"Us too! As a Liberion healer, I would do anything to help Euch!


One of the reincarnated and hypocritical, but a girl who thinks more of her people than anyone else.

"When they say that, I have to snort, too.... and we can't let Euich kill you."


Always a calm young man with a wealth of medical knowledge and who has saved a variety of people so far.

"Hmm... so?

The girl in front of me stares at me.


"- Okay. As the leader of Liberlion, please. I take full responsibility. I swear I will do everything in my power to keep my word to you."

Try to respond to any request.

"Please help Euch."

I see everyone bowed their heads.

"It would be good. Negotiations are in place."

That's what the girl said. She gave me the bottle.

"Put it on his wound and let him drink it. That would save his life."

I immediately opened the lid of the bottle and exposed Euch's wound to liquid.

The next moment...



"This is..."


- Light enveloped Yuichi, wounds instantly regenerated.


Lyota, who immediately regained her calm, performed her own examination and nodded cocklessly.

"There's nothing particularly strange about it. At least as far as I can tell, Euich, you're no different than a healthy man."

I lost my strength.

Get on your knees with dosari on the ground.

'You'll wake up soon,' said Emily, sobbing.

In the meantime, it caught my ear that Lier, who was opening her eyes, shrugged 'Elixir............'.

"I'm sorry I'm taking you in... but isn't your buddy still in the pinch?

"Oh, yes... no, but..."

Yes, my people are fighting the Red Dragon right now.

But I can't leave Euch, and I haven't been able to tell a silver-haired girl anything.

"Don't worry about him. I'll give you this junction stone."

With that said, the girl dropped the translucent stone she somehow had in her hand onto the ground and whined 'Startup'.

The next moment...

- A junction emerged to surround the perimeter.

"This junction responds to the sense of crisis of the organism inside and the sense of attack of the organism outside, and if it's about the brace of a junior dragon, it plays 10 times. To activate it, you have to say 'disarm' to disarm the 'start' junction."

- Impossible.

Magic. That also means that anyone can use such a high-ranking junction that most magicians can't use it...?

I only know one thing that can do that...

"Ancient Magic Guides (Artifacts)......"

The knowing lier shrugged so and looked down at the stone unleashed by all of us without creation.

"Re-use requires either magic or a long period of time, but, well, enemies about this forest would have enough output."

With that said, the girl turned her back on us.

"If you're going to help, you better go as soon as you can. See you soon, then."

I shouted aggressively at the girl who started walking towards the woods.

"Ma, wait!


The girl looks back this way only half of her body.

I stopped calling... what should I do?

"... na, name. Yes, I didn't hear your name!

"... my name is Masilo. It's Suzunomiya Mashiro. You can call me Mashiro."

This time, the girl named Masilo disappeared into the woods without looking back.

Lier whines in a small voice.

"... you're definitely a reincarnator now"

"Are you a reincarnator?

"Yeah. I'm pretty sure by name"

"Right. It is also considered to have more powerful cheat skills than we do… to say that it is so easy to hand over so many artifacts…"

"... we have to make sure we never get hostile."

The two seem afraid that the girl named Masiro will be the enemy, but even now my emotional aspect is complaining that Masiro is not the enemy.

"Now let's go to the rabbit for the rescue of our horn buddies. Emily needs to watch Euch."

Three people nodded and we started to act.

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