Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 62: Krat Grand Maze

A labyrinth is.

Growing up over eternal times, leaving them for long periods of time to spit out demons, demon nests.

There are roughly two types of them.

A ground-based labyrinth that swallows forests and cities, turns them into a labyrinth, or an underground labyrinth that abruptly appears and spreads.

As a further subdivision, there are spatial expansion and tower types on the ground, and there are hierarchical, megalithic, and alien labyrinthine types in the basement.

Also, labyrinths may have different drop methods when crusading demons, and hierarchical and shallow labyrinths are mostly item drop methods. The Great Lost Sinus or Divergent Labyrinth type is an all-dropping method.

Each drop method has good and bad, and the Orr gets the demon itself, but the item has very rare rare weapons and tools.

The labyrinth of the labyrinth city of Krat is a maze sinusoidal labyrinth of such magnitude that it is not often seen elsewhere, and is lit with a dazzling crystal. Its drop method is all-type.

The entrance and exit of the labyrinth are wide and loose ramps, and the passage inside the labyrinth is wide enough for about five large trucks to pass side by side, except for some.

We each had a minimal set of explorations and had two luggage cars with one lore to go into the labyrinth.

The total number of people is 21.

The reincarnators are me, Lieh, Ako, Koji, Kimito, Norihiko, Teluomi, Sanae, Akemi, Tadato, Myka, Shinji, Kenske, Yugo.

The locals are: Tiane, Elizabeth, Alberto, Emily, Carmilla, Rosie, and Andorra.

Depending on the operation, I think I can win at my leisure......

Together with two people, Lie and Eliza, they boiled down the operation.

First, four non-cheat locals, Logie of Swordsmanship, Andre of the Shield Hammer, Carmilla of the Exorcist, and Emily the Healer will be the keepers of the luggage.

Rosie and Andorra are strong enough to withstand an area boss battle once, but Emily and Carmilla are fatally wounded after even a single blow.

This is followed by six people hunting for three Hughilette Lizards, the boss's surroundings.

Tadato of [Sword of Man (Swordmaster Normare)] and Alberto of [Invisible Barrier (Magicilder)].

Norihiko of [Fantasy King (Hellode Phantom)] to Teruomi of [Infinite Gun Technician (Eternary Gunsmith)].

Yugo of [Heroes (Lord of Roads)] and Myka of [Witch Daughter (Ravipur Witch)].

Hughilette Lizard is never a miscellaneous fish enemy either, but these six will win at their leisure.

Next, there are five people hunting around the boss, nine vic lets lizards.

[Accurate Thrower (Strikecaster)] Kimito. Sanae of [Triflash Spear (Triaina)]. Akemi of [Determining Demon Eye (Gazer Eye)]. Syndicate of [Needle King (Needlemaster)]. Kenske of [Word Spirit (Order Tamer)].

The [Sneak Heart (Assassin Seoul)] aco is a split-used assault with five challenging area bosses.

It's me, Kouji, Tia, Eliza, Lie.

The first acorn item or magical agitation will give you liver.

◇ ◆ ◇

Under Mr. Yuichi's instructions, an operation to hunt a giant red lizard was notified.

Letters Lizard and the occasional Big Letters Lizard hunted several times to make gear for the Red Dragon Battle, but it was the first battle with the area boss giant Red Lizard.

My cheat skills are [Fantasy King (Hellode Phantom)] What an obedient name you've given me, but if you tell the entity, it's just a decoy that's so intimidating.

It worked in the battle against the black, big lizard on the emergency quest I received a while ago, so I think it will probably work for area bosses as well.... Well, it didn't work for Red Dragon...

On the way to the Great Hall, where the boss is located, we leave it to the locals who do not possess the special abilities of Mr. Rosie and Mr. Andorra, combined with warmth and levelling.

I'm sorry because I'm exposing them, but their fighting power was as good as that of a skilled adventurer in just a few years because they were able to level safely.

The area where the red lizard is located is commonly referred to as the lizard area, and by attribute there are four of them: the fire lizard area, the water lizard area, the wind lizard area, the earth lizard area, and the area boss.

To get to the lizard area, you either go through a relatively safe but disgusting and wide insect forest area or you follow a narrow lost corridor that makes a big detour through the insect forest area, but I can't take the time this time, and I'm going to break through the insect forest area.

In time, maybe two hours, he ran through the wide bug forest area and arrived in front of the boss room in the fire lizard area.

The worms I defeated are not worth the material, so I don't want to leave them alone.

Other insect-shaped demons will eat it, or new American adventurers working around the southern part of the Wormwood area will collect it.

"Well, then, Rosie, Andre, Mira, Emily... I'll leave you to your way out"

"Yes! Leave it to us!

"Well, I don't care if it's like a red lizard."

"I'll take good care of Lore and the others."

"Euch, gentlemen, please be careful"

Boss, put four people in the hallway a little further away from the room and head to the area boss.

Mr. Ako's information indicates that there is a little bit of surrounding ret lizard, but everything else is according to prior information.

I wish I could crusade without anything...

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