He sheltered Misha, who was in front of him, and Emily, who was directly beside him.

But the explosion at the entrance of the guild was blocked by the magical shields of Al and Eliza.

There is no harm done to Alliance staff either.

"Ah? Why is it all alive?

It was the countless black monsters that emerged from the burning flames and black smoke.

Countless demons, headed by black bat-like wings and thick-armed monsters, look like some animals mixed together.

"Demon (Demon)......!

To Eliza's blood-soaking grunt, I recall the threat of being what I call a demon.

Demon (Demon).

Just like Eliza, she unleashes magic with no chant, possesses powerful physical performance enhancement skills just like me, Yugo, and Koji, and is a monster that cannot be defeated in most attacks.

The people behind it would be demon beasts (demon beasts) or demon possessions (demonics) that the demons serve.

As for the herd in the back, it's not quite a threat, but the devil (daemon) tastes bad......!

"Well good. You guys, do it."

On the orders of the devil, the demon beasts move out.

"I'm going in Op B against the Legion! Tiane! Tadato! Follow me!


At the same time as my voice, Kouji and Al moved to protect the brittle rear guard, and Ako went to protect the employee and other protected subjects.

Me and Tierne use our physical enhancement skills to pave the way for demons who are crusaders at once.


Tierne, who reached the devil one foot early, waved down his sword against the devil.

- Biscuit!!

Tiane's sword stops in the air and puts countless cracks in the magic shield that the devil seems to have strained with no chant.

My sword is approaching.

- Kashahan!!

"Gu!? Kisa."

Before the demon, whose arms were cut off by every magic shield, said something, even I, in a fortified state, had the inescapable poke of Tadato piercing the demon's heart.

As it was, Tadato shook up the blade and broke the devil's head in two, cutting off the devil's neck with more flowing early moves.

"Good! To annihilation."

"- Not yet!

Looking back at Tiane's voice, there was a devil's claw that approached me with his back turned.

"Let it go!

Tadato's slaughter severed the devil's arm, and his sharp nails swept my cheek and rolled to the ground.

... If I hadn't tilted my neck, they'd have chopped my cheek.

"Thankyou. Fit it!

At the same time as my hanging voice, Tierne moves, and a crossed slash runs on the demon's body.

More Tadato's high-speed two-strike cut the demon to a cross, and the demon's body split into eight parts.

Now you're dead to a boulder.

But should I be mindful?

"Tadato, keep the demon stone to yourself. Begin annihilation!

"Ha... did you do it all?

Slashing swarms of demonic beasts looking like rampaging wolves, frogs, etc. takes a breath.

Looking around, no one was missing, and all the demon beasts were lying on the ground.

... Sounds like you're done.

"It's noisy out there, the enemy's still there, isn't it?

"... sounds like it"

From outside the guild, the noise continued to sound, indicating that the raids were not here alone.

What the hell is the purpose of the Devil's confession?

"... to eliminate the Horned Enemy..."

"Dear George!

Trying to give instructions to everyone, Misha raised a slight panic and came this way as she stepped on the body of the demon beast.

"Misha, what's up?"

"- Look at this."

Suddenly, a translucent plate appeared before Misha's eyes.

On that plate there is a red light point and a blue light point, which you can see disappearing slightly.

"Is this... a map?


Apparently, the red light dot is the enemy and the blue light dot is the ally.

The red dots hit the blue dots one after the other, killing each other.

"Apparently, the enemy is attacking places of armed force, such as a pack of adventurers and soldiers."

With that said, Misha pointed and showed him where there was a red light point.

As the saying goes, the enemy is attacking a maze of soldiers such as the Labyrinth Crusader Army and the Exterior Wall Guard and a lodging and adventurous neighborhood with many adventurers, and a noble neighborhood with many private soldiers.

The light points appear to vary in color intensity, and the doth black red light points were attached to the first.

"Master Mira is the pinch. I'll really do anything, so help me."

As Misha put it, who looks calm and quite tempered, the doth black red light spot that seemed the strongest was attacking the Duke's house.

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