Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Lesson 71 vs. Arc Demon

He arrived in the aristocratic city while destroying the demonic beast that appeared on the road.

It seemed awful there.

Each has its own separate protection, and soldiers and mercenaries have been destroyed because of the lack of control of their forces.

Adventurers can help us get rid of foreign enemies, but soldiers and mercenaries must not move from the spot to protect their escorts.

You should go straight to the Duke's house without a cluttered rescue here.

While I was running silently, none of my people had an opinion on me.

I guess Tiane and Lier want to save lives that crumble in front of them in their hearts because they're especially sweet.

But don't get your priorities wrong.

Because you can't throw out important things to save things that you don't have to save.

We ran through a city full of screams and anger.

The Duke's mansion was half-destructed.

I guess the reason I'm half-destructed by a powerful demon raid is because there was Gilmouth and the Duke.

As I saw this morning, Gilmouth is strong as is the Duke anyway.

No pointy strength like cheat skills, but still stronger than adventurers in line.

That would be about as much a one-on-one battle as me.

Those two were "played" by just one demon.

Against two people attacking the devil from left to right, the human-shaped devil responded with a sword in both hands without looking at both.

Against the iron slaughter that strikes from left to right, the devil intercepts it with a sword that similarly engulfs his fighting spirit.

Immediately beside it was a blackened translucent sphere in which Miss Mira was imprisoned.

I understood the untenable situation.

Speak the moment two people distance themselves from the devil.

"Gilmouth! I'm gonna help you with the machete!

"Oh! You guys!

"You've come so well! Thank you!"

Me, Tiane, and Tadato hung up from three directions to the devil while listening to the two voices.


"Oh, that's a loud feather"

- They made all the attacks.

Me and Tiane's sword are paid by the devil's sword, and Tadato's sword is played by the magic wall.

Continuous attacks are also played as if they were pointless.

...... yummy. This guy's too strong.

Forced by force to bring it to an impending impasse, he calls out.

"Hey, where'd you get that body from?"


What I actually want to know is if this demon is receiving meat.

If you haven't, you can win if you buy time because the magic will go away... but if you do, it'll suck...

The devil, who looked like a skinny man in my words, turned his face this way for the first time.

"There are so many bodies in the empire."


Goddamn it. I blurted out. Well, there are a lot of bodies in the empire.

At the same time as the hanging voice, he is forced to play the Devil's Sword and devour the blow of the horizontal giraffe to the empty torso.

However, as expected, the sword was easily prevented by the magic wall.

"Then why, target Miss Mira!?

I'm going to ask Hannah an unexpected question as she waves her sword.

"Anyone who draws the blood of the Kranzel royal family could have done it. If you insist, is it because there was a labyrinth here?

I mean, the devil's aim has something to do with blood muscles?

"Wow! Even human maniacs! Are you there!!

While exposed to the more aggressive attacks of me, Tiane and Tadato, the devil speaks in a slight tone without disturbing one breath.

"Ha. I'll say something funny. Are you also a hobbyist for collecting featherworms?

"Oh! There he is, in my hometown!!

"Buffoo! That's a masterpiece! Whoa, it's dangerous."


To the demon who suddenly blew out and fell ill to see what went into the bump, all three of us unleashed a series of strikes here, but they were still prevented from everything by the magical wall that appeared.

Thin ice glue continues.

"What are you going to do with Miss Mira!

"To unseal it. I need it. Royal blood."

"What a seal!

"Did I say the Six Kings Order or something? You're sealing me up like an evil god. There was no seal. It's hard to break the corner of the Six Kings, so I came to destroy the junction tablet first."

I don't know why. But now I know I can't leave this alone.

"I'll kill you right here!

At the same time as my voice, I, Tiane, and Tadato, two of them, Gilmouth and the Duke, who were being treated by Rie, waved their swords to the devil.

"It's depressing."

- I was blown away by a strong impact.

Everyone is standing up with their hands on the ground when they spin in space.

But no one could move any further.

Because everyone fully understood the difference in power to a demon who unleashed an attack of so much power that it was flown for so many meters parallel to the ground without any spare motion.

This demon thinks he can easily kill us if he wants to.

"It's about time."

With that said, the devil flickered his wings and went up into the sky with a black sphere wrapping Miss Mira, who was losing her mind.

Only one moved.

The Duke of Krat waved down a sword wrapped around a vast aura, presumably the 'heavenly break' of the secrets of swordsmanship, toward a demon trying to fly into the sky.

The blow came to the demon with a costume that broke everything.

"That's a pain in the ass"

- Stopped by the devil's black arm.


A devil's fist, wielded with black remnants, punches the Duke and blows him to the rubble of a collapsed mansion.

... too different in character...!

Now I realize the power of the devil in front of me.

This is a monster comparable to that red dragon.

The devil flaps his wings, and goes up further.

All I can do is watch it.

Well, the devil looked down at me.

"Oh yeah. I want to tell you something interesting."

Let the devil be niggardly.

"In the depths of this labyrinth now, two great demons (Arc Demons) of my age and the Demon King (Demon Lord), the executives of the Demon Army, are leading the army. Do you know why?

It made me smile terribly and squeal.

"To rule the labyrinth."

Stupid! and Gilmouth shouted.

"A dungeon master... that's why I can do that...!

"That's what you're gonna do. Kufu, this city is already covered in bonds, so work hard and scratch it alive, okay?

That is what the devil left behind, disappearing into the southern skies with the countless demons who jumped from all over the city.

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