Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 74: Epic Supplies

A bag of leather removed from somewhere by Suzunomiyamashiro.

It was a rare item "Storage Bag (Magic Back)" that only exited the chest deep in the labyrinth.

It is also commonly referred to as an ancient magic guide legacy (artifact), and is an ultra-rare item that some top nobles, some luxury merchants, and A-rank adventurer clans have.

Suzunomiya Mashiro flipped such a magic back.

It came out......

"Iron...... no, Demon Steel!?

It was a huge blunt metal mass.

That metal mass, which emits signs of fantasy metal-specific magic, clearly different from ordinary metals like iron, had enough to make about 100 swords I use.

This is the only level where you can build a clan home in the capital.

"Well, like that...... let me give you a magic item (magic item) made of this and some magic charms (scroll)"

As Suzunomiya Mashiro waved the magic back, countless items rolled out of the inside.

"The ring is a magic tank. The bracelet is body strengthening. Pendant is Emergency Recovery"

It would be perfectly natural for everyone on this scene to be rigid before the myriad artifacts that roll unconstitutionally.

Kranzel Plains.

It's a supermassive plain that takes two days by carriage from north to south.

Whatever, you think it's a plain created by the Founding King with the Three Holy Beasts?

In such a great plain exists the Kranzel capital to the south, from there the labyrinth city Krat with a great maze cave to the northwest, and the labyrinth city Wizel with a deep maze cave to the northeast.

Each city was approximately a day's journey by carriage, and its path was paved with particular caution.

… about a few tens of minutes before a member splits the path into six flash-colored armoured vehicles prepared by Mr. Masilo.

I saw an inn with black smoke rising.

"Hey, Golem. Can you stop by that city for a second?!?

I plead with a giant pearl golem, driving an armored car that was running at a speed full of Shinkansen.

I thought the demon confession might be attacking the quarters.

Then Golem floated the emoticon of rejection on her face, or on the part where she couldn't say anything about her torso.

At the same time, flat audio flows.

"Arch Demont Greater Demon Hainainode, Shriokha Outnim Kaimus"

"Ma, wait, then I'll have no command head!

"Dijoub Death"

"What's all right? Huh!!

My voice was left far rearward, three colors of blue, green and yellow separated from the polar-colored queue.

The streamlined armoured car, which runs at super high speeds, arrived in Wangdu a few more minutes later.

The Wang capital was starting to see black smoke rising from everywhere, and it seemed not long after the demonic raids began.

They took up a lot of prep time in the crat, but how fast are they going to chase the demons who flew through the sky?

No, well, if it's a flat, straight path...... no, it's still early.

Some of the people crawling out of the armored car looked blue and white as if they had become something of a car drunkenness, but that was also completely cured by the state abnormality resistance gear given to Suzunomiyamashiro.

Again check the equipment (artifacts) given to the Suzunomiyamashiro.

"Mannering" is the ring of a magic tank to compensate for the magic you consume in battle.

Heal Ring, a primary healing magic, can be activated up to 50 times.

"Plus Power", a bracelet that slightly and constantly strengthens physical abilities, etc.

Stat Guard, a bracelet that resists harmful condition anomalies and quickens healing.

The Recovery Crystal is a pendant with diamond-like gems that restores lethal damage once and for all.

Barrier Emblem, an article reminiscent of a snow crystal that can consume magic and create a wall of magic within a 1 m radius.

They're all highly versatile, legendary artifacts.

You can do it, Suzunomiya Mashiro. We'll build a clan home in public, won't we?

Looks like all the members are fully recovered, and it's time to start.

"... All right, let's go!

That was the moment I said it.

Gasha, Gasha, Jakien!

What caused the armored car to deform at a speed that was likely to produce a phonetic sound saying...

"Oh, oh..."

The armored car instantly deformed in front of everyone, turning from car to armor.

... Isn't that a deformed robot? Worth gooey.

While I was too surprised to think of too few vocabulary thoughts, local Liberian members were cheering.

Really, who is Suzunomiya Mashiro?

I don't care what you think, I can prepare it for you personally.

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