Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 77: Sword of Mercy

The sword flashes.

The black blood tide splashed.

Avoid the attack of the horns that are penetrated, of the claws that are swung, of the fangs that fly, and wave the sword as you turn to the blind spot.

Slash away, slash away, slash away, slash away the hordes of demon beasts (Demon Beasts) that appear incessantly.

Everything is a gift of swordsmanship that even continued to build up in eternity.

In the light of the sun, I looked at the black blood wind that disappeared when it splashed, like some other human resources.

What I recall is the teachings of Dr. Griel.

What is Demon (Demon)? What is Demon Beast (Demon Beast)?

When I was lining up my desk in Dr. Griel's study hall with my former friends, this is what Dr. Griel said to that question that my friend asked me.

- A demon is the appearance of the soul of an intelligent man changed in the demonic realm, and a demonic beast is the fruit of a soul flowing into the underworld with or without intelligence. and.

I just slaughtered the devil.

It may have once had the soul of a bandit I had slaughtered and killed or a looter Imperial soldier.

Also slaughtered the devil.

It may have had the souls of young children who died because of their weakness or knights who fought against the invasion of the Empire and scattered their lives.

Second, the flashing line of light broke.

"... Phew. Looks like the demons that attacked us are cleared."

The carcasses of the demons I slaughtered and killed are rolling around.

All of it had its soul pruned to the source of a sword.

He seemed to recall memories of a distant, terribly nostalgic past, running through forests and mountains with his companions, in the stench of blood and beasts covering the surrounding area.

Second, I saw black smoke coming up from all over the city in the sky I looked up to.

Demonic raids are still ongoing.

Wrap up the fighting, wave the sword, and pay for the blood.

This sword, which I just bought the other day, was only multiplied by a dozen years worth of Alliance Master, and was a demonic sword with a tremendous slashing taste and magical conductivity.

I remember meeting a strange girl who came with this sword.

A silver-haired girl with bandages and gloves to hide her body and put on her face.

Such a suspicious appearance at first sight, she could tell because she was a spiritual person, close to the Spirit, but a person with a pure and beautiful soul like snow.

I'm about to fall on my knees on that noble soul, and I feel like I have to do everything I can to protect that innocent bastard.

If there were words to describe my feelings, there would be no such thing as' fate '.

It is the supreme pleasure only felt by the Spirit Species or those close to them.

Dr. Griel said.

When you stand before someone with a truly mighty soul, the first thing you feel is neither fear nor despair, but pure emotion. and.

Having named Suzunomiyamashiro and the “ pseudonym ”, she is definitely what Dr. Griel calls “ the one with a truly mighty soul ”.

The total amount of power felt is the same as or less than mine, but its willingness to dwell in a small body is immovable.

It was a kind of love at first sight, and at the same time a promise that was more engraved on the soul than far back in time (yeah mei).

The secret of Dr. Griel's overwhelming strength became apparent the moment she understood her essence.

- She is the earth.

And I was a seed drifting through the universe without stopping by.

I reached the earth at the end of my eternal journey.

I'm sure Dr. Griel, too, must have reached a different earth than I did, rooting and becoming a great tree.

Now my heart is clear.

The sword crossed before I could taste it, and I felt the long stagnant path open all at once.

Put the blade in the sheath on your hips and head to your next enemy.


- Chills ran.

I feel something unsavory appear deep underground.

Maybe the silver girl came to sell me a sword in anticipation of this.

"... you have to go"

as the duty of the powerful.

It is the duty of those who know that there is a point of connection in this land.

- It is unacceptable to hold your feet in contempt of death.

"Dr. Griel. In the name given to me by my teacher, I will surely defeat the Evil God fragment."

Naya Misericorde.

Just in the name of the sword of mercy that takes life under a single machete.

To prove that all my food and all my lost lives meant something.

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