Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 92: Liberlion's Rest

When it came to taking a day off, I decided to head to the game corner where I was concerned after eating dinner.

Game corners, baths, and other facilities go outside because they are said to be in a separate building.

The time is morning.

The light of day is warm and it's strange because when you breathe refreshing air into your chest, you're more willing to call it a holiday.

"Euch. What are you doing?

How can I answer Emily's question?

"Hmmm...... a place to play?

"Play, is it..."

"Well, I can't say anything about not going."

Well, if it was this world-class game corner, it would be exquisite... what would it be? Like a leather soccer ball?

Without much anticipation, I headed to the place.

There was a small mansion there.

"... this, the big bath and the game corner?

"… narrow,"

The place is definitely. You've come exactly as I was told.

Some of the huge gardens within the walls of the royal castle, where unspeakable substitutes were seated, whether they were called small mansions or huts.

"Don't you dare come in."

"Yeah, yeah, right"

The next moment, I touched a metal door attached to the cabin.

"Verification complete. It's an authorized person. '

- I heard abruptly inorganic audio.

When I'm surprised by that, the big door makes a heavy noise and opens out.

"Wow, an automatic door..."

Inside were mysterious crystalline light sources and stairs.

And two puppet dolls.

As I was subtly entrenched into a difficult situation, I heard audio again.

"Welcome to our special Snowblack branch. Distribute Membership Cards'

At the same time as that voice, the puppet moved and came offering a small plate of metal.

"Duh, thanks."


I have fought golems and doles in the labyrinth, but this is the first time I have not been hostile.

She has a slight hip pull but received the card.

"Trading is only possible in our facility via membership card with some exceptions. Deposits will be made at reception, and at specific facilities. 1000 MC (Mana Credit) for card reissue in case of loss, deposited MC will not be returned '

What that IC card.

You can do all sorts of things just to be picky?

"Do you mean this, Demon Steel...?

"Yes, it's Demon Steel"


Answer this... What happened to this...?

'I'm late for my offer, I'm Krogiri the Navigator. Please put it down after that. "

"Uh, ah, yes"

"We will distribute the membership cards to all Liberlions. The membership cards are of iron grade. We recommend you build up your trust and track record as more services become available each time your rating increases. '

What the hell is this?

Something's really different about the world already.

Liberlion can use some of our facilities for free only today, and we distribute 100,000 MC to each and every one of you from Masiro.

You mean 100,000 yen?

"Enjoy the service of Snowblack"

I hardly know what that means, but this is all I know.

... Mr. Masilo, seriously.

As Doyle prompted us, we went down a thin, bright staircase.

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