Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 112 Yuki, Succubus

In the first place, Suzushi increases his allies to protect himself. It is also Suzushi's home training that can polish charm and fascinate and follow.

For this reason, I, I, Aya, and Lina have been trained to be aware that every motion and every motion will be a good impression from others whenever possible, and at the earliest, that is a level that can be carried out unconsciously.

As a result, my Attraction and Attraction skills are rising faster than other skills.

How can it not be easy to completely resist Sacubas Queen, who has strong charm resistance?

"Oh, you. Where's the team? That I don't know is the bottom line, right? You were wearing a mask because you were ordered to, right? You must have been jealous."

Some misconception pushes me forward, but it's just fine.

You seem fascinated by what you're good at, and I'll keep brainwashing you.

The peach-haired girl, Tsar Lim, softly embraced me.

Differences in height bury your mouth in a big cushion, but you don't have to speak to have a conversation.

I also gently turned my hand around Tsar Lim's back.

"Phew, Phew... Cohon. It's okay, because from now on, I'm going to appoint you as my exclusive night gaga."

False by coughing up an overflowing desire, Tsar Lim stroked my head while slightly putting the elegance of the conductor on his voice.

"Oh, you're younger than me, aren't you? Look, look, aren't I in a noble position? I don't have any actual experience... I'll tell you everything! Uh... yes! I hope you're not ashamed of yourself as a sacubus! This is called education!!


"... Oh yes, the name! What's your name?

I'm ready.

There's a level difference in boulders, but, well, it'll be fine.

◇ ◆ ◇

The very cute girl I held came to me with a cuddle.

Ahhh! How cute? Tiny, white, weak... like snow...

Considering this kid (...) is... so... disloyal, I think I can handle my head.

"Oh, you're younger than me, aren't you? Look, look, aren't I in a noble position? I don't have any actual experience... I'll tell you everything! Uh... yes! I hope you're not ashamed of yourself as a sacubus! This is called education!!


I rushed to fix it, but the girl won't say anything while she leans over.

... Ah, with that said, I, I don't know this kid's name...

"... Oh, yeah. What's your name?


If you ask that, the girl won't answer anything.

... Could it have been hard enough to talk? I didn't think anyone would do such a terrible thing to the kids I sorted...

As she was hurting her chest imagining the girl's pain, the girl murmured in a small, but sweet, swinging voice.

"Hey, rim. I want you to see something..."

Yikes, all of a sudden I call it off... and I'm like a boy... but... maybe not bad...!

"What can I do for you? I'll see everything!

Like suppressing a crime scene where you're being abused?... but maybe... or your body, or...?

"Wow. Thanks!"

Or cute......! The presence is adorable! It's hard to breathe!

"Ha ha, what are you looking at!? Oh, even if it's small, it's perfectly fine, right?

"Yeah?... That's not..."

The girl looked up pussy.

There were clear blue eyes.

"My eyes, I want you to see them."

The eyes are more beautiful than the jewels, and everywhere deep, deep, deep, as if sinking into the bottom of the water.


I noticed.

This is a fascinating demon eye.

It is also powerful enough that it cannot be handled by a large number of succubus.

It's too late to realize that.

I can't take my eyes off those eyes. Even in my head thinking so, I go covered in sweet peachy fog.

Noa's... Sacubas Queen...?

No... it can't be... because in the demonic world... there is... one Queen...

"... I can't believe it. Did it work?

The last time I heard that voice was somewhere inorganic, unlike a swinging one... this might be a good idea.

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