Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 147: Holiday? ~ Day 2 · AM: Hiho, I Don't Need It ~

Mental life form is an easy thing to show off if it's sober.

If the Spirit is a purer mass of magic, if he is of high rank, he can discern the sobriety in his heart just by looking at me.

Even if it is low, it is understood immediately when touched.

I don't lie about soul sympathy.

Instinctively understandable. See if they're serious.

However, there are exceptions to that.

If there is an overwhelming difference in mental power, the lies of the strong become true for the weak.

This is also the reason why the traveling gods have to even, but they cannot read the thoughts of the confronted gods.

Reapers said spiritual power is the realm of God, etc., but the intrigue is the young god.

I guess spiritual power as much as fresh-born God, or something like that, is just strong.

In any case, such an exception can only happen in the realm of God, and for all living and living things living on earth, the information obtained by spiritual sensitivity is absolutely true.

That's why we need to let you know where we stand within the beginning.

Even in the sense of encouraging growth, the prospective child abuses him a little harder.

Lum was provided with uniforms of the same standard as his sisters (Sisters).

The color is blue I said I like lum.

Preferential incorporation of attractive sealing, attractive resistance, purification, etc. makes it more fabric multi-eyed than usual.

This equipment has been distributed to all of the Sacubas.

You won't get so angry with me.

Taking Lum in his uniform exactly to the dining room, a member from the early days was already about to make a mockery of each seat.

Instruct Lum to sit in his favorite seat, and I'll head to my special seat for the day.

Today I am taking what I call a meeting with the leaders of each organization.

Me-tan-tan arrives at my left and right as part of my education to plant things at a young age.

"Yu-netan, uh-huh, I've been waiting for you properly!

"Yeah, yeah, that's great."

"Uh-huh. Is it hard?

"Wow, that's great."

"hehe ~"

Good grasp. Congratulations, Nihenihe. I laugh - I am still fine today.

Mei Tan looks restless because he is sitting in a seat that is fashionable and at a glance special.

"Is Mehtan embarrassed?

"Ugh, 'cause here... my gaze..."

The peachy ears are moving, but the slightly peachy face is pointed down.

Switch the contents and you'll be grand, but you can stay here.

Lifting her shy little, I tried to put her on my lap.

"Wow, no! Ugh..."

"U-tang, u-tang, knee!

"Fine, come on"

And then I stopped by - and I put it on my knees, and if you're a little girl like the Taoji sisters, if you're in the most adult form, you can afford it.

Taking a larger form, the lower limit cannot be increased and reduced by more than a certain amount, but it just hits the back of the heads of the little ones, so it may be possible to have some instead of a cushion.... I'm not saying what.

I'm sorry, but I'll see you later.

"Huh!? Yes, no... Lerimira Ha-tang-tang-tang-tang-tang-tang-tang-tang-tang-tang-tang-tang-tang-tang-tang-tang-tang-tang is happy, so if Yu-ne-san adores you, she'll be happy and dead. I want you to prioritize them, '

"Yeah, I'll see you later."

"Yu-nesa well..."

I stroked the two of them with a sweet smell and even if they were carelessly sharing their senses - I promised them double the reward by pretending not to notice.

Especially since I can't move my body from time to time, it would be better to have an opportunity to spit out accumulated objects on a regular basis.

Well, it's not impossible to prepare and manipulate a prosthetic body, but it's best here to be able to freely generate a prosthetic body with reference to you, Norihiko.

While they were earning the likes of the three Peach Raven sisters in the short time leading up to everyone's arrival, a new Lum was about to cause problems.

At first, Lum looked around with Kyorokyoro, but when he found the day and night (...), he nibbled and approached him with dignity and chest tension.

The familiar day and night when he noticed it, he looked at Lum in surprise and attached his finger to his favorite cane, which had been erected.

"Are you Byakya?

"Oh, yeah..."

All of a sudden I'm just a little uncomfortable with white nights when they say you and so on because of their plain pride.

I don't think Lum would...


- I laughed.

Lum spins his words confidently against a white night that frowned quite uncomfortably.

"You're an idiot."

"Huh? Suddenly what?"

"Ghosts are a species with strong vitality and arms. That's fool's proof of using magic."

"... well, it's such an individual's discretion, and I don't have the muscle to be told!

He thought there was a reason for Lum's rational decision. On the day and night, he shouted out to control the flight and intimidate him.

It is the day and night when you think it sucks, you can't be angry.

In contrast, Lum laughs even more.

"Oh, yeah. It's personal. I'll tell you what's good for you."

"Hey, what's up?"

"Lum is a succubus. It's also very good at flying."

"Oh, what's that?"

"Don't you get it? Ha, this is why the fool... I have no choice, so I'll tell you."

When Lum laughed niggly, he clasped with his hands on his hips and pointed at the day and night.

"- You've already used it!

I opened my eyes wide during the day and night against Humphung and Kime-faced Lum.


Lum is adept at shaking his theory against a white night that is surprised in many ways by the sudden unwanted proclamation of a child.

"Master Yuki uses Lum, not you, when Lum comes. Half a man like you is no longer needed by Master Yuki."

"Nah, nah."

... Apparently Lum set up a mounting on the same wizard type of day and night that the job would wear to increase the amount of rewards earned.

And the white night, high in pride but cowardly and weak in pushing, seemed to have found something convincing to Lum's irrational narrative...... I shook up a pull with tears in my eyes.

Because of the trembling of the day and night, a standing love wand swayed with a clatter - and Lum laid eyes on it.

"You, you have good stuff. It's a gold coin for Leviquette. You don't have any body, so we're gonna drop by the Lum."


The only reason I could hold my love wand while the day and night roared would be because I thought Lum was saying the right thing.

Lum reached out.

"I'll drop by as soon as I can. - Huh?

The hand stopped unnaturally.

If you look closely, that arm is intertwined with a thread of magic (...).

"... what are you going to do?

Lum wrapped his magic around his arm in depression, but was unable to break the thread, staring abominably at her.

Against her, Klau narrowed her usual half-open eyes even more and squeaked with a rare but rather angry face.

"... what the hell are you trying to do here?"

"Ha, don't let the miscellaneous fish get in the way. Lum's talking to this guy."

Were you wary of not being able to destroy the yarn, or did you perceive a future danger to Crowe's atmosphere? Lum himself would not have noticed, but his spine, which was stretched with confidence, is slightly bent.

In contrast to such a lum, Kraw shows off his good acting.

"... God, poor Ko"

"Huh... Le, I'm going to ask you what looks so cute about Lum"

The face, slightly off the neck and slightly up the corner of his mouth, was powerful enough to say that the earlier mockery of Lum was equal to a prank.

The instantly boiling lum, however, showed a smile in the guise of calm just to say that it was one of the best in Sacubas, but that is also within Klau's calculations.

"... shiny, I wouldn't mind wasting it"

"Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho Well, I know it's not a big deal anyway."

Lum is gradually getting buckyaked while Tachi's bad crow creates a face like he's seriously worried about.

Yes, you can't get away from Crowe.

"Ha... I'll tell you because it's the only way (...)"

"Heh, heh, heh, say it quickly."

Crowe gracefully rose, stirring Lum, turning around so that Lum and I could then look down at the white night.

Already the day and night are waiting for the tear glands in case of an impulse to come.

And that fact is told from Klau's mouth.

"Hiro, I don't need to grab it in the first place."

""... is!?

Yeah. Well, I don't want it.

I can activate the massive icing magic of the prototype I gave you the other day and night. Because if you want to do it, you can use it for anyone who hasn't trained in anything.

Besides, the newly discovered technology "Genericolus" is designed on the assumption that users cannot do anything.

However, there is no loss. Because even if you're a soldier in the first place, you just have to mass produce Doyle.

"Yuki, no!

"Master Yuki!

The two look back this way in tears, and Klau nods contentedly.

... Do you tell me to comfort myself with this?

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